A/N: Thank you everyone for your kind reviews. I really have no words other than a huge 'THANK YOU' to everyone. I wanted to get this to you wonderful readers as soon as possible and not leave you on a cliff hanger. After this chapter, the rating will go up as a preemptive measure. And now on to Chapter Four.

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is property of Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animation. No profit is being made from this story and is being told purely for entertainment purposes.


Her head was swimming in an endless ocean of empty minded bliss. Despite her best efforts to force her conscious mind to surface, Usagi found that she was continuously pulled back down to the depths of sleep. She loved nothing more than to be curled up in her bed, surrounded by plush pillows and doze in and out of sleep, happy and care free. How she missed those lazy school mornings, ignoring her cuckoo clock, only to be met with panic upon the realization that she was going to be late for school again. That was back when she was just Tsukino Usagi, the absent minded middle-school student who loved reading comics, splurging on the arcade and basking in the sun with her friends. The notion that she was a warrior for love and justice, much less the reincarnation of a princess of a long lost civilization would have made her laugh, or perhaps think she was in some superhero anime. But the reality was that was her life, and she had to rise and meet her destiny with as much dignity as clumsy school girl could. Her real life was far more complicated than some comic book heroine, and the danger more tangible than pixels on an arcade game.

Once again, Usagi willed her mind to wake up. On some level, she knew that she was asleep, and that she was in trouble. But no matter how much resolve she could muster, Usagi found that she could not break through the barrier of consciousness. 'Come on, Usagi. Snap out of this and wake up,' the part of her mind that identified as Sailor Moon chided.

But regular Tsukino Usagi, the normal teenager retorted, 'But I'm so sleepy…'

'No, you are in trouble and need to wake up.'


'No buts. Think of Mamo-chan and the others, they need you!'

'Mamo-chan…' Usagi muttered and an ache in the pit of her stomach surfaced, breaking the bliss-like world that surrounded her. 'He doesn't love me. He said so himself.' Her eyes began to gloss over again and her throat tightened to suppress her whimpering. 'I don't like weak women,' he had told her. And she was weak. She was just some bumbling gauche teenager who was not in the least bit adept at her role as both Princess Serenity or as the Guardian of Love and Justice. She failed her friends' countless times, and always needed to someone to bail her out of trouble.

'That's not true. You are the heir of the White Moon and Silver Millennium, and the guardian of the Ginzuishou," Sailor Moon placated gently. "Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, they all need you. Mamo-chan most of all. He needs you, stay strong for him.''

"But how?'

Sailor Moon approached her, standing tall and radiant. Usagi couldn't help but stare at her. Was she really this regal fighter, both strong and beautiful? Her alter ego was everything that she wasn't, but one-in-the same. The juxtaposition had always stumped Usagi. The public and her enemies spoke of Sailor Moon like she was a gallant fighter, graceful yet powerful. However, the identity behind the warrior was nothing more than just an ordinary girl, brimming with insecurities, who was thrown into a world she had never known existed. The Guardian leaned down, placing her hands on either side of Usagi's shoulders. Her own voice whispered into her ear. 'Wake up…'

'Wake up…'



"Ow…my head hurts," Usagi mumbled under her breath. The space between her temples thudded painfully with the worst headache she could remember, so painful her vision was blurred and heady dizzy. Feeling both rested, like she had slept for ages, but also drained completely of stamina, she required a few moments to compose herself. What had happened? Her memory seemed as light-headed as her head, and for the life of her, Usagi struggled to comprehend where she was and what happened. Thinking back, all she could recollect was a red angry eye that wouldn't let go of her, no matter how much she struggled, and the single thought that she needed to get away.

Slowly, her vision began to clear and Usagi began to take in her surroundings. She was in a dimly lit room, littered with pillars that were seemingly wrought of an opaque dark crystal. It also struck her that she was lying in a bed of pale sheets, far softer than anything she owned in her own room. In addition, she noticed she was no longer dressed in her Sailor fuku. Instead, she was robed in a long flowing dress of white and gold silk with pearls woven into the sleeves. The fabric was slinky and cold against her skin, offering no protection in the cold room. The dress was reminiscent of what she wore as Princess Serenity, and in spite of its beauty and fine craftsmanship, Usagi found it to be highly uncomfortable. "What is this…" she remarked to herself. "My broach!" her eyes widened.

