Luna was fed up. For the first time in the four years that she was here, Luna had forgotten her potions kit. She had never not done a practical lesson and this was the worst time to forget. With Umbridge looming over her, potions were one of her escapes. Weirdly enough, she hated the teacher but the subject was awesome. She scowled from her seat at Snape's desk. The horrid man himself was having a chat with Flitwick at the door. No doubt she would be berated by her head of house after this. She liked the man, but sometimes he could be a bit of an earful. She sighed. When Snape had taken her to the front of the classroom and asked her publicly why she had forgotten her potions kit and why she thought this was a good time to mess up, she debated using the many sarcastic remarks that went through her head as a result of her Ravenclaw wit, and then decided that detention wasn't worth it. The boredom of writing an essay on the proper use and preparation of gurdyroot was making her drained and what was left of her good mood was gone. As she had her mini-mental rant to Snape and Flitwick she didn't realise that the lesson was five minutes from being done and she still hadn't written anything other than her introduction. Her eyes widened. She was franticly writing whatever she could remember of gurdyroot when Snape came over to her and scowled. "Well Miss Lovegood? May I have my essay now?" Her heart stopped. Everyone was packing away, even Ginny, who usually always copies of her. Her best friend hated potions with a passion and as a result, she only learnt potions that interested her. The girl in question gave a puzzled look, but Luna shook her head at her subtly. Snape however took that as his queue to snatch her half written essay and look over it with a snarl. "This is not finished. You had an hour to do it so why is it not finished? Or were you daydreaming of imaginary creatures again?" Luna sighed, trying to keep her breathing steady as this man was getting on her very last nerve. "Ravenclaw? You should have been placed in Hufflepuff." Luna looked up at him, hiding her disdain and said in her trademark dreamy voice, "I'm not very much of a Hufflepuff because you need to earn my trust." She was getting hungry now. "Don't forget about the test, do you hear me?" "Why wouldn't I? Besides, I didn't forget about the test, I have a bajillion books to revise from, so don't worry about me." He snarled. "I really hope you don't write that in the test young lady." Luna looked up at him innocently with those wide gray eyes. "Silly Professor Snape. You've seen my tests haven't you? I always write formally for tests." Snape shook his head in exasperation. He seemed resigned. "Just get out of my classroom Miss Lovegood." "Okay." She replied, already skipping out of the classroom and up the dungeon steps. She smirked. Everyone always fell for that.

When she got back, tired as hell on a Friday afternoon Luna was not in the mood. The only problem however, that no-one else seemed to get the message, just as she collapsed on the worn blue sofa, Flitwick ambled over to her. "Miss Lovegood, I wanted to talk to you, Professor Snape had told me about your forgetfulness and I'm very disappointed in you. This isn't like you." She was tired of hiding under a mask, so just this once, in the comfort of her common room, was she going to let into her usual personality. That was to say, sarcastic and blunt. Raising an eyebrow, she said "Congratulations. Now is there anything else you want to say, or is this it?" Flitwick's expression was hilarious and talk all of Luna's willpower not to burst out laughing right there. "I'm shocked. But you are right; I don't have anything to say. I suggest coffee with your morning breakfast or now, maybe then you won't be so grumpy." He stumbled off. Luna rolled her eyes and continued reading.

The next day, she took Flitwick's advice and drank a cup of coffee. She then felt a lot better.