The beds in the infirmary were hard. Harry has been there enough to know. Lying there he had enough time to think, and that was a bad thing for someone who had just seen their worst enemy come back and torture him. he had returned and Cedric is dead. It is my fault, if I had just thought harder who entered me into the tournament and didn't tell Cedric that we both should take that DAMN CUP!
It was obvious now that it was the Moody Imposter, little things that he had thought inconsequential that made more damming. Cedric would still be alive, Voldemort wouldn't be back, but then again I Doubted anyone would listen to me. Harry heard shuffling of feet coming towards him, he closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, not wanting to talk to anyone.
"You think Potter's awake?" A voice he instantly recognised as Ron. What I could not figure out is why is he calling me by my last name? The steps stopped a little ways away.
"I didn't know Ron, why should I care?" Hermione snapped back at him. Why should she care? We are supposed to be best friends, The Golden Trio, though that was a stupid was a snort of derision.
"Because we are supposed to make nice, though I can't believe thinks we are friends, as if I would be friends with him." Ron answered iHe talks about me like I'm not even here, do they think so little of me? The thoughts running through his head were self-deprecating,how could I have been so thick? He waited for more, his anger increasing with each word that spews from the betrayer's mouths.
"Dumbledore is paying us with Potter's money, so we have to keep our end of the bargain, though we should get hazard pay for all of the things we have to deal with doing so." She told Ron condescendingly. What! They were getting paid to be my friends! I can't believe this! And with my own damn money too! Contrary to popular belief Harry was not as stupid as everyone thinks he was. Years at the Dursley's taught him not to stand out and the fact that Ron and Hermione Were his first ever friends had made him not to upset them. Well it's pointless now! I'll show them and everyone else what happens when you mess with the wrong person. After all Harry is the son of a marauder and the godson of another.
Maybe Sirius will help me. He can't be like them, he just can't be. After awhile he heard them walking away with Ron asking what hazard pay was and Hermione calling him an idiot, as they thought that he was sleeping and they didn't need to keep up the front, he opened his eyes, feelings of sadness, anger, betrayal, lingering with him even as he drifted off to sleep with silent tears leading the way.
Harry was awoken by Madam Pomfrey fussing over him and telling him that even though he was being released from her care that if he got so much as a paper cut that he was going to stay here for the rest of the school year, which was only for the next two days so he wasn't worried much about that. He slowly sat up and hopped off the bed, his physical aches from yesterday healed but still sore. He dressed and walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. He was walking to the Gryffindor table when he looked over to the other tables, the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were glaring at him. He looked back at the Gryffindor table and saw an empty seat next to Neville with Seamus and Dean sitting across from him. He decided to sit there as he didn't want to be in Ron's or Hermione's presence any longer than he had
"Hey, Nev." As he greeted his fellow Gryffindor he noticed a look of surprise on all of their faces.
"What?" Harry asked in surprise as he looked at the strange looks he was getting.
"Hey Harry." He replied unsurely to Harry not knowing what to say.
"Why are you sitting here and not with Granger or Weasley?" Seamus asked Harry with his eyebrows
"I can have more friends than just those two, can't I?" He replied to them, they were quite shocked. From what he overheard last night and what just happened now it seems like Harry had made a big mistake when he was eleven years old. I so naive and desperate for affection, I didn't even want to think about making friends without their approval. Things could have been so different. Regret swirled through him at that thought.
"We tried to be friends with you. Every time we tried, we were blocked by Weasley or Granger. They always dragged you off somewhere." Dean told him. I can't believe I let that happen. I could've had more friends in our house, or even some of the other houses. He looked right at them as he said what he was about to say.
"That is not happening again." He assured them. They all gave me a nod and he went to put some food on his plate.
"Harry!" Two voices he could recognize anywhere yelled across the Great Hall could they be any more subtle to who they were looking for?
"Speak of the Devil's." He muttered to Neville, Dean and Seamus and they all laughed which confused another Hermione and Ron as to why Harry would say something like that.
"Ron, Hermione." Harry said casually to them. He felt their arms as they tried to pull him up from where he was sitting with their fellow Gryffindor's.
"Come on Harry, Ginny wants to sit with you." Ron said to him cheerfully. As Harry got out of their hold, the look on their faces told him that they did not know what to do with this, the Headmaster never told them what to do when he didn't want to do something with them.
"I'm allowed to sit with other people guys." He told them, still upset about them lying to him and not really being his friends to begin with.
"Harry." Hermione started, but Harry turned away from them. The Great Hall broke out in whispers, everyone wondering what happened between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Mostly Harry ignored them because he thought that if they were just going to use him for gossip then he didn't need to acknowledge them.
A few days later they were finally leaving Hogwarts. Harry didn't see Ron or Hermione on the train, but he saw the twins and a glimpse of Ginerva Weasley batting her eyelashes at him like she had something in her eyes.
"So you finally got rid of the Weasel and the Mudblood?" A voice drawled from the compartment door. Harry looked up and there stood Draco Malfoy with some other Slytherin's, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle and Daphne Greengrass as Harry would come to know them.
