Ginny refused to scream or let out any noise as the Carrow's Alecto and Amycus tortured them before dragging them off to Snape's office. She knew that not responding would bug them more then fighting back could. Alecto pushed her through the office and Neville practically on top on her but Amycus kept a tight grip on Luna.
"Let go of her!"
Amycus pulls Luna close smelling her hair and Ginny can see Neville becoming angrier. "No I think I'm going to keep this tasty young one. She's been too defiant to let go." He pulls her away and Alecto laughs.
"Maybe next time you think of defying He who must not be named you'll remember what happens." She grabs Neville pulling him with her before leaving slamming the door behind them.
"You stupid girl!" Ginny jumps as Snape enters the office. "What is wrong with you? Do you think you're doing your family or Potter any help? Do you think Potter wouldn't come crashing through to help you? What would your mum say?"
"Why do you care? Everyone knows you only care about yourself and the Dark Lord."
"SILENCE! You may feel you're helping him but you're only harming him and his chances. How do you know? He would never... I know he is hiding and he can't be found." Ginny stays silent thinking about this. "I'm taking you down to the dungeons."
"Harry was right about you. You're cold and heartless."
"Enough I'm taking you to the dungeons to take you to the edge of Hogsmeade. I've sent Arthur a message to meet us there." Ginny was confused.
"Do you really want to stay here? As far as anyone will know you're down there for my pleasure." Ginny was speechless. "You'll find your things through those doors. Grab anything you need so we can go." Ginny quickly gathers a few things she can't bear to leave behind. Snape froze her and floated her out of his office.
"Severus what are you doing?" Ginny would smile if she could.
"It is none of your business what I do with the traitors Minerva." Ginny wished she could tell McGonagall she was okay.
"Molly Weasley treated you kind and this is how you repay her?"
"I'm trying to get her to the edge of Hogsmeade so Arthur can meet us. As far as anyone knows she's going to be trapped in the dungeons." McGonagall doesn't say anything but Ginny feels her pat her hand. Ginny closes her eyes hoping this wasn't a dream. Soon they're in a dark room and Snape places her on the ground before unfreezing her.
"Quickly through here. Your father should be there soon. They went through tunnels which Ginny knew weren't on the map. They seemed to walk forever before coming to an exit.
"Ginny!" Ginny rushed to Arthur hugging him tight. "Thank you Severus."
"I did this for everything Molly did for me. Tell her we're even." Arthur nods holding Ginny close.
"I will thank you." Ginny had to say something.
"Thank you ... Headmaster." Snape turns to go back to the tunnels but Ginny can see a smile on his face.
"Lets get you home. Your mums worried about you." Ginny waited until she couldn't see Snape or the tunnel they just came through. Later when Snape was gone, she left a wreath of lilies near the entrance of the tunnel but wouldn't tell anyone why she choose those flowers or that spot.