Nothing really happens here. Amedot stuff; nothing romantic, but they totally like each other but are oblivious to it. Because I am trash and said so, so enjoy. Also should note: Not edited or proofread, so there may be errors (there probably will be). Lemme know your thoughts.


Steven stared off at the green gem sitting in the grass not too far away. Even if she was certainly within walking distance, he had a particular feeling that she did not want anyone's company. She was speaking into her cassette for her logs, likely going on about the day's events.

Not that he could blame her. He glanced down at the ground and kicked the dirt lightly, spreading dust around his feet. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"She did just insult her own Diamond, essentially betraying Homeworld. One she dedicated herself to" Garnet glanced at him, noting his downtrodden look. She brushed a hand against his hair, ruffling it. "She probably just needs space to adjust to things."

"I do admit, I was surprised she stood up to Yellow Diamond like that. Partly for our sake, at that," said Pearl, arms crossed.

"It was sweet, are you kidding?" Amethyst shouted, leaning back. "She tore Yellow D to pieces! Ahaha!"

Steven glanced at Peridot again. "She probably doesn't think of it like that. It must be hard to turn back on your home like that."

"It'll take time and effort for her to get used to Earth." Garnet gave him a half grin. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I kinda wanna talk to her… she looks lonely." Sure, she didn't really look lonely, certainly not to him. However, that didn't mean he wanted her to be by herself when she likely was thinking about what happened that day. Then his stomach growled, and he realized the diamond incident made him skip dinner.

Amethyst chuckled. "Nah, little man, go have something to chow on. I'll handle her."


"Sure," she shrugged, then thought about something. "But toss me a chip bag first."

"I'm reluctant to admit that the star filled sight is an admirable one. There are multiple stars that can be seen that even I have witnessed before during the travel to Earth. Still, I fail to comprehend the purpose of 'stargazing.' Maybe it's a permafusion activity only."

The approach of footsteps made her stop, as well as an obnoxious crunching sound. She paused her log and looked up to see Amethyst walking towards her.

"Wassup, megadork?"

Peridot watched Amethyst sit down beside her and toss the remaining contents of the crinkling bag into her mouth. Followed by said bag. Peridot made a disgusted noise. "I don't understand this.."

Amethyst snorted. "You don't understand a lot of things here."

"But this is meaningless!" She placed her log recorder on the grass and gestured out toward the twilight sky. "I'm trying this… stargazing Garnet talked about. And there's no point by doing it."

"Ehh, there's no meaning to it. You just do it."

Peridot glared at the sky again, trying to absorb this information. Doing things without purpose… she really did not get Earth and its customs that the Crystal Gems have come to accept. The Crystal Gems… of which she was now a part of.

She sighed. "I'm also hoping this will ease my stress considering today's events. It's not very successful."

Amethyst frowned, a look of genuine concern on her face. "Not feeling great, huh?"

"I only betrayed my Diamond, as well as Homeworld, the very planet I worked at and for all of my life," Peridot deadpanned, frowning back.

"Soooo I'm guessing that's a no."

Peridot's glare deepened.

Amethyst's smirk returned. "Relax, I was joking. Well, sorta."

"I'm sure that's what you and humans would call 'bad timing.'" At least that was what she had gathered from interacting with Steven for so long. Because while Amethyst's jokes often annoyed her, she still smiled slightly-though she tried to hide it.

"... Yeah." Amethyst's voice softened.

"Why are you here?"

Amethyst wrapped a hand on her other arm. "Well… you looked kinda miserable."

"You came here to tell me that?" Peridot asked, eyebrows narrowed a little, as this wasn't a reminder that she needed.

"Just looked like you could use some company." Amethyst shrugged. She leaned down to Peridot's eye level. "Ooor, do you wanna mope around by yourself?"

"What would we talk about, if you're here?"

Amethyst gave her a weird look. "I'm not sure. You don't plan talking, it just happens."

