"COMON GUYS! WE CAN DO IT!" Danny Phantom pushed every lick of his power into the large conducting pull. The power surrounding him was unfathomable, compressing and wriggling around the air into the conductor. The Disasteroid was coming quickly. Faster and Faster it went, catching fire as it entered the Earths atmosphere. He looked at the asteroid. It wasnt enough power! It was going to hit! Danny panicked along with several other ghosts. Skulker looked over at danny, his body slightly see through from the intangable force he was forcing into the pillar.

"DANNY! WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH POWER!" His electric voice cut through the highly pressured air. "ITS TOO LATE!" Skulker along with several other ghosts eyes widened as they slowly stopped pushing their power into the pillar. Danny felt himself shaking.

He knew what he had to do.

"EVERYONE KEEP TRYING! I GOT A PLAN!" Danny screamed as he detached himself from the pillar and flew upwards. This was it. This is what he was made to do. He touched the very tip of the large pillar. Suddenly a very large condensed power started building around Danny. He closed his eyes in determination.

"D-Danny!? What are you doing!?" Sam talked to herself in the large base. Tuckers eyes widened.

"Hes gonna sacrifice himself to save us!" Tucker screamed out. Everyone felt terror weld up inside of themselves. The power was getting stronger and stronger. A large white orb flowed out and around danny, flickering with sheer force. Everyone looked up at the teen floating in the sky.

He was gritting his teeth in exasperation. This was it. His eyes flew open. Revealing pure white lights brighter than the brightest stars. His hair went up in white flames, flowing up with power. Danny raised his arms and slowly started pushing them together. The orb condensed into his hands until it was but a pure white marble sized dot.

"DANNY! NO!" Sams voice screamed over the large pressure. Everyone looked up at Phantom in horror. It felt as if time was slown down. Sam screamed and started running towards the window in slow motion, raising her hand outwards to her friend, tears streaming down her face. Danny looked towards Sam and talked into his headset. His head was fully flames, soaring up 4 feet high. He was radiating pure power. His glowing eyes locked onto Sam, tears running down his face.

"Please. Dont forget me."

With those words, He closed his eyes and focused on the energy infront of him. He forced his arms outwards with a yell, snapping his eyes back open. The power released itself around everyone, forcing them to cover their eyes from the bright light that exploded out of the teen. The ground rumbled from the pure power that shot out of him.

After the light died down, Everyone uncovered their eyes. Tucker and Sam ran towards the window, pressing their faces against the glass.


No Asteroid.

No fire.

No Danny.

Sam looked upwards and screamed out towards the heavens.