"Yeah, turns out they weren't my real friends." He replied bitterly. They all had a confused look on their faces and Harry was a little confused himself, these were the people that bullied him in school and they were just sitting there. Well, those that I thought were my friends turned out to be phony, so maybe the ones I thought hated me don't? But what about Voldemort? He is still definitely evil, and their parents still follow him so shouldn't they still hate me too? When Harry was thinking this all of the Slytherins had come in and sat down.
"What do you mean they aren't your real friends?" A hot Italian asked Harry, why couldn't I have met him first? No! Don't think about it! The others voiced their agreements with the Italian. Harry was still confused, but he thought, hell with it, if he was wrong nothing would really change, except for the type of insult, but that didn't really
"Fine, but you can't tell anyone. Okay, so when I was in the infirmary last night, I was pretending to be asleep and overheard a conversation between those two. Apparently they were being paid to be my friends, by Dumbledore, with my own money, from the Potter vaults." As Harry explained all of this to them, they had scandalized facial expressions, which Harry thought looked kind of funny.
"I knew my father was right for trying to get rid of him!" Draco exclaimed. Harry knew that both Draco and his father severely dislike Albus-too-many-names-Dumbledore.
"People feel safe to let him be the headmaster of the school, teaching, because he makes people believe that he cares for the students. Why? Just because he defeated Grindelwald." Draco told Harry who blinked at the blonde.
Harry was confused, "What? I read that he was a transfiguration professor before he was Headmaster."
"He was, but he wouldn't have been made headmaster if not for his defeat of Grindelwald." Draco explained, " After that, people thought that he was infallible, why do you think that he has three high power, almost full time jobs?" We all sat there for a bit thinking about it, with Draco being a little smug, until Daphne had a thought.
"Why don't you apply yourself in class?" The only reason that Harry knew who she was was because Hermione complained about her, and most of the other girls in Hogwarts, for so many different reasons, spanning their looks to their smarts to their house and family for not being light.
"Well Hermione always wanted to be the best at everything and Ron always wanted to do something else." He told them they were a little confused but they all nodded their heads in the answer.
"What are you going to do about them?" The Italian asked. Harry looked at him and smirked, causing the Italian's eyes to the others was shocked with the sadistic smirk that was in Harry's face.
"I am, somehow, going to Gringotts and demand my money back, with interest." he informed them, this got him even more raised eyebrows.
"Well it shouldn't be too hard once you get there because the Goblins hate thieving." Draco injected Harry knew this since it was on the front of their bank.
"I'm a son and godson of the Marauders!" Harry declared causing some confusion among the others, "They were this group of students who pranked the school back in the day. There was my dad, Prongs, Sirius Black, Padfoot, Remus Lupin, Moony, and the traitorous Peter Pettigrew, known as Wormtail, that stupid rat!." They all looked at him with unreadable facial expressions.
"I thought Black was the one who betrayed your parents?" Draco asked Harry shook his head at him, as if my godfather would do that.
"Sirius was never the secret keeper, that damn traitorous rat was." Harry glowered. I want him to pay for what he has done to my family, and defended his godfather's honour no one could talk about Sirius like that!
They all talked for the rest of the train ride with Harry finding out that the Italian's name was Blaise Zabini. It was then that the train pulled into the station and they all got off the train. Draco and everyone else promised to write but when he told them that they had to make sure that the letter arrived at night, they looked at him with perplexed looks as to why they had to wait for the night?
"My relatives hate magic, anything that's normal for you guys and not for them is considered freaky." He explained to which they reluctantly agreed to get the letters to him at night. Most of them left to go to family but Draco stayed with him.
"Potter, if you need help with Gringotts, send an owl. I'll ask father to come and get you and we will go." Draco said he seemed genuinely wanting to help.
"But what about You-Know-Who? He did just come back last week." Harry said this got looks from the Slytherin's they would be probably following the Dark Lord in the future.
"We will make it work. My father is not a bad man." Draco defended his father, but Harry did have a point with the Dark Lord being resurrected and his father being in his service.
"Okay then and Draco, call me Harry. I'm sorry for not accepting your hand first year, you were right, is it too late?" Harry asked, hoping that they could become friends. Draco nodded his head. "I know we weren't going to be fast friends, considering how we have treated each other throughout the last four years. But just from the train ride, it seems as if a lot of the things that I thought I knew about the Slytherin house was wrong." Harry said to Draco as the two came to an understanding.
"Glad you came to your senses Harry." He laughed as he left to find his parents. Harry chuckled and went out to the muggle side to look for his own family.
"BOY!" My uncle bellowed out as Harry went over to him and shoved him into the backseat of the car. On the way back to Privet Drive, Harry was thinking deeply about things, like how are Draco's parents going to react to us being friends when he put the diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle into Ginny's cauldron in his second year, totally shocked I'm sure, though with the last task, he didn't help when Voldemort tortures me. I guess I will find out soon.