Overcome with panic, she rummaged around her and in the sheets, frantically grasping at anything that could have been her broach. When her hand felt the solid round outline of the locket, she sighed in relief. It had been resting beside her, as if someone left it purposefully. With a firm grip, she checked the inside, making sure the Ginzuishou hadn't been touched and sure enough, the silver stone glittered back at her. Whoever took her must not have realized what it was, or else they would have taken it. Time and again the Black Moon Clan had demanded the Ginzuishou in repayment for Chibi-Usa's safety.

Usagi struggled to sit up, her body feeling like it had been crushed beneath a truck, but saw that she was not physically damaged. Why did she feel so…drained? Determined to not be caught off guard in a bed, she tested the stability of her legs. Her footwear had been removed and she shuddered slightly when her feet made contact with the marble floor. Still wobbly, but not enough to deter her, Usagi walked around the room, clutching the Ginzuishou to her chest. Her attention was immediately drawn to the light source in the middle of the room. Emanating from a small pedestal was a bright beam of light, that from a distance seemed to resemble a person. Usagi wished that Ami was with her, the genius would know in an instant what the strange light was.

She approached the pedestal with trepidation and as she grew closer the projection began to take the shape of a woman. The woman was clothed completely in white, with long golden hair bound in two buns on either side of her head, with pearls and flowers weaving in and out. On the center of the figure's forehead was shining crescent moon. Usagi tilted her head in confusion. At a glance, the woman looked like her, but older, more mature and regal. Her first guess was it was a hologram of Queen Serenity, her mother, from the Silver Millennium, but the hair color didn't match. Queen Serenity had white hair with the small hint of pastel lavender, but the woman on the pedestal was blonde. Completely transfixed, Usagi did not hear the footsteps that approached her.

"Do you like that hologram?"

Usagi jumped almost a foot in the air while her heart skipped a beat. She spun on her heels to see the silhouette of a man leaning almost casually against the pillar adjacent to her. Half of his face was covered in shadow while the other half shone in the light emitted from the hologram. In spite of his casual stance, his gaze was firmly set on her, like a hunter. A soft patter echoed in the chamber as Usagi's bare feet scurried away in retreat. She immediately recognized the man as the one who snuck up on her in the park. Unwaveringly, Demando's eyes followed her. Once again, the hair on the back of her neck stood on edge and a lump began to form in her throat. "Who are you and where am I?" she demanded. "What did you do to Mamoru?"

"Well, Endymion did take a direct hit from the Jakokusuishou. It's a safe assumption that he's dead," he replied casually.

Usagi didn't believe him, not for a second. "You're lying!"

The tall man laughed, a low sultry sound that sent shivers up her spine. "I am many things, but a liar isn't one of them. And even if I was, it would serve no purpose. No one can find you here, so really, there's no need to lie to you." As he spoke, Usagi took a closer examination of the man standing before her. He was statuesque, and his pale complexion coupled with the dark ambiance of the room made him look more like a specter than a man of flesh and bone. Under normal circumstances, she would have found him to be very handsome.

"Who are you?" Usagi's mind blatantly refused to accept that Mamoru was dead. He couldn't die, he just couldn't. If he was dead, she would have known. But a small voice in the back of her brain reminded her that she was alone with the Black Moon Clan, unprotected and with no sign of a rescue. A shadow of doubt began to manifest itself.

"I am Prince Demando, ruler of the Black Moon," he smiled at her, like a predator honing in on its prey. Slowly he took a step towards her. Instinctively, Usagi stepped back, maintaining as much distance between them as possible. She did not like the way he was grinning at her; it was both suggestive and intimidating, a combination that left her nauseous. "And you, are Princess Serenity of the White Moon. I think it's time you and I had a nice long talk," he gestured with his hand which began to glow ominously.

Suddenly Usagi found her body moving if its own, or rather his, accord. She was forced into a small chair situated in front of Demando that she must have overlooked. As she fell back, a fear that she had never experienced before began to build in her chest. Demando moved in closer, so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath. She flushed as she felt his violet eyes survey her and wished desperately she had something more substantial to cover herself with. "I don't think you'll be needing those anymore," he added, pointing to the broach which still had clenched in her fist. Leaning forward he pulled them from her grasp.

