Chapter 1::Invitation::

The first thought in my head was 'ow'. The second was 'Oh shit did I just get hit by a bus?' . Third: 'Great. This is how I die. Late to school and hit by a bus.' Then, I crashed and burned. Hard.

I lift my head to see a bus whiz past me, blaring its horn. I pick myself up off the pavement and quickly get out of the street. It's then I realize that this is not the street I was just on. And I apparently didn't get hit by a bus. Well, at least that was good news.

I stand there on the sidewalk for a moment, trying to process what just happened. People are talking all around me, but I can't understand a word of it.

"Misu? Daijōbudesuka?" I turn to face the boy who just spoke to me. He looks about my age.

"What?" I stare at him confusedly. I probably look as freaked out as I feel.

"Anata wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka?" My eyebrows furrow.

"W-What..?" My voice comes out as a squeak.

"Do you speak Japanese?"

"Oh! No..I don't. Thank god you speak English.." He smiles at me. Damn this guy's hot.

"What were you doing? You suddenly jumped in front of that bus."

"What? I did? I am so confused.."

"Do you want to go to the police station? They might be able to help you figure out what's going on. "

"Uh..yeah. There's kind of a language barrier though." He smiles again. I can't help but stare at his eyes. They're so pretty...they look familiar though. Where have I seen this guy?

"I can help with that. I can be your translator."

"Really? Thank you so much." We start to walk to the police station. Once we reach a certain stretch of the street, I get a weird sense of Deja vu. I had to have seen this place before..there's no way this is my imagination.

We walk in, and a man with an Afro leads us to a room. God even that guy looks familiar! What the hell is going on?! A few minutes later, another familiar man walks in. By this point my head is practically spinning trying to comprehend my situation.

"My name is Soichiro Yagami, I'm the chief of police here." What!? What what what what?! Japan, pretty boy, Soichiro Yagami… Oh no please don't tell me…I


"Dad, she doesn't speak Japanese." The boy says. Oh my god that must be Light! Am I gonna die?! Wait am I dead?!

"Holy shit I'm dead." I voice my thoughts out loud. Oops. They probably think I'm crazy now. Well, at least one of them can't understand me. I think.

"I thought you said you don't speak Japanese?" Light asks me.

"I don't."

"You are right now."

"I'm what? Oh god I'm going insane."

"What's your name, miss?" asks.

"Evelyn Cook." I answer, still kind of dazed. I feel like I'm in a shitty Fanfiction.

"Cook-San, what happened that you came here?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows.

"I think I got hit by a bus." Dadami gives me a strange look, like he's asking 'How the hell can one not know if they got hit by a bus?'.

"She suddenly jumped out into the street. She doesn't know what happened. Maybe someone drugged her and threw her out of a car?" Light speaks up.

"It's possible. How old are you?" The police chief asks, looking quite concerned.

"I'm 16." I state.

"Where do your parents live? I'll give you a ride home."

"Uh..I don't think that's gonna work." I say awkwardly. "They live in America."

"Then what are you doing here?" Light asks.

"I have no idea..I don't even know how I got here."

"That's definitely concerning. Do you know your parents' phone number?" Soichiro looks at me, something like pity on his face. Geez, this must be a weird day. His son bringing in some random girl who magically picked up Japanese.

"Yeah, I do." I say.

"There's a phone out in the lobby, ask the man at the desk if you can use it. Give them a call, alright?"

"Okay, thank you Yagami-San." At least I sort of have a grasp of honorifics. It would suck if I called someone chan and offended them or something.

I walk out to the front desk, and approach the man with an Afro. Oh! It must be Aizawa! Yaaaaaas the Afro Samurai in the flesh!

"Excuse me sir? Can I use the phone?" He nods and slides it in my direction. "Thank you"

I call, and it rings 6 or 7 times, then goes to voicemail. I curse under my breath, then try calling again. Still nothing. I walk back to Light and Soichiro. I stop outside the door, and hear them talking.

"Dad, she's gonna need a place to stay at least for a couple days. She's not going to be able to just fly home on this short of notice." Light says. Damn, I didn't even think of that. What would have happened if Light hadn't found me? I'd probably be rummaging through garbage cans for food the rest of my life. That'd suck balls. Really gross, hairy balls.

"You have a point… What did you have in mind?"

"Well, She could stay with us until she gets a flight." The teenager suggests. Stay in a home with Kira? I don't know how I feel about that.

"Where? We don't have any extra rooms." Soichiro says, there's a pause, as if Light is thinking.

"She can stay in my room. It shouldn't be too long, I can sleep on the couch." Wait, is this pre-Kira? I don't think Kira-Light would let a stranger anywhere near his room.

"That's very generous Light. Are you sure? I could arrange something else. I don't mind, but we also have to ask your mother." Soichiro says. These people are too nice. What if I was a murderer or something? What if I was a drug addict? They're really going to just invite me into their home?

"Call her." I decide I don't really need to eavesdrop anymore, and walk back to the front desk. I try calling again, still no answer. Damn it. I try a couple more times, then Aizawa speaks up.

"Who are you trying so hard to get a hold of?" He asks.

"My parents. I'm really screwed..I have no idea how I got here and last I remember I was in America."

"Huh. Your parents there?"


"What's their last name? I can do a world wide search through our database."

"Cook. Megan and Anthony Cook. Thank you so much sir."

" No problem." He scrolls through some page for a couple minutes on his computer, then looks at me. "Nothing. Don't even have a record of them existing."

"What?" I'm sure I look horrified. How could they not exist?! Am I in a different universe or something?! There's no way they could just… "I-I should get back to Yagami-San…" I walk back to the room and go in this time. "I didn't get an answer.." I say and sit down next to Light.

"We can try again later. You'll need a place to stay, right?" Soichiro asks.

"Uh..yeah." I answer. I'm still shaken up. How the hell am I gonna get home?

"Well, you can stay with my family for a few days until we get everything sorted out. Does that sound alright?" I sigh in relief.

"Yes, that sounds great, thank you so much." The man smiles at me.

"No problem. I don't get off for a few more hours, so why don't you go with Light back to our house."

"Okay, thanks again." Light gestures for me to follow him, and I do.

What could possibly be in store? Hopefully nothing, if I can get home, but doesn't seem like it's going to happen..I guess we'll have to see. Until then, at least I can stare at Light all the time, and I probably don't have to go to school. Maybe if I just think of it like a vacation...yeah. That's what it is! A vacation to Yagami Land!

Let's just hope I don't die.