"There's a lot of improvisation on Earth." Peridot grimaced. "It's… rather irritating."

"Well, I like it." She raised her hands.

"I'm sure you do."

Amethyst still joined her. Peridot didn't even argue-as if she could tell a Quartz what to do. Besides, her company was most welcoming, and when Amethyst leaned back to lay on the grass, she followed suit. It gave her a better view of the dark blue sky, filled with so many stars and planets that were so far away...

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm glad you told off Yellow Diamond."

Peridot's eyes widened. She jerked up, hands clenching in the air. "Excuse me?!" Did I hear that right?!

Amethyst's smirk was wide and proud. "It was pretty cool, ya know. I was totally surprised—but also impressed. I didn't know you had it in you."

Peridot jumped up, eyes shrinking. "It was dangerous. She'll crush my gem with the heel of her gravity connectors once I return to Homeworld—if the Cluster doesn't kill us first." She quickly sat back down, wrapping her arms around herself.

Amethyst didn't say anything for a moment. Then she nudged Peridot lightly, making the green gem flinch. "We'll beat that Cluster, I know that much. That's nothing. And don't worry about 'your highness.' We won't let her crush you—or anyone, really."

Peridot met her gaze, tapping her touch stumps together. "I'm shocked, considering you probably wanted to do the same no less than a few hours ago." The thought made her cringe and turn away again.

"I mean, we wouldn't do that, but, well…" Amethyst sighed. "I almost thought you were betraying us."

Peridot's head shot up, and she put her hands on the ground. "How so?"

Amethyst shrugged. "I dunno, sell us out to Yellow Diamond, have her send down more gems to kick our butts—junk like that." She hid her eyes in her mane of faded white. "

"That wasn't my intention. It's obvious that this Earth holds plenty of life and renewable resources that could be sustainable for all gem kind—"

"And for other things, too," Amethyst interrupted, voice growing stern abruptly. Peridot shut herself up. "Like all the people and the planets… we protect Earth because there's a lot here to protect, you know. Oh, and food, of course." She chuckled.

"Gems don't even need to eat in the first place."

"You should try it sometime." She winked.

Peridot rolled her eyes, mentally adding eating to something she probably wouldn't be doing in the future, even if Amethyst suggested it. "My point still stands. Yellow Diamond simply didn't understand that blowing up this planet would be a waste of resources. She didn't look at it at any logical standpoint!" she exclaimed, arms out forward.

"Is that the only reason?" Amethyst asked, a hint of curiosity rising in her tone.

Peridot pondered this for a moment, squeezing her toes. "Well, there are other assets to Earth that are… somewhat appealing."

"Such as?" Amethyst poked her in the side, showing teeth a teasing smile. "C'mon, spill. Is it the food, the views, or is it the food?"



Peridot gulped, recoiling at her own response. "And the—er, Steven has shown to be a hybrid that has good intentions, as well." Still feeling lightheaded by her previous response, she continued with a stutter, "And y-you're clearly the best gem here, in terms of authority." She paused, and pointed. "Or, you would be."

Amethyst looked at her for a moment, but Peridot could not possibly understand what to tell from her expression. "Thanks." And she shied away, half of her face hiding in her hair.

Yet the downess in her voice gripped at Peridot's chest. To hurt Amethyst's feelings again… she couldn't possibly let this go on again. Holding her hands together tightly, she added, "And… and losing you because of the Cluster or even Yellow Diamond is a bothersome, hypothetical situation. One I don't approve of."

"Heh, that so?"

Peridot relaxed upon seeing Amethyst's lips rise again. "I did just say that."

"Just… checking." They both lay back in the grass again. The sky blinked over them, like glorious diamonds in the sky. Peridot breathed in the quiet, because it felt nice at the moment. Of course, she was still focused on the Cluster, on Yellow Diamond, but… the exhausting day made her want to forget it for one night. Then Amethyst spoke again. "You said you would return to Homeworld—you still wanna go back?"

