A/N: Here is the first chapter of my new story. I hope everyone will like the idea for this story, but of course it's up to everyone to decide what they think about it. Please enjoy reading the first chapter!

Summary: Izaya has been having headaches lately and when more symptoms appear he decides to go to the hospital. There he gets to hear that he has brain cancer.

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara!

Having a headache was definitely not something that Izaya liked. Especially when it was keeping him from his work. He just couldn't focus because of the pounding headache and the worst thing was that it had been happening more often lately. Almost constant if he was honest.

A groan escaped his lips and he laid his head on his hands and closed his eyes. Why couldn't the headache just go away?

"If you're having a headache, you should take some medicine and then go back to work." His assistant yelled at him, which made Izaya flinch.

"Not so loud." Was all he said, but it wasn't such a bad idea to get some medicine. Especially if he wanted to get any work done today.

Slowly standing up from his chair he started walking towards the stairs. Once there he looked up before sighing. Why did he keep his medicine upstairs?

Stepping on the first step, he started walking up a few of them before he felt his foot slip. He tried to correct himself, but somehow his body wasn't working like he wanted and before he even realized it he was tumbling down the stairs he had just gone up.

Once he hit the floor a pained yelp left his mouth and he kept laying there for a bit. What had just happened? Had he really just fallen down the stairs? Had he lost his balance? Orihara Izaya never loses his balance, let alone falling down the stairs.

"That hurts!" He groaned while slowly sitting up.

"Are you alright? That was quite a fall." Namie asked him faking concern. There was no way she would really be concerned about him.

"I'm fine!" He yelled and groaned when it only made his headache worse.

"Maybe you should stop working for today and just rest?" Izaya glared at the woman for saying that.

"You just want to have the rest of the day free." Izaya grumbled and pushed himself from the floor, before holding himself up at the railing of the stairs. His legs were shaking, trying to keep him standing, which made the informant frown.

What was wrong with him? Why did he suddenly feel so weak? Maybe it was better for him to rest, even though he didn't really like the idea.

"Fine. Just take the rest of the day off." Izaya growled and frustratedly tried to take the first step up the stairs, but when he tried to go up the first step, his legs collapsed under him.

"Are you sure you're fine?" He heard Namie ask him, this time a lot closer. Suddenly he felt himself get lifted of the ground by the arm and then he was suddenly leaning on something.

"I would honestly just let you lie here, but since I don't want you to get sick, I will help you to bedroom." Before he could even say anything and protest, the woman was already dragging him up the stairs.

Once upstairs and into his bedroom he was dropped on the bed, before Namie turned to leave, but she thought of something.

"Do you need me to call Kishitani-sensei?" Izaya shook his head at that.

"Don't, whatever is happening will probably be alright tomorrow, but just to be sure come back here the day after tomorrow." Izaya said and then closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. The headache and the tumble down the stairs had tired him out mentally and physically, so it didn't take long before he fell asleep.


Waking up, Izaya looked over at the clock on his bedside table to see that it was 2 in the afternoon. This made him frown, hadn't he gone to sleep in the afternoon? Did this mean he had slept for almost a whole day? He got up from the bed and headed down the stairs. Even though he had slept so long he definitely felt better, so maybe he just needed it.

Yawning he went over to his fridge and grabbed something to eat before heading over to his desk. He might as well get some work done now that he felt fine.

Starting up his computer he ate his food and when he was finished eating he grabbed the glass of water he had also taken, but somehow when he brought it to his lips, the glass fell from his hand and shattered on the ground. Izaya looked surprised at his hand for a moment to see that it was shaking. What was happening? This couldn't be normal right? But calling Shinra because of this didn't really seem like a good idea. Maybe he should go to the hospital? He really wasn't fond of hospitals, so maybe waiting it out was a better idea.

His door opened and Izaya looked up in surprise to see his assistant walking in. What was she doing here? Hadn't he told her to stay away till tomorrow?

"Oh, you're finally awake?" At that Izaya frowned.

"What do you mean?" It couldn't be that two days had passed right?

"You weren't awake when I came in, so I thought I would just let you sleep and am just coming back from my break." Came the answer and Izaya looked at her shocked.

"You mean to say I slept for two days?" At that Namie frowned.

"You haven't woken up since I brought you upstairs? Then it has indeed been two days." She said and looked at the floor beside the informant to see the broken glass and the spilled water. "Maybe you should go and see a doctor. Preferably one at the hospital." She advised him and at that Izaya glared at her.

"I don't need to go to the hospital." Izaya grumbled and stood up from the chair to start picking up the glass shards, but when he tried to grab one his hand completely missed the piece and a frustrated growl left his lips.

"You're only going to cut yourself like that, let me take care of it and get your ass to the hospital." Another glare came from the informant but he made his way over to his door anyway.

"Fine, even if it is just to prove you wrong!" He said and then left the apartment.


Now that he was at the hospital, he honestly just wanted to turn around and go back to his apartment, tell Namie nothing was wrong and then go on like nothing had happened, but he knew that something might be wrong with him. The headaches had gotten worse lately and on his way to the hospital another one had come. He blamed the cold weather for it, since it was the end of november, but maybe there was something else. And then there was the losing his balance and somehow his vision wasn't right either.

