Author's note: Here we are! The Epilogue! Thank you everyone for sticking it out with me, it means a lot! I hope you guys love this finale!

Epilogue: The Final Chapter.

It had been a year since Magnolia's Gold Crisis ended, and things were better than they ever been. The town was prosperous once again, tourism had skyrocketed and now, Magnolia was able to repair any damages made throughout the course of their time in debt to Acnologia. The Goldmine was continuously producing gold ore, larger and larger ore kept being produced until finally, someone made a major discovery in the mine; they found a diamond when digging in the mining in there one day. They continued digging deeper and deeper into the mine and found more diamonds in the mine, which made the town even more prosperous.

Acnologia was dead. He faced the government three months after he was captured and was sentenced to death by hanging. He was placed in front of Magnolia where every town he ripped off, his final words sent some form of a chill down everyone's spines:

"I'll be seeing you all in hell." Acnologia screamed before he was hung. Everyone felt a scared at that moment but a huge cloud of despair dissipated the moment they laid his body to rest in a low costing graveyard. Gajeel and Levy managed to find Acnologia's main hideout where all the money was being held and returned it to the towns that were ripped off. It was only a matter of time before the towns that were abandoned were going to be up and running again. As for his men? Zirconis was given Life in Prison, but Scissor Runner, who was willing to testify against what he once believed in, was given a much lighter sentence. He was set to be released two years from now and was actually looking into horse shoe making for a living.

When the rain came, it brought enough water for Lily's tribe's crops to grow again. In fact, sometime after the rain, it rained again for two long weeks. Which allowed the crops to grow and Lily's people to have enough food to last them throughout the year. Because of that, they started trading with Magnolia and it brought more prosperity to the tribe, and allowed Gajeel to see Lily more often. Corn, wheat, tobacco, vegetables and fruit grew in the fields that belonged to Lily's tribe, made the area where his tribe lived even more beautiful than it was.

Because of the new incoming tourism, Fairy Tail was able to upgrade the dusty old saloon into a even more spectacular place. The old creaky boards were replaced with new boards, a new bar table was made, the stage was replaced with a larger one and the piano was replaced with one you pay and will play on it's own (which Macao was thankful for in a way). The Saloon got new liquor in the place, and some new decorations thanks to Gajeel's tribe. Things were looking up for the Saloon.

As for Gajeel and Levy? Things couldn't have been better. Gajeel really took a liking to his job as a Sheriff and will arrest anyone in his way (only to get a smack upside the head from Erza every now and then). Levy did enjoy being a deputy, it meant she was the one to get word on certain things going down in the town and was also second in command. On one hot, summer day, Levy sat outside the front porch of the Sheriff's office with Gajeel, reading to him one of her books while Gajeel drank a little whiskey. This book was apparently brand new and just came out in the market recently, and was a massive hit. When Levy read the final line, Gajeel gave her a look as if to ask what was the meaning of this.

"That's it?" Gajeel asked, putting down his glass of whiskey.

"Yeah that is." Levy smiled sadly.

"Ain't there another book?"

"These books takes years to publish. Heck, I'm lucky I got my copy." Gajeel stared at Levy before giving her a smirk.

"Then it looks like I'm gonna have to kiss another story outta ya." Gajeel smirked, he lifted Levy into his lap and started kissing her mewls came from Levy as Gajeel continued kissing her "Levy," he whispered after breaking the kiss.

"Y-yeah?" Levy replied.

"I got something important to ask ya."


"Will you-"

"Sheriff!" a voice screamed, Gajeel and Levy looked and found Jet running to him and Levy.

"What the hell do you want?!" Gajeel growled at the former Sheriff.

"The Saloon is being robbed." Jet yelled "We need your help!"

"Fuck! Just perfect!" Gajeel looked around annoyed that the moment he was having with Levy was ruined.

"It's worse than you think! They got Mira and the canteena girls hostage!" the Sheriff and Deputy paled at those words.

