Neighbors Chapter 1
Unpacking had left me totally drained. I plopped down on my couch, fighting sleep. Sadly all I had managed to do was place all of my furniture. Most of my clothes were still in boxes. I put away and tidied up most of my kitchen. But just about everything else was still boxed up.
My best friend, Pepe Butler, who had graciously helped me with just about everything, was already gone and probably passed out on his bed, so I didn't bother checking on him. I was glad to have him help, though. I wouldn't have gotten nearly this much done alone. I picked up my phone. It was late. My other two friends, Finn and Jake, weren't on social media. I wondered what they could be up to. Probably busy playing some card game. I decided not to bother them, either.
I caught myself nodding off and stretched before I fell asleep for good. I yawned and lazily stood up from my couch. I felt gross and sweaty from all the manual labor I had done today and figured that I really needed a shower. After peeking into a few boxes, I finally found my bath supplies. I sat them in the bathroom and left to hunt for clothes to put on afterwards. I spread the pajamas out carefully and neatly onto my bed, shed my clothes, and started a warm, cozy bubble bath to relax my muscles. I groaned in bliss when my body was submerged in the hot water and laid there to let myself soak.
It was probably a mistake to close my eyes because when I woke up the water was luke warm. After realizing that I had fell asleep in the tub, I quickly washed myself off and got out, making sure to drain the water. I moisturized my skin, wrapped up in my favorite pink, fuzzy robe, and went down stairs to see if any of the Chinese take out was still left from earlier.
I yawned as I tossed the rice and two egg rolls into the microwave. As I stood waiting, I thought I heard breathing coming from inside my apartment. It was faint, so I figured the walls must be thin and its from the apartment next door. Someone must be snoring. As I continued waiting, I ran my fingers through my hair, which was dyed blonde with pale, pink streaks. The pink was fading, and I made sure to remember that I would need to make time to dye it again. My friends always liked to poke fun at me for dying my hair. They always said the natural red was perfect, but I never liked it. I was thankful, though, that my eye brows were brown. That way my natural hair color wouldn't be given away to strangers.
The microwave beeped and I heard grumbling. Again, it sounded like it came from inside of my apartment. I made note to not be loud late at night because these walls must be stupid thin. I grabbed my food and made my way into the living room. But as I made my way to the couch, I found an unwelcome stranger laying there asleep. I jumped, causing all my food to fall on the floor. A loud squeaking sound escaped my mouth and I stood there, unsure of how to deal with this intruder.
But the girl wasn't moving. In fact, she was still sleeping peacefully, despite all of my commotion. I relaxed a little, stopping to think. I thought maybe she was homeless, or maybe even mentally confused. She was very petite, light brown skin, and styled her hair in sort of a curly afro with a green head band covering her forehead. The dress she wore matched the headband, and white heels were kicked off of her feet and laying in the floor. I also noticed a guitar case that was half opened. The guitar inside of it was blue and white. Was she in a band?
I crossed my arms and sighed. Well, who ever she was, she needed to leave. I don't appreciate intruders. She had even left my door slightly opened. Of course, I hadn't locked it. I should have known better. I checked to make sure my robe was secured, then began to walk over to her. I didn't plan on touching her. She might hit me on either by accident or reflex if I get to close. Maybe if I get a little closer and call loudly to her, she'll wake up. I stood just out of arm's length and took a deep breath. Just as I was about to say something, I heard a voice calling from just outside my door.
"Keila, where are you? I told you I was in 205! Did you go into the wrong apartment again?"
That might explain something. My apartment is 204, so maybe she was only here by mistake. The stranger on my couch only grumbled again. I walked over to the door, hoping this person could remove this girl from my couch. I opened the door to find a girl, her brown skin just a shade darker than the girl inside. She wore her hair straight and long. A red dress covered her body, along with a matching red head band and white heels. I noticed that on her back she was also carrying a guitar. I supposed these two girls where in a band together. They must have just gotten back from a show recently. Maybe these girls rode separately and the one on my couch got to the building first.
"Is this your friend," I asked, flatly. I might have sounded rude, but it was mostly because I was tired.
The embarrassed girl peeked inside, then nodded.
"Yeah, sorry about that," She apologized, refuse to meet my eyes again. "This is the second time she's done this. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. She gets confused and I only moved in a couple of weeks ago," the girl explained.
"That would be appreciated," I said with a deep yawn as I stepped aside and allowed her to walk in.
She shook her friend and called her name until she finally opened her eyes. The long haired girl explained that she had came into the wrong apartment again. When the short haired girl comprehended what was said, she jumped up, her face as red as an apple.
"Oh my glob, I'm so sorry!" She squealed.
The long haired girl punched her friend in the shoulder playfully. "You're lucky this girl wasn't too angry about it."
"It won't happen again," the short haired girl said, then rushed out the door.
The long haired girl began to follow her, but stopped just outside of my door way.
"I'm gonna suggest you lock your door at night, just in case," she said with a slight smile.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"I'm Marceline, by the way."
"Bonnibel," I yawned.
"I guess I'll see you around," Marceline said as she closed my door.
I counted to ten before I walked over to lock it. I slowly turned around and grumbled. I would have to clean the food I spilled before I went to sleep, even though I didn't have the energy to do so. When the mess was gone I double checked my door, it was still locked. But I was annoyed when I found that girl's guitar still leaning against my couch. I would have to return it soon. But it could wait until tomorrow, so I shook my head and walked into my bedroom. I collapsed on my mattress and was asleep within seconds.