"Of course!" Her voice rose, as if it were obvious. Which to her, it was clearly so.

"But why? That place sounds… lame and boring. Whenever Garnet or Pearl tell me about it, I go to snoozeville." Amethyst's nose scrunched up, and she stuck her tongue out. "Earth's wayyyy better."

Peridot pursed her lips. "It is not lame or boring. It's endless with unique architect and has technology that puts these humans to shame. Their history is enormous and fascinating. Yes, all classes are set no matter what, but they're like that for organization. Even... if I betrayed them for this planet." Her voice lowered, and her face fell. "They'll… never let me go, if I returned. But…" She decided to pick at the tiny pieces of grass beside her, as opposed to look at Amethyst or the sky. "I, um, have nowhere else to go."

Amethyst leaned in, as if to get Peridot to look at her. It failed. "You'll get used to it here, I know it. I mean, I was born here, so of course I like it here way better. But I like it for a reason."

"Can you show me?"

Amethyst blinked. "Uhh, why?"

"If I'm stuck on this planet, I might as well see what there is to offer. See what's so special about it enough for you Crystal Cl—Gems to turn against Homeworld. I have to learn to adjust to my surroundings if I don't want to get torn to pieces." She waited to continue her sentence, tapping the recorder sitting beside her in the grass again. The recorder that, while she could complain into it all she wanted, wouldn't do much for her out in this giant planet. "I've, uh, learned that by now, from experience."

Amethyst's gaze stayed on her fro a few extra moments. "Y-yeah, I can show you around sometime." She glanced back up. "I know a few places, but probably nothing you'd like too much. Maybe not your style."

"Well, while I was stuck here before I got trapped in Steven's bathroom, I did come across some fascinating sights. Nothing like the temples or other structures back home, but—ooh, ooh, I found it!" Her excitement made her sit back up, and she pointed straight up into the sky.


"Over there, that star right there. Right under that long constellation." Peridot pointed, closing the distance between them to help guide Amethyst to the star she found.

Amethyst squinted. "I think I see it. What is it?"

"It's Homeworld!" Her face lit up, stars in her eyes. To see such a wonderful planet like Homeworld from so far away brought a hint of delight to her. "Good eye." Though Amethyst didn't sound too impressed, she grinned at Peridot with a quick nudge to the shoulder.

Peridot's eyebrow rose. "I have two eyes."

Amethyst cackled loudly, throwing her head back. When she brought it back down, she wiped a tear from the corner of an eye. "Oooh, never mind. Peridot, I hope you never leave."

"W-what?" she stuttered, this information catching her off guard. Just two hours ago, it wasn't an impossible thought to think they wanted her dead or, at the very least, gone far, far away. Now the best gem among them wanted her to stay… forever? They still didn't make any sense!

"You're not bad for a gem that, well," Amethyst lay further against the grass, letting her long hair spread onto the ground, "tried to kill us a while back."

"Thank you?" The compliment didn't sound so positive.

"I'm just saying that you're cool." Amethyst shut her eyes. "And it's nice having you around. You should stick around."

Cool… Peridot repeated in her head. And she smiled as she also repeated, Nice. Both words brought a warm feeling in her chest area. Now those were compliments. With a glance at Amethyst, that feeling rose, and she said, "Did you know that I can name every star out there right now, if I can make a star map? Working with screens and surveying the planets around us made us figure out every star and constellation out there, as well."

Amethyst let out an amused noise, still looking at the sky. "Gee, that's great, nerd."

Peridot's shoulders slouched. "I've come to see that as a strange compliment from you."

"Mhh, pretty much! Aheheh!" she laughed.

Peridot's eyes wandered to the sky again, and over at the barn, she caught Steven and Pearl talking. Or rather, Steven talked over a snack in his hand while Pearl looked over the drill over and over. The tidiness of Pearl was certainly acceptable, she admitted. On the other side of the barn, Garnet was watching the sky, too. Like she saw her last time.