"Let's go!" Levy said while jumping off Gajeel's lap "We need to stop them!" Gajeel put his fingers into his mouth and whistled for his horse to get over there. Roundup ran to where Gajeel and Levy where and both got onto the horse and rode off to The Saloon.

"Ok you little wenches!" screamed one of the robbers who cocked his gun "Where's the safe?!"

"What makes you think we'll tell you?!" Erza yelled at the robbers.

"Because if ya don't..." the other robber said through gritted teeth "One of y'alls will die!"

"Juvia cannot die!" Juvia suddenly yelled "She hasn't married her beloved Gray-sama yet!"

"Mira, just tell them where our safe is!" Lucy yelled "Better we escape with our lives than not!"

"No way!" Mira growled "That safe has our Town Founder Mavis's prized possession in there! If we let them have it, I'll never forgive myself!" the robber then pushed his gu closer to her and put his finger on the trigger.

"Mira-nee!" Lisanna yelled. Mira, seeing the seriousness of the situation, gulped in fear and sighed.

"The safe is in the basement." she confessed "We keep it behind a wall." a tear trickled down her eye when she said that. Forgive me Mavis. Mira said in her head.

"The basement huh?" the second robber smirked "Good spot for it."

"Yeah, but too bad you ain't gonna be seeing it!" a gruff voice yelled at them. The two robbers looked behind them and were shocked to see Gajeel and Levy standing there.

"SHIT!" the first robber screamed "It's the Sheriff!" they pulled out their guns and began to shoot at both Sheriff and Deputy. Both Sheriff and Deputy took refuge behind the tables and blocked the bullets that were being shot at them. Levy began to shoot back at the robbers and dodged whatever bullet was hitting. She crawled closer and continued to shoot, just trying to get a good angle and immobilize the robbers; but what she failed to see was in her blind spot, one of the robbers snuck up behind her and took her hostage.

"Don't move or the chick gets it!" The robber growled.

"Let her go. NOW." Gajeel growled.

"Or what?" the other robber cackled. Gajeel growled and then, shot at them, but missed.

"You missed you idiot!" the robber holding Levy hostage laughed.

"Wasn't aiming at ya." Gajeel said with a cocky smirk. It was then, bags of sand from construction, began to fall from above and landed on both robbers, immobilizing them "Yer under arrest for attempted robbery!" he handcuffed the two robbers, helped Levy up and immediately took both robbers to the town jail.

Once both robbers were thrown into their cells and locked away, Gajeel grabbed Levy's hands and pulled her closer.

"And you." Gajeel growled "Yer under arrest too." Levy looked at him in shock.

"W-what?!" she squeaked "For what?!"

"For not being Mrs. Redfox." Levy looked at him and suddenly blushed.

"A-are you proposing to me?!"

"Gihi, damn straight Short stack." Levy smiled at Gajeel with tears in her eyes.

"YES! YES! YES!" she immediately passionately kissed him.

"Oh my God!" one of the robbers moaned "Get a room you two!"

"Better idea." Gajeel smirked he lifted Levy up like a sack of potatoes and took her outside.

"Gajeel!" she squeaked "What about the robbers?!"

"Salamander is on his way to watch them." Gajeel immediately put Levy onto Roundup and got on the horse as well.

"How about a little ride to celebrate?" Levy gave him a sweet smile.

"Sounds perfect." right then and there, Gajeel pulled Roundup's stirrups and road off into the sunset with his new fiance.

The End.

Author's note: That was Fairy Wild West! I want to thank everyone for sticking it out with me, you have no clue how much it means to me! Unfortunately, because of certain things in my personal life that occurred (school) I haven't even written out the next series. I'm halfway done with Ancient Scawlings and I decided to bump Ancient Scrawlings up from once every two weeks to once a week, until I can at least hit the halfway point of the next series. But I can reveal that the next series, is kinda on the messed up side in comedy.