A/N My first non crossover fic! Also my first sad angst fic.

It was a regular day and Danny was bored. Mr. Lancer was reading the Merchant of Venice to the class. Nobody was really listening. Mr. Lancer always managed to turn an exciting story into a complete bore.

Tucker was sleeping behind Danny. Tucker had stayed up all night coming up with how he wanted his chambers designed. Danny had given the sheet to the chamber's Architect. The Architect looked at it, laughed, and threw it away.

"Lord Tucker sure is funny, Your Highness." He laughed.

Sam was wide awake beside Danny. Her job was to keep Danny awake. She would poke him at random times. It was annoying but it worked.

Suddenly an announcement was heard.

"Mr. Lancer, please report to the office about your purple car."

That was code. It meant that the school was going into lockdown.

Mr. Lancer shut off the lights. The class was quiet. This wasn't a ghost or the Fentons would have been called. A real human was attacking them

Everyone leaned against the walls. Danny was blocked and was unable to escape to stop the criminal.

They heard screams and gunshots. Paulina whimpered, Dash stared at the door, and Danny stared off into space feeling each gunshot.

The door opened and a man walked in twirling his gun. He wore a suit and tie, as if he just walked out of a business meeting. He gave a crazy grin at the cowering students. What caught Danny's eye waqs the man's glowing red eyes.

The man was possessed.

"My king." He said bowing and looking at Danny. "I bear a message from Plasmius. He says thank-you for changing the past. He says your reward is… Watching them DIE!" The man then began shooting.

He shot Danny first, hitting him in the chest. Then he shot randomly until everyone was on the ground.

"So long my king." He told the room. He shut the door and Danny heard more gunshots from the hall.

Sam and Tucker stood up and walked over to him. Both were smart enough to play dead when the man started shooting. They were lucky to be alive.

"Danny, are you okay?" asked Sam.

"No." Danny said looking at his fallen classmates.

A ghost portal appeared in the room. Danny had long ago discovered that when a portal appeared it meant that people had died. He watched as several souls of his classmates left their bodies and entered the portal.

"I have to help them." Danny told his friends.

"I'm coming too." His girlfriend answered.

Danny nodded. He knew Sam would want to come with.

"Okay, but bring this Thermos, and take the Fenton phone so you can keep in contact with me. I'll stay behind with the survivors. Oh and get that bullet out of you!" His friend ordered.

Danny went intangible and the bullet fell to the ground. He grabbed the Fenton phone from Tucker's hand, grabbed his backpack and jumped into the portal. Sam followed him.

He found himself standing on a rock in the middle of the ghost zone. His classmates were staring at him and Sam.

"Where are we?" Paulina asked looking at him.

"You are in the ghost zone." Sam informed her.

Paulina and Star's eyes widened. They smiled and started whispering to each othe.

"Why are you here Fenturd?" Dash asked.

"I'm here to take you home."