"No, don't" Usagi protested but was unable to move.

"You'll find they won't work here anyway. The Jakokusuishou absorbs all power within its vicinity, even that of your Ginzuishou. That's why you feel so weak. I think you'll find it somewhat difficult adjusting to Nemesis," Demando interrupted. He slipped her broach into his purple cape and resituated himself in front of Usagi, still too close for her comfort. Her only means of defense was now in his pocket, and she was left with nothing but her wits and the best bluff she could muster.

"Nemesis…" she trailed, still honed in on her broach and thinking of any way she could slip it out of his cloak without his knowledge.

Demando leaned his head back and laughed. It was one of the most frightening sounds Usagi had ever heard. "You really don't know anything do you? I assumed the Rabbit would divulge everything about the Black Moon the moment she made contact with the Sailor Guardians of the 20th century, or that those treacherous sisters would have told you as much as they could." Usagi suddenly became irrationally angry at his mockery of Koan, Berthier, Calaveras and Petz. The four sisters had shared every bit of information they could access. True, it wasn't much, but that was at least a lead. From them, the Sailor Guardians had learned of the Black Moon's plot to bring the 20th century in order to conquer the 30th century. The wheels in Usagi's head continued to turn until she made a connection.

"If I am on Nemesis, then that means I'm- "

"The 30th century. With no place to run and no one to come save you," Demando finished for her. "The Queen always had a reputation for being intelligent."

Usagi's head was spinning. If she really was in the 30th century, then she truly was alone in this. Her own time lacked the technology for time travel, but apparently in this era, traversing from one century to another was easy. How was she going to get home? "Queen? Who is that?" Usagi had no other point of reference to go on, and since Demando seemed quite happy to share information with her, she was going to have to play along, in spite of her growing dread.

"You've already seen her. She's there," he pointed to the hologram with a wide smirk, like he knew something she didn't. Usagi turned her head to reexamine the woman on the crystalline pedestal. She was truly beautiful, almost angelic. "Such a lovely creature. I have spent so many sleepless nights staring at her. But she continues to defy me at every turn," Demando said wistfully seemingly lost in his own thoughts. He once again turned his attention back to Usagi. "Time for a history lesson…"

He spoke at length about the history of the Black Moon and Usagi listened intently at his every word, in part due to her immobility and also in part to hopefully discover a way to escape. The Black Moon's ancestors had originally been denizens of Earth, but were banished hundreds of years past from their home planet. Exiled and desperate, they settled on the distant planet that later became known as Nemesis, and began experimenting with the power of the Jakokusuishou. Life on Nemesis was brutal, with little room for stragglers. Nights were endless, days were frigid and its citizens would stare longingly at the utopian paradise, Earth, that had been denied to them. Hungry for vengeance, Prince Demando led the attack himself to take revenge on the people who had wronged both him.

"But if hundreds of years had passed, why attack the people who had nothing to do with your ancestors? Why not negotiate with the Queen you spoke about? I'm sure some sort of agreement could have been reached," Usagi couldn't help herself as she interrupted.

Demando smiled as he always did at the mention of Earth's monarch. "The Queen who banished my ancestors is one in the same with the woman you see before you. Her life extended by the power of the Ginzuishou, unchanged by the passage of time. Long life and freedom are all a fraud. Ageless bodies brought about by the manipulation of the Ginzuishou is a sacrilege against the gods. Bodies exist to rot away, and we must return history to the correct path. A repetition of war after war. The one who possesses the greatest power is the one who will rule that lovely planet. It's only natural."

"You're insane. All that does is continue to hurt people," Usagi muttered in shock. Her mind could hardly absorb everything being thrown at her at once.

Demando ignored her and continued on with his explanation. "Nemesis is the planet of the invincible Jakokusuishou. Time and space conform to the whim of those with power. We don't yet know the full power of the Nemesis, but if we can control the power of the Jakokusuishou, then we can bring countless planets under my rule. Even the Ginzuishou cannot withstand its power. So we devised a plan to go back to the 20th century. When the 20th century falls, the 30th century will cease to exist."