Walking up to the front desk he smiled at the woman who sat behind it. "I'm here since I haven't been feeling well." Izaya said and the woman looked at him before giving him a paper.

"Fill this in and then wait here till someone comes to get you." The woman said and Izaya accepted the paper and a pen and started writing down the things that were asked at the paper. Lastly he looked at the symptoms. What should he put in there? Maybe only headaches would be enough? Then he would probably be out faster.

In the end he decided to put down headaches and balance problems. He knew hiding it wouldn't help him, they would probably find out anyway. Izaya gave the paper back to the woman and went to sit down on a chair.

After a while a nurse came and called his name. "Orihara Izaya!" Why he had chosen his own name, he didn't really know, but normally he would have chosen an alias.

Standing up he followed the nurse to a room where a man said with a white doctors coat. Izaya said down on the only other chair in the room and waited for the man to turn around to face him.

Once the man turned around, Izaya could see that it was a man in his forties and he had a friendly look on his face. "Orihara-san was it?" At that Izaya nodded and waited for the man to say anything more. "You wrote that you are having headaches and balance problems, is that all?" Should he tell the doctor about the rest? What had happened the past few days.

"Can you tell me the reason why you came here?" The doctor asked and Izaya could see that he was trying to stay friendly, but was clearly getting irritated.

"Do you really want to know?" Izaya said with a smirk and he could see the doctor getting more irritated.

"You know, we're doing this for you, if you don't want help you can just walk out that door." The doctor said and pointed to the door Izaya had come through.

"And what if I die, you will be at fault then~" Izaya said and the doctor sighed at that.

"Just tell me your symptoms and what happened to you to be coming here." Izaya glared at that, but sighed giving in.

"Fine." Izaya gave in. "My headaches have been becoming worse and more often lately, two days ago it was really bad and I went up the stairs at home to get some pain medicine, but when I had gone up a few steps I suddenly lost my balance and fell to the ground." Izaya looked at the doctor, who only nodded to continue. "When I tried to stand up I suddenly felt very weak, but I managed to stand by holding myself up at the railing, even though my legs were shaking. I tried to step on the stairs once more, but this time my legs collapsed and I fell to ground." Izaya said and took a deep breath before releasing it. Did he really need to tell that his assistant had helped him get to his bed and that he had slept for two days?

"Go on." The doctor said and Izaya sighed.

"My assistant helped me get to bed, to which I fell asleep almost immediately. Then I woke up this afternoon having slept for two days. I got myself something to eat and a glass of water. Once I had eaten, I was going to drink the water, but when I lifted the glass it suddenly slipped through my fingers and shattered on the ground. Then my assistant came in and I tried to pick up the shards, but I couldn't seem to grab them. When my assistant found out what was happening she told me to go to a hospital and so I'm here." Izaya finished, but wanted to add one last thing. "So tell me I'm fine and I will be on my way."

The doctor didn't react to the last part and seemed to be deep in thought. "I want to do some tests to see what is wrong with you." Izaya's eyes widened at that. Tests? They weren't going to find anything right? "It can be nothing, so don't get too worried just yet." But Izaya didn't believe him. If they were going to do tests, then something was definitely wrong.


Izaya was now waiting for the doctor to come with the results. He had had to do a variety of tests. Some for balance, some for his vision and others, but what caught his attention the most was when he had to do a MRI-scan. Those scans were used to look into your body, so the doctor must suspect that there was something wrong inside him.

He had honestly hoped that nothing would be wrong, but now he wasn't so sure. What would he do if something was wrong? No that couldn't be possible. There was no way something was wrong with him.

He got taken out of his thoughts when the doctor entered the room and from the seriousness on his face Izaya knew something was wrong.

"I have the results." The doctor started and Izaya gulped at the seriousness in the doctor's tone. "We have found a tumor in the occipital lobe and cerebellum of the brain." Izaya's mind went blank at that. They had found a tumor? In his brain? "This might be hard to accept, but I'm going to speak with other doctors to see what we can do against the tumor." Izaya couldn't believe the doctor. There was no way this was happening. "I would like to speak to you in a week to discuss what we're going to do. I'm also going to prescribe you some medicine to help against the seizures and headaches." Izaya could hear what the doctor said, but he was honestly not believing it.

"There's no way that can be true." Izaya said and glared at the doctor. "You're wrong!" He started yelling and suddenly felt the need to escape, there was no way he was going to accept this.

"I'm sorry, but this is the truth." Somewhere he knew the doctor was speaking the truth, but he didn't want to believe it. Suddenly some receipts were given to him and the doctor pointed at them. "These are prescriptions for your medicine. Corticosteroids are used to lower the swelling in your brain and make you headaches more bearable. The antiseizure medicine is to help control the uncontrolled movements you make and lastly I'm prescribing you some pain medication, but you should only take those when the pain is unbearable, otherwise just use normal pain medicine." The doctor said and stared at the receipts. "I hope to see you in a week so that we can discuss what to do further with the tumor." Izaya slowly nodded.

"Fine, I will be there." He said and then stood up before walking out the room. He didn't want to believe it, but the doctor had been way too serious for it to not be true. Was he going to die from this? Was one of the questions that went through his mind when he walked home after getting his medication.