Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT.

Author's Notes: Prompted by Christa on tumblr

A Fantasy

She hissed as pain shot through her body. A pain she was unaccustomed to circling and encasing her entire body. Her teeth bit down on each other roughly as she glared off into the distance, her eyes a yellow-green. She brought her hand up to face, inspecting the cut when her world went black.

A moment of terror was all it took for her eyes to widen and take in her surroundings. Where...where were they? The forest? They?! Who was she with, why did she know to think they? Her head turned to the campfire and noted the occupant on a fallen log nearby.

"Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?"

She gasped when she finally registered that the woman was Regina, and though she knew she should feel fear, all she felt was a smile slide onto her face and a chipper voice escape her lips. "Very well, mum. What's for breakfast?" she scrambled to her feet and went to sit on the log with Regina, wrapping an arm around her waist in greeting.

"Rabbit," Regina answered, placing a kiss to the girl's head.

This was odd. Something was wrong. She wasn't suppose to be here and yet...everything felt perfect and she felt happier than any place else she had ever been. Wait. Where else had she been? Nowhere. She had never been away from here, away from her moms. Nope.

"Lily, will you go get some water and cups for us?" Regina asked as she turned the rabbit over the campfire.

"Sure, mum!" she walked over to the well, and with a bit of struggle got the bucket up from the bottom, precariously perched it on the edge as she scooped into it with the cups then released it once more. Lily walked back to the campfire and grinned. "Mama, you're back!" She didn't want to spill the cups, but her short legs moved quickly across the forest floor to set them down before jolting to embrace her mother.

"I'm glad you're back, Mal," Regina told her, ruffling Lily's hair as she gazed into her beloved's eyes.

Mal smiled back, rubbing their daughter's back. "Were you good for mum while I was away?" she queried, crouching to look at Lily.

"Uh huh!" Lily bobbed her head enthusiastically and then moved to wrap an arm around Regina's shoulders to emphasize her point.

"Good," Mal replied, sitting on the log to draw Regina in for a languid kiss.

Lily turned away and she flushed. She made a fake gagging face and eww-ed at them. They chuckled before pulling her on to their laps and snuggling close.

"I love you," Lily told them, but her brows furrowed as she felt the ground give way and her mothers warmth no longer beneath her. She turned around and gave a shout, her arms outstretched to recapture them, prevent her ascent into the sky. No, no, no, no, NOOOO!

The world around her morphed and suddenly she was in the air above the clouds, her body heavy and hard to maneuver. She wasn't sure what she was doing, how she was doing this. She...shouldn't be able to fly. She looked down and saw her arms were scaled appendages with claws extended and when she looked to her right, she saw a wing beating furiously against the current.

As fast as lightning, she felt her weight adjust as she was suddenly falling to the earth once more. Her eyes caught sight of the woman who had harmed her earlier. It was her fault she had blacked out and had that terrible dream of happy times. Why did Regina always have to fuck things up? Lily crashed landed into a clearing and rumbled about in her large dragon form, spewing fire into the air with an anguished roar.