Aftermath Chapter 5
"Do I look all right?" Leia asked Han. They were about to traverse the hallways of the base and she absolutely couldn't allow anyone to see she had been crying.
Han had to stop himself from telling her she looked absolutely beautiful. Her perfectly done hair was coming loose at the sides, giving her a softer look and her wide eyes staring earnestly into his was making him feel like giving her the kiss of a lifetime. He didn't know when he started to feel this way about her but it somehow seemed to be happening very quickly. Did it start with that hug she gave him when they blew up the Death Star? He remembered well the feel of her warm body pressed against him. "You look fine," he said softly.
What she actually looked like was vulnerable and that look caught him completely – it was such a contrast from what he'd seen of her so far; strong, unbending, and decisive. A wave of protectiveness washed over him and for a moment he thought he'd do anything for this woman, anything to make her pain go away.
"Let's get you to your quarters, Sweetheart."
They started down the hallway, Leia stumbling a little bit as she walked beside Han. He stuck his hand in his pocket and thrust his elbow out towards her, an invitation that she accepted gratefully. She held his arm and managed to steady herself for the most part, if she concentrated.
Her emotions were running wild, her grief still so fresh that it caused her physical pain and it was all she could do to keep her head up and her tears in while they walked the hallways toward her cabin. She wanted to scream with the pain of her loss, she wanted to throw things and have them shatter into a million pieces, yet she wanted to be strong and show that they had not broken her.
And Han, being so nice to her. Everything was confusing, but she held on to his arm as if he were the only thing standing between her and insanity.
When they arrived at her room she palmed the door open and turned to say goodbye to Han but he quickly followed her in.
"Captain, what do you think you're doing? Thank you for your help but—"
"Never mind all that," he said. "Go change into your sleeping clothes and meet me back here.'
She was so weary with emotion, so shocked at his statement, so tired and so tipsy, she simply followed orders. She got her nightgown and socks from her cabinet and went to the 'fresher to change. As she changed she wondered why she was doing this. She wondered what his motives were. She wondered if he would stay if she asked him to.
She crept out of the 'fresher to find him waiting for her, still fully dressed thank the goddess. Not that she really thought he wouldn't be.
But he had been busy while she was changing. He held out a glass of water and two painkillers.
"Sweetheart, I want you to take these and drink this whole glass of water, okay. Trust me, you'll be happy you did." He steered her to the edge of the bed and sat her down, then handed his hangover remedy to her.
She drank it all, obediently. Han knew she was truly far gone for her to be this compliant. He looked at her in her white nightgown that hung to her ankles and her heavy socks and thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
Leia's mind was full of chaos. She was exhausted by her emotional outburst, exhausted by the pain in her heart, and exhausted by the alcohol she had drunk. All she knew was that Han was making her feel better and she didn't want him to leave. Her head whirled with this new information. She didn't want Han Solo to leave. She felt if she could only hang on to him for a little longer she could get through this night.
"All right, get into bed now," Han ordered and pulled back the covers. Dutifully she crawled underneath them. She scooted to the far end of the bed.
Staring at the design on the bedspread she whispered, "Will you… will you stay? Just for a little bit?" She felt like a child asking to sleep in her parent's bed, but she couldn't help herself. She'd go crazy if he left her alone now, all the pain would come back. He was her salve.
Han pulled back in surprise. She wanted him to stay? Yet how could he resist her, her small body curled in on itself, looking so breakable. "Sure, Leia." He said her name softly, perhaps for the first time since they had met.
He looked around for a chair to sit in but it was her turn to pull back the covers. "Please," she said. "just for a while."
He stood staring at her for a moment, considering. He would love nothing more than to crawl into bed with the Princess for various reasons but he knew what she needed was comfort. He took off his boots and climbed in.
She immediately curled herself around him and he put his arm around her as she lay her head on his chest. She heard the beating of his heart again, she smelled his unique smell and once again the feeling of peace came over her, this other-worldly feeling that he was good and would protect her. It wasn't long before she was snoring gently.
Han on the other hand, was not so quick to fall asleep. He wanted to help her, hells that had been his goal the whole night, but there was only so much a man could take. A beautiful woman in his arms and he could do nothing about it. He sighed. This was where chivalry got you. But the longer he lay there the more he was able to just enjoy her warmth, the smell of her hair and her soft breathing. He kissed her on the top of her head and closed his eyes for a moment, a moment that turned into hours.
When Leia awoke in the morning, Han was gone. All that was left to prove he had been there was a full class of water by the bed and a note that said, "Drink this, Sweetheart."
She drank the water and fingered the note, then got up and put it carefully away in her desk drawer.
The End
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