Title: Love in Subtle Clues
Rating: K+, unless I need to bump it up, which could happen, I guess, but it's unlikely to be above T.
Disclaimer: If I wrote it, it wouldn't be published because it would be locked in endless revision.
Pairings: Frank/Nancy, with possible mentions of other pairings from canon
Summary: Love isn't always in the big things. It's in the little ones. Filling in the list of "100 Ways to Say I Love You" in the friendship and more of Frank and Nancy.
Author's Note: I was working on updates for my other fics today and got to where I needed a palate cleanse. I tried hard to work Resort to Ruin, but after both of the darker worlds I was playing in, I couldn't get there. So I dug up this list I'd seen: p0ck3tf0x dot tumblr dot com slash post slash 98502010026 slash one-hundred-ways-to-say-i-love-you
And I started filling in these as short fics with Frank and Nancy. This is probably going to be updated on an as needed basis.
Pull Over. Let Me Drive for a While
"We've been at this for hours," Nancy said, blinking her eyes as she studied the road. The sun had set too long ago, leaving them in the dark, searching for something that might not even be here. They'd lost their witness, their evidence, even their hope out here in these woods. "I think we may be driving in circles."
Frank nodded. Joe had already fallen asleep in the back of the car, and Nancy envied him. He was exhausted, but he wasn't the only one.
"Here. Pull over," Frank told her, and Nancy started to object. They still had gas, and they needed to keep looking. They weren't done yet. Susan could still be out there.
"We're not giving up."
"No," he agreed with a tired smile, "but let me drive for a while."