Good morning, people!

How are you? I, for myself, must say that I am not that well. A ill has come down on me and every muscle of my body is aching, my nose is dripping and my voice is rough and low. I sound kinda hot, tho.

But how are you? And I also want to thank you for the huge amount of support you guys have put in me and in this story and I couldn't be happier, really. Thank you all for your endles patience when I'm a late updater, and it's the most I could ever ask from you. Thank you.

I should probably speak more and go on and on with everything that you said to me, but I'm so not in the mood and my head is killing me and Mace is telling me to hurry the fuck up because he wants to play...


- LadyDiamond92, I'm glad you enjoyed it and so happy that you thought it felt real :D And do not worry, I don't think you are crazy ;) You're the best.

- MasterK166, yeah, about that... Let's see shall we? No, really, I'm ending this here. I don't feel like writing anymore... Lub u tho...

- DranzerFlame, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm really happy about that :)

- RedZeo4ever, oh, doll, don't worry. I understand perfectly well. And I'm glad you liked the 'conversation' because I very much enjoyed wrting it!

Also, a big thanks to my beta reader, my girl RedZeo4ever, for making all of this possible!


Chapter 8: The Word Love

Her eyes opened to find a white ceiling staring back at her. Blinking a couple of times to adjust to the strong sunlight, she yawned, smiling happily. She had the most wonderful dream, and though she was sad that it was over, she couldn't wait to relinquish herself to the feelings that such dream had made her feel. Sitting up, she felt the cold air wrapping around her body. Making her shiver slightly. 'I must have let a window open' she thought, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"You're finally up."

Kalea looked up to see no other than Kai, standing at the door, leaning onto the doorframe. She blushed. It wasn't every day that she woke up to see Kai with that smug smirk on his lips, his hair messy as ever, and a sparkle in his eyes. The raven haired girl bit her lip and looked away, before fisting the bed sheet and pulling it up over her chest. When she looked back up to him, he was still in the same spot from before.

"You're only wearing sweatpants." She stated.

"You're naked." He replied "I don't see the problem."

"Why… Why are you only wearing sweatpants?" she stammered.

"Because I had to go outside to pick the paper, and in the meantime, I meet up with a neighbor."

"Okay…" she whispered.

"Kalea… You didn't forget, did you?"

"Forget what?" she asked, watching him walk to the bed and sit next to her.

"About last night…" he whispered, looking into her eyes. The girl gulped and murmured "It wasn't a dream, was it?"

"No baby… That was no dream…" he smiled, kissing her softly.

"So… You love me?" she asked.

"How many times do you want me to say it, woman?" he asked, rolling his eyes "I love you."

Kalea yelped and wrapped her arms around Kai's shoulders, bringing the teen down with her. He was able to catch himself when he fell, otherwise, he would have crashed on top of her. Kalea nuzzled on his neck, giggling and kissing the exposed skin, leaving Kai to groan and sigh, surrendering to the waves of pleasure that wore taking over his body. Pushing himself up and eyeing her curiously, he asked:

"What just happened?"

"I love you too…" she whispered, smiling. Kai chuckled and shook his head before leaning down and kissing her.

"Not that I wanna ruin the mood or anything, because morning sex is the best, but I'm hungry." She said, breaking the kiss.

"I know…" he sighed, removing her hands from its grasp "C'mon. I ordered delivery."

"What did you order?"

"Cherry pie." He said, hearing her yelp and feeling her jump to his back in excitement.

He carried on like it was nothing, but grabbed her thighs for a better hold on the girl. Taking her to the kitchen, he sat her on the counter, before he turned away to grab the pie. She giggled and jumped of her seat, kissing between his shoulder blades and running back to their room, where she found one of his shirts and one of her panties, going back to the kitchen soon after. He turned to her and sat her back on the counter, asking:

"Did I tell you to leave?"

"No… But I wasn't feeling very comfortable naked."

"How so?" he asked, smirking "When you're with me, you spend more time naked than with actual clothes on."

"It's true, but still… I don't want anyone to walk in on us." She whispered, entwining her fingers within his hair.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. Can't let anyone see this beauty of mine." He said, kissing the exposed skin of her neck.

"What now? What do we do?"

"Easy. Five me five minutes to pack my bags."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going home, baby."

And home they went. They stopped by Tyson's place to let his friends know where they were going, and why, Kalea always in Kai's arms. Ray was the first to stand up and wish them a good trip, and the others followed soon after. Hilary was the only one who held back and stayed frozen in her spot, watching the two lovers walk away with their bags on their hands. It took them about two hours to get inside the plane, but once they sat down, Kai by the window and Kalea next to him, the young man looked down to her and whispered:

"I love you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. More than anything."

"Which one of us?" she asked. Kai frowned, confused and replied:

"What do you mean?"

"I've been waiting to tell you this, Kai…" she said, cupping his cheek "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, Lea…" he whispered, smiling and leaning down, capturing her lips on a soft kiss, his hand flying to cup her stomach.

Because it didn't matter where they were, their hearts would always be united. Because their love was stronger than any barrier that anyone could rise between them. Because their love was the ultimate weapon. Because, whenever someone tore them apart, they found their way back in each other's arms. And, because of such a powerful love, nothing could ever happen to them.




A/N: And it's over. This was the final chapter. I know it was short, but still... Gimme a break, please?

Lots of love from this weirdo,

LoneeWolf :)