Ok! Just so you all know, I have moved this story to Archive of Our Own under the username Flurrious! So, yes, we are one in the same! Just to be clear!
Hey, so this is my first ever, uh, fanfiction! Soo, I'm kind of nervous, but I intend on making this an enjoyable experience for... well, sinners like you and me. Umm, this stuff is gonna get to be kind of NSFW, but I'll label the explicitly naughty chapters with asterisks on either side. Soo, if you're interested in only that stuff, well, you can skip to it.

Hell, I wouldn't blame ya ;)


Chapter 1: You Were Going To Die.

It was kind of funny how everything started, and devolved into what it was. It always amused you how tiny things that people seldom notice end up changing the world in tremorous ways.

You always had a scientific mind about you, or at least a philosophical one. You always thought in metaphors and symbols, like juxtaposing light rain to new beginnings, or how you associate black cats with bad luck. Others call it superstition, but you called it observation.

So, it was no wonder when a black cat crossed your path after it had rained that something terrible happened that would change your life forever.

Your heart was racing at a discomforting pace while you frantically struggled for help.

"Aww, c'mon babe, stop that silly wigglin'. It's not gettin' you nowhere."

"Yeah, sugar tits, we know the sinful stuff you been into. Naughty girls like you go to hell, you know. You're gonna find yourself most comfortable if you stop strugglin' now."

You continued to struggle and scream into the dark one's hand, to, seemingly, no avail. You were determined to get out of this mess, and you sure as hell weren't going to submit to any smelly suburb assholes. Finally, you manage to wriggle yourself out of the cloth over your mouth and bite the dark guy's hand, to which he shouts, "BLOODY FUCKING HELL!"

"Like hell I'm going to stop struggling." You immediately regret having said anything at all when the fat one slaps you across the face with the back of his hand. Unfortunately, that also meant that your face was now bleeding profusely due to his spiked leather gloves.

You scream bloody murder.

"Shit, the bitch wasn't supposed to be A FUCKING BITCH! C'mon, jefe, we gotsta kill this bitch and get outta here before somebody-"

You had preemptively squeezed your eyes shut at what was coming, but nothing did. You almost dared to open your eyes, but you heard the shouts of the two men and loud banging somewhere to your right. At least, you thought so; it was hard to concentrate on anything. You felt terribly light-headed, and it had only been seconds since the guy slapped you. You felt blood gush out of your head. Even with your eyes closed, everything looked red.

This was it.

You were going to die.

You faded out to the faraway sound of someone right next to you.


If you're confused, don't worry. You're kind of supposed to be a bit :/

The character's gender is female. I don't ever want to use underlines in place of names, so I'm using the only nurse reference I have in my reservoir: NURSE JOY! Mostly though, just Joy. I don't want to use ambiguous pronouns ALL the time, but I also don't want to blatantly give your character a name that isn't yours. So, that's my lame solution =:3

I also want to point out I've never in my life been a nurse. Or lived in anything but a small-ass town. So, if I start contradicting myself, uh, you can let me know. Or, you know, stew in my own ignorance =w=

Like I've said, this is my first ever fanfic, so yeah. Criticism, praise, insults, questions, suggestions, and just plain-old comments are greatly appreciated!