Prologue Meet Shido

Spirit- Shido talking

'Spirit'- Shido thinking

Spirit- Other people talking

'Spirit'- Other people thinking

Spirit- Important information

Spirit- Non-verbal communications.

I don't own Date a Live or the characters in it. Anything I use is property of the owner.

Welcome one and all. It's I, Imperial-samaB with a new creation. This time I target Date a Live. As you may or may not know from my stories, they have two constants. The characters are far more alpha then the originals, and two, I tend to enjoy the lemons. This story will have far more of the alpha, but as for lemons, we shall see. So yeah, get ready for another adventure.

We start with a young man with blue hair and brown eyes sleeping in his bed. This is our main character, but let's let him explain.

(Shido First Person P.O.V)

Hey everybody, my name is Itsuka Shido. At least it is now. My real name is Shidou Takamiya, and when I was younger, I was in an accident that cost my parents their lives. Luckily for me, my little sister Mana and I were just fine. Mana was separated from me and I was moved in with the Itsuka family. I have a younger sister, and she's about to come wake me up.

(Narrator P.O.V)

A young woman with red hair in twintails comes into the room and jumps in the bed of our unsuspecting hero.

"Big Brother WAKE UP!" Kotori says as she jumps into the bed and rams Shidou right in the stomach.

(Shido First Person P.O.V)

This little fireball is Kotori. She's my adopted sister, although she isn't aware I remember it. When we were kids, she received the power of the spirits and it caused a massive blaze. What are spirits you ask? These are people who have a mysterious power from another world. Thirty years ago, a massive spacequake or spatial quake hit Eurasia. It's believed that this was the first time the spirits entered our world. Afterwards, a mysterious power was sent to young girls around the world, making them spirits.

Why they were chosen, I don't know. As for Kotori, her situation is for another time. Now back to the story.

(Narrator P.O.V)

"Dammit sis! How many times have I told you not to do that?" Shido says with clear annoyance on his face.

"Sorry bro, but I had to. It's time to go. Today's the first day back from break, remember?" Kotori shouts.

With that, the two siblings make their way to the school and the day begins as usual. Before the two separate, Kotori says something rather odd.

"Hey big brother, I need you to meet me for lunch at that burger place today. No matter what happens." Kotori says quickly.

'Hmm, very well little sis. I can tell you're planning something, but the question is what. Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.' An amused Shidou thinks to himself.

"Okay sis. I'll see you for lunch." Shido says calmly, although for him, he can tell something is off.

After leaving his sister, Shido makes his way to class and relaxes before he's greeted by a few people.

"Yo! Shido, how was your break bud?" One girl says with a smile.

"You look like you're having fun." A second one next to her responds, smiling as well.

"So cool." A final girl with says with a smile.

With a smile Shido responds to the young ladies "Hello girls, my weekend was fine, and I had tons of fun."

(Shido First person P.O.V)

The three girls are Ai, MIi, and Mai. They're classmates who are inseparable and they are friends of mine. See, I'm pretty popular, and although each of them confessed to me before, I turned them down. Mai has glasses and purple hair with a bowl cut. She's short, but she's still definitely cute. Mii's hair is a light brown and she's a little bit taller than Mai. Ai is the tallest with brownish-blonde hair.

(Narrator P.O.V)

"Yo Itsuka, how are you doing stud, it's been a while." A young man with spiked hair walks up to Itsuka. "Guess what man, I finally got a girlfriend!" He shows a picture of a girl that clearly came from a computer game.

(First person Shido P.O.V)

This is Hiroto Tonomachi, he's my best friend at the school and that's okay. If only he wasn't such a nerd. There's one more person of note, and it looks like she just came in.

(Narrator P.O.V)

A young girl with silver hair and a bowl cut makes her way into the class. She comes up to Shido and gives him a kiss on the lips. The kiss is quick and passionate and has some tongue which shocks the class.

(First person Shido P.O.V)

That would be Origami Tobiichi, my girlfriend and the number one beauty at the school. A cool customer just like me, Origami and I have known each other for years. Remember that fire I mentioned earlier? Well, her parents died in that fire. Interestingly enough she blames a flame spirit she saw that day for the fire, but what actually happened is another matter. Anyway she likes me a lot and as a result, we've been friends. Of course, much like my little sister, she doesn't know about my secret.

(Narrator Point of View)

"Morning babe, it's nice to see you." Shidou says with a smile. The class continues as normal and we meet the teacher, Tamae. Shidou goes through a normal class and then the lunch break comes.

"Yo Shidou, let's have lunch together." Tonomachi says with a smile.

