Author's note: Ok, I always did enjoy the Wild West theme when I was a little girl and I was sad to see very few Gajevy Wild West stories (No I don't watch John Wayne movies lol) so I wanted to write my own Gajevy western. Not only that, I was also inspired by WhiteMoonx9x's drawing. I hope you guys enjoy it! I don't own Fairy Tail.

Fairy Wild West

by AnimeGuitar96

Chapter 1: The Start of a New Life.

When you read a Wild West story that has romance you get two different story lines. One, the new guy messes with the bad guy and is challenged to a shoot out at noon the next day. Or the bad guy kidnaps the girl and ties her to train tracks while an oncoming train comes by. What do both stories have in common? In the end, the good guy gets the girl. But, what if there was no good guy? No, there is one in this story, but he's no good at it. What if the bad guy is the hero of our story? What if the bad guy get's the girl (No not your kidnaps her and she develops Stockholm story). What if deep down, he's really a good guy? Well, that's what's going to happen here.

The train arrived at the station around two o'clock one fine day. After a young woman stepped off the train with her bags in tow, the train automatically left with three new people on board. The girl was considered short for her age, probably 5 ft or 5 ft 1'inch. Her hair was a beautiful shade of light blue, held back by a simple hair band, her eyes were light brown and cute looking, her skin was fair and would probably burn easily on a scorching hot day. Her dress was simple and something befitting of this time period. Who was this girl you may ask? Her name was Levy McGarden. Her eyes sparkled the moment she spotted the dusty western town. A sign that needed some fixing up said: "Welcome to Magnolia! Population: 300." What caught Levy off guard the most was that the numbers in this town were higher at one point but as time passed, the numbers decreased. What was going on here?

"I can't believe I'm actually in Magnolia." Levy admitted happily "But, it's more deserted then I was expecting." She was right of course. From the stories she heard as a child, the town was always bustling; but now the dusty old town was deserted, save a tumbleweed passing by.

As Levy walked around the town, she noticed most of the shops empty, save the funeral home. As she walked by, she noticed the man who was building the coffins staring at her, making notes and muttering things she could somewhat hear. About her height, width and what type of wood would be used to make her coffin. Levy gulped as she watched him begin to build what would probably be her coffin.

Okay Levy! she thought Breathe! Breathe! You just got here, it's probably for when you die of old a- her thoughts stopped when a piece of paper smacked her in the face thanks to the wind.

"What the heck?" Levy asked herself. She took it off her face and read the poster:


Gajeel "Kurogane" Redfox

REWARD: $500.00

Wanted for multiple armed robberies and theft.

BEWARE: The man is armed and dangerous. Be careful when meeting!"

Levy stared at the wanted posted and noticed the photo of the criminal. He was a tall man from what it seemed, long black hair, held back in a black cowboy hat, piercing looking eyes and piercings across his face. A black kerchief was resting on his neck and from the looks of the photo, he seemed to be enjoying this. What caught Levy's attention was the reward; $500 dollars. $500 dollars! That was a lot of money! He really must've done something wrong in order to get a reward that high!

As she stared at the photo doing her best to remember the face , something suddenly caught her attention; music. Curious, Levy began to follow the sound of the music and came across a Saloon: Fairy Tail Saloon. She walked through the saloon doors and was shocked; it was a large wooden building, about three floors high and the structure was very open and bright. People were walking around enjoying the music and the beer, watching the canteena girls dancing away their cares on the stage, the white haired barmaid serving drinks. Levy felt amazed yet at home for some odd reason (even though she just walked into this saloon for the first time in her life). As the white haired barmaid finished serving another drink, she spotted Levy at the entrance.

"Oh! Hello!" she called out to Levy "Come in! You must be new around town." Still uncertian, Levy walked over to the bar and sat on the only stool available "Welcome to Fairy Tail Saloon! I'm Mirajane the head barmaid!" she reached her hand out to shake Levy's.

"I'm Levy," Levy smiled while shaking Mira's hand "I just got off the train from Margret Town."

"I can tell, I never seen you around here before." Mira replied cheerfully "What brings you to Magnolia?"

"I want to start a new life here." Levy admitted "I always wanted to live in a nice little city where the people are kind and the town is prosperous."

"That's a nice dream!"

"Prosperous?!" a woman's voice drunkenly laughed. Levy looked at the other side of the bar and found a busty brunette wearing cowgirl clothes and drinking a large tankard of beer before slamming the glass on the table "The town's friendly so that's down. But prosperous is far from it!" Mira rolled her eyes.

"That's Cana, she's...what you call a regular customer." Mira explained in an uncertain tone.

"What did she mean by 'far from prosperous?" Levy asked. Mira let out a sad sigh.

"Our town's only gold mine ran dry a few months ago." She explained "It was the majority of our tourism and our town is in a crippling debt thanks to this."

"Seriously?" Levy asked shocked.

"Afraid so. And the worst part is that the debt collector loves to come around and force us to give him more money."

"If we're out of money the week he comes to collect," The girl called Cana continued "then he'll raise the debt."

"That's terrible!"

"Yes, but the worst part is-" Before Cana could continue,the sound of a horse whinnying could be heard.

The music stopped and the room grew quiet from the sound of feet hitting the dusty ground. The sound of spurrs hitting the ground and the clinking could be heard because of the silence.

"He's coming!" someone screamed "Kurogane's a coming!"

Levy couldn't help but feel like the rest of the room at that moment; scared and wanting to get out. But soon, the saloon doors opened and a tall man with tan skin, long black hair held back by a cowboy hat, piercing red eyes and piercings that decorated the upper half of his body entered the bar. He had a black kerchief that covered his mouth from the kicked up dust. The Canteena girls looked at him with a mix of fear and curiousity, and so did the men. The man removed the kerchief and Levy heard someone whisper "Kurogane" but what made Levy shocked the most was the moment he removed the kerchief from his mouth, revealing his entire face. Levy gasped in shock: That's the man on the wanted poster!