"We'll fight you! The Sailor Guardians will fight you till the end. We won't let you destroy our world!" Usagi exclaimed. Demando paused and descended upon her, staring directly into her eyes. Usagi, wanting to keep up her bluff refused to break contact. She knew that if push came to shove she could not over power him, especially unable to transform, but she had to try something. It took everything she had not too look away. His gaze felt more and more invasive, as if he was trying to dissect every inch of her.

"The day we launched our attack I never dreamed she would show herself," he continued, his voice velvety soft. "An almighty goddess who lived in an impenetrable castle. Neo-Queen Serenity…what a beautiful ruler. But her eyes rejected me, like I wasn't even human. Ever since that moment, I vowed to have her, in any form…"

"Serenity…who can use the Ginzuishou…" Usagi's mind was reeling. There was no way…she was just clumsy Tsukino Usagi, no…the woman in the hologram who looked exactly like herself…Her heart was racing as she began to panic when Demando's motives became clear. In that instant she recognized the way Demando watched her, it was the same way Beryl looked at Mamoru.

"Yes," he said lowering his face to her eye level, cupping her chin in his hand, forcing Usagi to crane her neck upwards to meet his. Gooseflesh spread across her face as she felt his cold hand caress her cheek. She began to tremble uncontrollably.

Demando's third eye reappeared, and the air once again became heavy and unbreathable. What stamina she had managed to recovery in their conversation began draining away. Helpless, Usagi couldn't hold back the tears that began pooling at her lashes. "Please, no…" she begged. "I can't be, no…"

"The only Lunarian descendant to be reborn into the 20th century with the power of the Ginzuishou that can defy the gods themselves. Neo-Queen Serenity, I finally have you," he purred lasciviously.

Time slowed to a halt as he leaned down and kissed her passionately. His cheeks began wet when Usagi began to weep grievously. A pang of guilt hit her when she realized that she was kissing a man other than Mamoru, causing her to cry even more fervently. Guilt and shame washed over her like a typhoon. Here she was with another man kissing her. Mamoru certainly wouldn't want her back after this. She gasped in horror as he deepened the kiss, brushing his tongue across her lips.


With every ounce of will power and resolve, Usagi reared her open palm back and backhanded Demando with all the strength she could muster. The sound of flesh against flesh echoed off the walls in the chamber. His concentration broken from the shock of the moment, Usagi took the opportunity to reach into his cape and pull out her broach. This was her sole opportunity to escape, she couldn't screw this up. Recovered Demando launched himself at her, and never before had she been more grateful for being a fast sprinter thanks to her mad dashes to school. Compact in hand she shouted her transformation phrase, "Moon Crystal Power, MAKE-UP!"

She waited to feel the surge of warm light wash over her but there was nothing, just cold stagnant air. No, not now! Again Usagi called out her transformation phrase. "Moon Crystal Power, MAKE-UP!"

The distance between herself and Demando was closing and she was unable to transform into Sailor Moon. What could she do? With her mind too wrapped up in devising a plan, she slipped on the floor and skidded into the wall. The impact of the blow took her off balance and she became unable to stand. The tap-tap-tap of shoes against marble slowed and became gradually louder and louder and Demando approached her. Embarrassed at her fumbled escape attempt, and utterly terrified of him, Usagi refused to meet his gaze, and instead stared stubbornly at the floor. Her field of vision fell darker as his shadow descended upon her. Determined to not relinquish the Ginzuishou to him, she clutched her broach closely to her.

"Did I not say you wouldn't be needing that here," Demando said, kneeling down, blocking any exit route she might have. Now he had her pinned against the wall, one arm on either side. Extending his hand out he sized the broach from her hands. Desperately she wrestled with him for it, pulling all her weight into it. They struggled for what may have been only a couple of seconds before he secured it tightly away from Usagi. She pulled back as far as she could and was met with her back to a wall. "This planet is suffused with the energy of the Jakokusuishou. It absorbs and neutralizes all other power, even that of your Ginzuishou. It's now nothing more than a glass bead." His tone was much firmer; clearly she had angered him. Well that was fine with her! Serves him right for kissing her like that. She'd slap him a hundred times over for that. "You may use this place as you so please, for it will become your eternal resting place."

And with that he rose and promptly walked away from her, leaving Usagi a tearful mess on the floor.


End Chapter Four.

I hope you all enjoyed. I wanted to get this out to you wonderful readers as fast as I could since I left the last chapter on a pretty big cliff hanger.