Papyrus threw his head back to scream out to his older brother Sans from the kitchen, standing on a step-ladder to reach the sink in order to wash tubberware. He couldn't believe it, but some of his leftover spaghetti had gone bad when no one touched it, and he couldn't help but feel hurt that no one wanted to enjoy his amazing creations reheated.

Sans assured him, though, that he and Frisk, their human friend, just enjoyed Papyrus' spaghetti when it's freshly cooked. Regaining his proud persona, the younger skeletal monster proceeded to washing out the tubberware with no hard feelings of his now moldy spaghetti going to waste.

Things would be so much easier, though, if Sans were there to help him like a big brother should...

"SANS!" Papyrus called again, frustration emphasized in his voice. "GET IN HERE NOW AND HELP ME!"

"Can't, gravity's taken a hold of me," the response of the lazy monster replied from the living room. Papyrus bent down to shoot daggers from his eyes at Sans as he lay on the green couch half asleep, his eternal grin still as cheesy and smug as ever.

"Sans, please, aren't you supposed to play the role as the responsible older brother who acts as the younger's role model? Because you're doing a poor job at it."

"Since when have I ever done any of my jobs, bro?" Sans teased, opening an eye socket halfway to look back at his irritated younger brother. "C'mon, Paps, you should know me by now."

Grumbling, Papyrus decided better to confront his brother rather than scream from the other side of the house. He placed the half-cleaned tubberware and the rag in the warm soapy water and climbed down the ladder. After drying his bony hands and slipping back on his signature red gloves he stomped into the living room.

"Sans, this laziness isn't healthy for you. What's so wrong with helping your brother out at least from time to time?"

"Bro, you know another one of your pap-talks aren't gonna work," Sans smirked. He giggled as Papyrus threw back his head to scream at the horrible pun.


"Well, water you expectin', I drop everything to help out with something you clearly got a grasp on already?" the older brother snickered. "Dishesn't like the Great Papyrus to ask for help. No need to get so tubberware-y."

"STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!" Papyrus roared, stomping a foot against the floor. "I HAVE HAD ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR PUNS, SANS!"

"Hey, no need to get upsetti over moldy spaghetti," Sans grinned.

"NYEEEEEHHH!" Papyrus stomped around the house and shouted in annoyance, which just mad his older brother laugh.

"Oh, man, Paps!" Sans chuckled, wiping the beginning of a tear from his eye socket. "Your reactions are really tickling my ribs!"

Papyrus suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eye sockets widening. He hated to admit it - and he surely wouldn't - but Sans' horrible pun just gave him an idea that just might work. He slowly turned back to Sans and walked up to him slowly, not taking his gaze off him for a second.

"Heh, what's wrong, Paps?" the older brother asked with another flash of his signature grin. "Did I burst your pipes with that one?"

"Oh, no, you didn't," the younger brother replied coolly. He watched Sans' expression contort with confusion when he didn't get the reaction he was expecting. "You know how you said my reactions to your God-awful puns tickled your ribs?"

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Well, if you like your ribs tickled so much, allow me to assist you!" Without warning, Papyrus bent down and shot his arms out to slide them through his brother's unzipped hoodie to scribble and scrape his gloved fingers over his ribs.

Sans, not expecting this, gasped loudly as his eye sockets widened. Immediately his senses registered and he burst out laughing in response to the ticklish sensations.


"JUST HELPING OUT, BROTHER!" Papyrus grinned mischievously. He quickly whipped off his gloves to more effectively dig his fingers into Sans' bony torso through the thin shirt.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ST-STAHAHAHAP THAT!" Sans laughed. He squirmed around under his younger brother's wrath as he struggled to push his arms away, his legs kicking out behind him.

"Perhaps I'll stop on one condition: you stop being so lazy and help me with the dishes!"


Papyrus smirked as he grabbed Sans' arms and held them above his head; he knew of his older brother's weakness as far as physical strength went so it was no trouble keeping him pinned. He then lifted up his shirt and resumed scraping his fingers across the rib cage.

Feeling bone scrape against ticklish bone only increased the ticklish sensations tenfold, causing Sans to practically shriek with laughter. "GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP, PAPYRUS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I don't think I will," Papyrus smirked before wiggling his bony fingers between each rib, grinning widely as his older brother squealed.


"This is your last chance to submit to my demands of no longer being lazy before I unleash my special attack, brother!" Papyrus warned cockily.


"VERY WELL!" With a devilish grin, Papyrus stopped tickling. Without giving Sans a chance to properly catch his breath, he shot out his arms to grab a hold of his ankles.

Sans' eye sockets immediately widened, his eternal grin lowering until the beginning of a frown was noticeable, and his facial expression was struck with fear. "P-PAPYRUS, DON'T YOU DARE!"

"Oh, I dare!" the younger brother cackled. He climbed up on the couch to sit on his legs, keeping his feet in place, and whipped off his fluffy pink slippers with ease. He then proceeded to glide and scratch his fingers along the smooth surface of Sans' soles.

Sans' frown immediately shot right back up to a large hysterical grin as he laughed loudly, his body convulsing uncontrollably. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH, MY GOD, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!"

"Too late now, brother!" Papyrus laughed with an evil smirk. He continued to tickle his soles, as well as heels and arches, which just made Sans squeals even louder and more high-pitched.


"Oh, I haven't even hit the sweet spot yet..." Papyrus chuckled. On cue, he glided his hands up to Sans' bony toes and proceeded to scratch and scribble under and between them.

Sans' eye sockets flew wide open and tears were practically flying out of them and down his cheeks, which were deep blue in a massive blush. He was thrown immediately into hysterical screams and shrieks as he bucked and thrashed around, doing absolutely anything and everything to try and shake his younger brother off.


"Give in now and this will all be over!" Papyrus cackled as he only picked up the tickling pace. He smirked as Sans attempted to slap the back of his battle body, but his slaps were weakened by his uncontrollable hysteria.

"PLEHEHEHEHEASE STOP, PAPYRUHUHUHUS! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the older brother wailed as he continued his fruitless attempt to slap Papyrus' back.

"I can do this aaaaall day if you so desire, Sans," Papyrus chuckled, tickling the tops of his toes now. "If that is what you wish, I suppose I can be the better brother and help you out, unlike a certain brother who won't do the same."

This was the absolute last straw. The tops of his toes were WAY too ticklish for Sans to stand for even half a second. He shrieked with laughter and threw his head back, finally deciding to swallow his lazy habits and pride.


"Are you suuuuure?" the younger brother smirked as he tickled the sweet spot even faster, giggling as his older brother squealed silently.

"YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!" Sans nodded his head rapidly, tears flying in all directions. "PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!"

"Okay, I suppose I could have some mercy on you now." Papyrus lifted his hands away and stopped tickling, finally allowing Sans to breathe. Although he lacked the lungs, the older brother still felt completely out of breath.

Papyrus stood up and slipped his red gloves back on with a confident smirk. "You see, brother? Whether it be comforting you or getting what I rightfully deserve through tickle torture, the Great Papyrus is always victorious!"

"Yeah... Remind me... to never d...doubt that again..." Sans panted, laying completely still on the couch as he struggled to recollect himself. Once he caught his breath, he sat up and slipped his slippers back on over his feet. "Well... Let's go do those dishes now."

"Glad to see you helping me, Sans, even if it was persuaded through drastic means."
Papyrus helped Sans up to his feet, which still tingled and made it difficult to even wear the fuzzy slippers, and the two made their way into the kitchen.

"Boy, Papyrus, you sure did put me in one hell of a ticklish situation back there."