Tittle: The Rift
Summary: my version on how Bill got his hands on the Rift.
Characters: Bill, Ford, Mabel, Dipper.
Shippings: no shippings.
Authors Note: please keep in mind that Ford hasn't yet Bill-proofed the Shack.
"Mabel, you gotta listen to me." Dipper begged.
"Sweater Town is not accepting any visitors." She told her brother. He had lied to her, deceived her, kept the truth from her, and it hurt. After she had gotten the unicorn hair to protect the Shack from Bill, Dipper had decided to go against Fords wishes, and told her about the Rift. He had kept it from her for so long, the words cut like a knife.
So she ran up to their room in the attic, buried her head in her sky blue sweater, and gone to Sweater Town, the place she went to when she was deeply upset. She had sat next to her backpack. She had one, as well as Dipper, for when she went on the quest for the unicorn. Ford had trusted him to look after the Rift, so he kept it in his own pack, the one he grabbed just now.
If he really cared about her, he would have told her the moment he found out. But he didn't, and Mabel couldn't trust him anymore.
"I just wish you'ld trust me." Dipper said sadly as he turned to leave. She watched him go, suddenly craving sweets.
"Only chocolate can cheer me up, now." She reached into her pack and felt around. Not finding any, she pulled the bag closer and took a look inside. She saw a snow-globe with black snow inside. Not remembering putting that inside, she brought it out. It wasn't a snow-globe.
"What the...? It's the Rift." She remarked.
"Wrong backpack." Mabel sighed. Then the world turned grey and a small, yellow, triangular being materialized in front of her. It wore a black bow tie and top hat, had one eye, and had a strange brick pattern on the lower half of its form.
"Bill?" She asked cautiously. Mabel stood and backed away slowly until she hit the wall, clutching the Rift to her chest. "What do you want?" He held out a hand.
"I want the Rift, Shooting Star." He said simply.
"What!? No!" She hurriedly put her hands behind her back, the Rift still in her hands, and looked away. This was Bill she was talking to! She was not about to hand over a potential weapon to this villain. He narrowed his single eye.
"Give it to me." Bill ordered sternly. Dipper told her to not, under any circumstances, give it to Bill, but did not tell her what would happen if Bill got his hands on the contained Rift, because she had ran out of the room on him.
But although she didn't trust her brother anymore, there would have to be an extremely good reason why she couldn't give it to the triangle. And in this case, she trusted her twins judgement. Mabel didn't hesitate. She met his eye squarely.
"No." Bill looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Fine." Mabel's eyes widened. This was unlike him. Very unlike him.
"What do you mean, fine?" She asked cautiously.
"Exactly how it sounds." And with that, he dissapeared, vanished, gone from the room. The world returned it's colour. Mabel looked around frantically, before looking at the Rift.
"What just happened?" She asked absentmindedly. Suddenly Dipper burst through the door. Mabel frowned. Something was off about her brother. His eyes were yellowish, the pupils more oval. It was vaguely familiar.
"Mabel, I know you don't trust me at the moment, but we really need your help in the basement. The infinity-sided die rolled again and-" His gaze was drawn to the globe she held in her shaking hands. His eyes narrowed. "You weren't about to give that to Bill, were you?" He asked, suspicious, putting his hands on his hips.
"What? No. Don't be ridiculous." She retorted. Then her eyes widened. She realized who it was.
"Well, then, could you please give it back to me? I don't know how you got it but-" He was cut off by pain flooding through his face. He stood there shocked, a hand on his sore cheek. Mabel had punched him.
"You're not getting the Rift, Bill!" She said firmly, straightening, her chin held high.
"He...hehe...haha...ahaha...ahahahahahaha! Pain is hilarious!" Bill laughed, exhilarated. Then his face turned serious. "Now give it to me Shooting Star."
"For gods sake, Bill! No!" She ran out of the room, ignoring strange looks from Stan and Ford, who were in the kitchen eating Stans infamous stancakes. Bill followed, and Ford realized what was going on. He refused a second helping.
"Excuse me, Stan. But I gotta go." Stan shot him a puzzled look, then shrugged.