"Sorry buddy, I'm meeting my little sister for lunch, so I can't." Shido responds with a smile.

"Darn. By the way, is Kotori single? I'm sure she could use a boyfriend." Tonomachi says with a smile.

'He's so lucky we're in school, because if nobody was looking he'd be in trouble.' Shido thinks to himself furious at his buddy.

"Sorry bud, she's not interested." Shido says with a hint of rage.

As Shido walks off, he's ready for his lunch with his sister. When all of the sudden a familiar noise blares in the middle of the town.

"ALERT! ALERT! A spacequake is about to occur. All citizens go to the spacequake safety zones." As the sirens blare, Shidou walks calmly towards the meeting place.

'So where is my little sister? I can tell she's around?' Shido thinks to himself until he pauses and looks up. 'AHH so that's where you are. Sneaky sneaky little sister.' Shido, having realized where his sister is, stands and waits as he's beamed up into the sky.

Shido wakes quickly after his odd event and finds himself sitting with a tall man with blonde hair.

"Hello there Mr. Itsuka it's nice to meet you. My name is Kannazuki, and I'm the second in command of Ratatoskr." The young man says with a smile.

'I see, so this is Ratatoskr. I've heard rumors about them, but now I guess it's confirmed. So, if he's second command, I'm betting the leader is somebody I know, but I'll play along for now.' Shidou thinks to himself.

"Okay, so what am I doing here?" Shido asks curiously.

"My commander would like to see you. Come this way."

Shido is led through a hallway and meets various members of the Ratatoskr organization, although he doesn't personally care about most of them. One person however does catch his interest. The woman has silver hair in waves, and has eyes that look like they haven't slept in years.

"Now Mr. Itsuka I'd like you to meet our commander."

The person in the commander's seat turns around to reveal a person who most would never expect. Shido's sister, Kotori.

"Hello big brother. So, how are you doing?" Kotori says with a firm voice.

'Figures its Kotori. Hmm, should I play along… naaaaaa.'

"I'm good little sis. I'm a bit annoyed our lunch date involves so many people, but that's okay. So, I'm guessing you brought me here because of the spacequake, right?" Shidou says with very little nerves.

Although shocked Kotori maintains her composure. "Good guess. So now it's time to explain." Turning to the screen, Shido sees a young woman with purple eyes and long black hair.

'Woah! She's cute! Man, she gives Origami a run for her money.' Shido thinks to himself.

"This girl before you is a spirit, not unlike the one that caused that fire we were in a few years ago. Now, our job at Ratatoskr is to save the spirits from our enemies, the D.E.M Corporation. Here come their goons now."

All of a sudden, a group of machines appear in front of the young woman from before. To Shido's annoyance, one of them is Origami.

Kotori notices Shido's annoyance and begins explaining "This is the A.S.T, the Anti-spirit team. Their job is to stop the spirits by all means necessary."

Shidou grows tired of the explanations and decides to move things along.

"So little sister, what do you need me to do?" Shido asks frankly.

"We need you to make the spirits fall in love with you so you can absorb their powers." Kotori says.

'Seems Kotori is aware I can absorb powers because of what happened with her. Luckily for me, she doesn't know how I can do it. Oh well, that's for me to know and her to hopefully never find out.' Shido thinks to himself, still rather amused.

"Okay little sister, I'm game, but I want you to be aware of something. The silver-haired chick fighting the spirits, she's kinda my girlfriend, so I may have to tell her about all of this. Which is a conversation I doubt she wants to have with me." Shidou says with a smile. "I'll help you out since I'm good at this. Unfortunately, it looks like the battle is over. I'll help you out little sister, but we do this my way. Sound good to you?"

Kotori smirks, clearly annoyed, but understands what's going on "Fine big brother, we have a deal. So any last questions before you head home?"

"Yep, I got one Kotori. Are we still going on that lunch date...or can I go home?"

This question gets a chuckle out of the group. Kotori blushes slightly but responds in a tsundere like fashion "We can still go, class is obviously cancelled for the day."

Shido smiles as he walks over to grab his little sister's hand "Good now let's get going?"

The two transport back and go eat lunch. Both thinking about the long day and the various things that have gone on.

Well that's it for the Prologue and welcome to all my new readers. Now, admittedly, with the DAL universe I am not great. So if I got some details wrong, then let me know and I can correct them. Has anybody been able to guess Shido's secret. Well if you have, tell me in the comments and I'll message you if you're right. Hopefully you guys can help me support this story and the other ones. So get ready because this is gonna be one hell of a ride.