"Do you think you can clarify why Garnet likes this so much? Or how she does so?" Sure, it was nice, but she kept to herself. She didn't have Amethyst to keep her company like Peridot did.

Amethyst looked over at Garnet, then back at Peridot. "I mean, Garnet did say to us that she prefers being together when looking at the stars. It's sorta like watching a movie, only nothing's really happening. I don't get it either, but it sure looks nice." And back to starwatching again.

"But she's alone. Or…" Peridot frowned. "Is this about her being a permafusion?" While getting used to Garnet's constant togetherness, it still baffled and brought many questions to her. All she hoped was that she didn't end up saying anything that would bring her inches from the gem's giant gauntlets.

Unlike Garnet, Amethyst didn't appear bothered. She nodded. "Eyup! The, you know, love thing going on between them makes it better, I guess."

"Stargazing is a… love thing?" Peridot figured out the concept of love upon watching that one episode of Camp Pining Hearts. It was what she wanted between Pierre and Percy. It sounded nice and sweet, however ridiculously sentimental it sounded. Yet she couldn't describe it entirely.

Amethyst flinched, lips curled in an 'o' shape. "Not all the time! But only if… you know, they want it to be."

"What's the difference if they do?"

Amethyst let out boisterous laughter again, and Peridot jumped an inch away. "You're asking the wrong gem, Peri. I don't do that romantic junk, really."

"Oh." Peridot did not comment on this further. She couldn't. And she had no clue why. And in exchange, Amethyst stopped talking, too, which surprised Peridot plenty.

Peridot took a look at Amethyst and thanked her Diamond that the purple gem was not looking back. She barely noticed Peridot staring at her. And she had no idea what brought this out. She was confused quite a bit when it came to Amethyst. Not the gem herself, but… something about her. What that was, Peridot was stumped. But Amethyst's lack of attention allowed her to notice the small details about the Crystal Gem. The small cuts in her black top, how despite how thick and wild her hair looked, it still was brushed and didn't look tangled, her relaxed and rather sleepy eyes—

"I'm starting to get the hang of this." She had no idea where these words came from, or what she was actually getting the hang of. Did it have to do with her or…

"What's that?"

Oh, no. It definitely had to do with Amethyst. She gulped. "Stargazing. I… I like it."

"Good to hear, Peri-dactyl," Amethyst chuckled under her breath. And she glanced back at Peridot. "You ready to head back to the barn? Unless ya wanna snooze in the grass." She patted the grass, wearing a wide grin.

Peridot could feel blush rising to her cheeks, which wasn't a common thing until she met these accused abominations that became her friends. And she prayed that Amethyst didn't catch how intensely she was looking at her. "Sure!" she said with a smile that was a bit panicky.

Amethyst stood up, stretching a bit to pull at any tired muscles. When she got up as well, Peridot couldn't stare at her anymore, in fear of further blushing. She looked down at the grass they sat on, saw the imprints of their bodies sitting close to one another. Then her head turned to the sky, which did look beautiful with all those stars and all those colors. Not many views like this were on Homeworld.

"I'd like to do this again tomorrow!"

Oh stars, had she lost her mind? What was her thought process for this? Was there any thought process to this? No, of course not, but why did she let it happen? What would happen if she said no? She was already exhausted by the failure she had been reminded of by Yellow Diamond...

Amethyst looked equally as shocked. "Seriously?"

Peridot blushed again, but grit her teeth. I made my statement, I might as well finish it. Straightening up, she said, clearing her throat, "Yes. So long as the progress on the drill isn't slowed."

The Crystal Gem blinked at first, and Peridot's stomach clenched by the vagueness of this response. Then a smile rose on Amethyst's face. "Sure, why not?" she answered, hand on her hip. "Do whatever you techni-nerds need to do with the drill." She bumped her hip into Peridot's with a snicker. "Let's go! I need food in my stomach, stat, then a good old nap."

"Okay." Peridot watched her walk off, then caught herself and followed after her.