"Suit yourself. More stancakes for me." He dug in as Ford ran out the door, shrugging on his coat on his way out.
Mabel ran and ran, through the forest, without stopping to rest. She jumped over logs, dodged trees and climbed rocks that were in her way. She panted hard, but she didn't dare pause to catch her breath. She constantly heard footsteps behind her, getting closer and closer, until large hands clamped around her mouth. Her eyes widened, her breath caught. Then she calmed down. These hands were not Dipper's. They were too big.
Feeling her calm down, Ford released her.
"What's going on?" He whispered. Neither of them wanted Bill to find them.
"Bill wants the Rift, so he possessed Dipper to get it. I figured him out before I gave it to him, though." She explained. Ford narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"How did you know about the Rift?" He asked cautiously. Mabel wound her fingers together.
"Dipper maaay have told me." She admitted slowly. She took a deep breath, waiting for his reaction. Ford facepalmed, and dragged his hand down his face. "Look, I think that it's a good thing that I knew about it. I mean, if I didn't, Bill probably would have the Rift by now." Mabel reasoned. Ford considered this for a moment.
"I suppose you have a point." He agreed.
"Why does he want it, anyway?" She inquired. Ford hesitated, and Mabel frowned unhappily. "Just as I thought. You don't trust me." She accused. He looked shocked.
"Look, Mabel." He said, rubbing his temples. "This isn't about trust-"
"Then what is it about?" She raised her voice. "Is it about faith!? About loyalty!? Cause those, in this case, are the same damn thing!"
"Just listen to me-"
"No! Dipper has been lying to me because of you! And it hurts. It hurts, so, bad. Don't you know how it feels, to be betrayed by your own brother!?" She was shouting now.
"I should have pressed that button." Mabel sounded cold. Ford was speechless. He was frozen, shocked by what she had said. Then a voice came from behind him made them jump.
"Hiya, Sixer. Shooting Star. Fancy seeing you here." Bill, still in Dippers body, appeared around a tree. Mabel cursed.
"Run!" Ford ordered. She obeyed without another thought.
"Come back here!" Bill shouted, but she didn't hear. She was already out of earshot. She pushed forward with long legs, but Dipper had a stride to match hers. Bill used this to his advantage. Mabel ran harder, but it was no use. Bill caught up with her, and shoved her over. She went sprawling, and frantically tried to get back up, but Bill stood over her, blocking her way. She shuffled backwards until her back hit a tree by a steep hill. She glared at her possessed brother. Bill stared back at her, wickedly gleeful.
"You lose, I win, Shooting Star. Now give me the Rift." He ordered.
"Why do you want it so badly, anyway?" She asked, trying to stall for time. Bill laughed.
"You really don't know, do you?" Mabel raised an eyebrow.
"Just spill it, triangle."
"Weirdmawhatnow?" Bill sighed.
"Weirdmagedon. If this Rift is released, the nightmare realm and this world will collide, spreading weirdness across the globe, destroying the world. And I will finally have a physical form!" He explained.
"Oh. Well, in that case, you're definitely not getting this." Mabel confirmed.
"What!?" Bill exclaimed.
"After telling me all that, do you really think that I would hand it over, only to have the world ended!?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Well, I've got news for you, isosceles. You're not getting this Rift, not as long as I live and breathe." She told him sternly, getting up. She towered a millimetre above her brother.
"I'm gonna tell you this one more time. Give. Me. The. Rift."
"Over my dead body." Mabel retorted. Bill cracked a smile.
"That can be arranged." He said simply. Mabel's eyes widened, horrified. Bill launched himself at her, going for the Rift, and together they rolled down the hill, kicking and hitting, both trying to get and keep the Rift. They plowed through thorns and bushes, earning cuts and scratches. They bumped into trees, logs, and roots, gaining more bruises every metre. At last they reached the bottom. The victor, sadly, was Bill. He towered over the battered and bruised Mabel, smiling evilly, holding the Rift.
"Now, you lose, Shooting Star." A crashing came from the forest behind them. Bill and Mabel looked, and Ford came stumbling out of the bushes. But when he spoke, he sounded strange.
"Mabel! Don't let him get the Rift!" He cried.
"Dipper?" She asked, confused.
"Yes. Bill knocked Ford out, so I possessed him. I hope he forgives me."
"You gotta get your body back!" She pointed at Bill. "He has the Rift!"
"What!?" He looked, and a horrified look appeared on his face. "But how?"
"Fell down a hill, he got it before me." Mabel explained quickly.
"No, not that! How do I get my body back!?"
"I don't know! Just get it back!"
"Sorry to interrupt this plotting, but I have a Weirdmagedon to get to." Apologized Bill sarcastically, and raised the Rift above his head, ready to smash it into the ground.
"No!" Mabel shouted, and launched herself at Bill. They went down, Mabel throwing punches.
"Mabel, please be careful wth my body." She punched Bills face.
"Sorry, Dipper." She cried, and kicked Bill in the nuts. Dipper winced as Bill kneeled over.
"Oh, that's gonna hurt."
"Dipper!" Mabel yelled. "Now's the the time to get your body back!" Another punch, this time to the gut. Bill vomited as Dipper cringed. "Quick, while he's weak!"
"I-I don't know if I can!" He yelled back, watching her beat up his body.
"Yes you can Dipper! Bill forced you out of your body, right?" He nodded, but realizing that she couldn't see him, spoke.
"So do the same for him!" Bill gained the upperhand somehow, and pushed Mabel down. He knelt ontop of her and started to return punches of his own. "Dipper, please." She begged, her nose now bleeding sluggishly.
"But what if I can't? What if it doesn't work?"
"It will! You gotta trust me!" Another punch broke her nose. She freed an arm and attempted to push Bill off of her, to no success. He grabbed a sharp stick nearby and raised it above his head, ready to stab. Dipper's eyes widened with horror. Then he closed them concentrating deeply. He sighed in frustration and opened his eyes.
"I can't do it, Mabel." She closed her eyes, and with her throat burning with tears, replied.
"Yes, you can. I trust you, Dipper." She waited for the pain the was sure to come, except that it never did. She slowly opened her eyes, she saw with a lifted spirit that everything was back to normal. Except that she now had a broken nose. Dipper's eyes no longer had that yellowish tinge, and Ford was unconscious. She was helped to feet, and as she dusted off the dirt, she was enveloped in a tight, smothering hug by Dipper. She was glad to see that he had cast aside the stick.
"Thank you, Mabel. You have no idea how much those four words ment to me." Mabel relaxed into his arms, and hugged back. Then she realized something important, and frowned.
"What about Bill?" She asked, a little bit worried.
"Gone." Ford replied, getting up. He had roused from his unconscious state.
"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, Sixer." They turned to face the voice, only to see the stick that Bill had used to try to kill Mabel. She never realized it before, but the piece of wood kind of looked like it had a face. And it looked like it was talking. It was being possessed by Bill.
"Holy crap, Bill! You're a freaking stick!" She exclaimed, and took out her camera. "I gotta take a photo of this!" She looked at it and smiled. "Hehe, blackmail."
"Laugh all you want, Shooting Star, but you will slip up, and when you do, you will-"
"Snap!" Dipper yelled cheerfully as he broke the possessed stick.
"Well, I think that's enough adventuring for one day." Ford remarked. "Let's go home."
"Agreed." The twins said at the same time. They looked at each other, then back at Ford. Mabel met his eyes, and looked away. He looked sad. She started scratching the back of her head nervously.
"Grunkle Ford, I'm sorry about what I said before. I love you, and that's what matters." He smiled.
"Come on then. I believe Stan made stancakes." The twins cheered, and the trio trudged back home through the forest.
"Hey, Ford?" Dipper asked.
"Yes, my boy?"
"I feel like we're forgetting something."
"I'm sure it's nothing. If it was that important, we would remember it."
"Okay, then." Their voices faded as they headed back to the Mystery Shack.
"Oh, you're wrong, Sixer." Bill returned, this time possessing a gnome. He held the Rift in his tiny hands. "You left it right here, ripe for the taking." He put it down, and stepped on it with all his might. It cracked, and he stepped again. This time it smashed, releasing the contained Rift.
Weirdmagedon had begun.