
[All characters except for the obvious OCs (Nawra, Jordan) belong to Sunrise/Bandai Namco Pictures, the creators/owners of Tiger and Bunny. The OCs in this fanfiction were created by me.]

Hello! I am back with stuff. College is hard, and do your best to not sign up for classes earlier than or at eight AM, because unless you're intensely passionate about that class, I can assure you that you will wish you were dead every time you have to wake up for it! Any how, thank God, I've survived, and was able to churn out this lovely little work. It's all finished and edited, so expect updates to come quickly. Y'all are signing up to cry, so be forewarned.

Before we get onto that, shout-out to my sin twin for sparking my inspiration with the Hanahaki disease AU. I love you, you nerd, and I hope you're doing okay-ish in the very least if not having A Good Time™.

Hope you enjoy!


An exasperated laugh filled the transport, the echo tinny as it bounced off the walls. Barnaby spared his partner a look, instead giving up a little chuckle of a sigh.

"That was too close, Old Man."

"Well, we pulled it off, didn't we?"

"You nearly drowned with that last taxi!"

Kotetsu shrugged, "I got the driver and the passenger to safety, and that's what matters most."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Barnaby blurted out, downcast amber eyes rushing up to meet his flustered green. "Kotetsu, I don't say this out of malice. You need to stop acting so recklessly. Whether you have five minutes or just one left, you're still a Hero. You matter too. People need you."

And "I need you" felt like it was caught in his throat, Barnaby choking the statement down… but he wasn't actually choking on words. Something was very literally, tangibly making him gag.

"Bunny? Are you ok—?"

He hacked out a glob of red onto Kotetsu's chest, instantly slapping his hands over his mouth in horror, thinking it was blood. But before he could even think of reaching out to brush his blood off of his partner, he coughed again, more bright scarlet forcing its way out of him, falling into his fingers. Barnaby opened up his fists to look at the slimy contents in his hands.

"Oh…" Barnaby uttered out loud, sounding relieved.

Kotetsu, eyes wide, simply echoed in disbelief, "'Oh'?"

"It's… not blood," he managed, the globs feeling something like fragile velvet under the film of saliva. Kotetsu, curious, plucked the one drying on his chest, recognizing it as…

"What the—a flower petal?" Kotetsu couldn't help the snort that escaped him, earning a glare, "Sorry, sorry, I know I shouldn't be laughing. Just…" A snicker started up in his chest again, "what are you doing munching on flowers, Bunny?"

"Barnaby," he corrected irritably, brushing the goop off his hands. "And while certain varieties of flowers are edible, they aren't a part of my regular diet…"

"Then, where the hell is this coming from?" Kotetsu's eyes narrowed.

"There's only one logical e-explanation," Barnaby coughed again, more violently this time, more crumpled petals forcing their way out of him as they fell to the floor. "We must've made contact with a NEXT, and this is a side effect of their abilities. And because this hadn't started happening until recently, it must've been someone we'd interacted with—today!" A wave of nausea washed over him this time, vomiting more red into the pile already on the floor. For a second, Barnaby couldn't breathe, and Kotetsu panicked, slapping a hand against his partner's back.

A whole tulip bulb spluttered over onto the floor, leaving the two of them to gawk down at it in shock.

Kotetsu rubbed his hand over his partner's back in smooth soothing circles, "Bunny, you okay?"

"To be frank, no. That was awful." He then turned to scold, "And you don't touch someone who's choking! You could've made it worse!"

"Sorry! I panicked, because you were…" Kotetsu kept Barnaby's gaze for a moment, trying to express with eyes what lips couldn't express. Such a tender expression, Barnaby thought, wishing briefly that things could just stay like this a while longer. But another petal sought its way out through a brutal hack. Kotetsu's hand remained on his back, warm and comforting… a supportive weight, a reminder that there was someone he could rely on. Voice low and gentle, Kotetsu asked, "Who do you think it could've been?"

"I've been at home listening to music all day, until we were called into action. The criminal apprehended today had the power of magnetic manipulation. Not to mention, even if he did have another power, Blue Rose and Dragon Kid ended up apprehending him. So it had to be someone we saved."

"Fire Emblem and Sky High beat us to most of them. We got like, two, four people, right?"


"Wait… but how are we supposed to get ahold of them?"

"When we get back to headquarters, we'll ask Agnes for the footage, so we can identify their faces, in the very least." The hand on Barnaby's back shifted to his shoulder.

Kotetsu nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

Barnaby vomited again, straining out two more bulbs, tears streaming down his face. Kotetsu could only watch helplessly as his partner suffered, feeling like he was reliving the nightmare of Tomoe's illness all over again. He wanted to make it stop already, before anything could…

His grip on Barnaby's shoulder tightened.

Once back at headquarters, Barnaby was provided with cough suppressants. But when that proved relatively useless, he'd been given anti-emetic drugs to stop the vomiting. While it helped a little more so, he still found himself choking on a few petals every now and then.

Kotetsu stood by Barnaby's side all the while, nothing to offer but his silent support. Having his partner nearby was a great relief to Barnaby, enough so that this ordeal didn't feel unbearable. Kotetsu had that effect on him, at least. His support gave Barnaby strength, and made him fall further into love that he wouldn't dare admit aloud, professionalism and their friendship considered.

"Barnaby," Agnes greeted, a smile gracing her lacquered lips, "I've got some great news. One of the women you and Kotetsu saved this afternoon contacted us. She claims concern over having infected you with her NEXT abilities."

"Could we possibly arrange to meet with her?" Barnaby piped up eagerly.

"Yes. In fact, she'd like to meet you and Kotetsu tonight at the cocktail lounge in Fortress Tower, if possible."

Kotetsu said, "Tell her we'll be there in a heartbeat."

"You know I will," Agnes replied. "Good luck, you two."

"Thanks," he and Barnaby responded in unison, surprising each other. Agnes left with a breath of a chuckle at that. And as soon as she had disappeared, Barnaby let out the cough he'd been holding back.

"You okay, Bunny?"

"I'd be lying if I said no," Barnaby answered, "but it's bearable, at least for now."

Kotetsu observed his expression for a moment, before leaning back in his chair, eyes pointed towards the ceiling. "This really is so weird." Barnaby coughed again, a flop of wet petals smacking against the floor.

"And disgusting," Barnaby added, wrinkling his nose. Taking up two tissues from a box in his desk drawer, he bent towards the petals, only to find his hand over Kotetsu's by mistake.

"Oops, sorry!" Kotetsu laughed a bit, pulling his hand away. His ring glinted under the light. Barnaby's throat went tight, clogged with something other than the petals. He coughed again. Nothing came out this time. How could it?

Not missing a beat, he got out, "It's fine. Thank you for your help, Kotetsu."

Barnaby gathered up his mess, discarding the petals in the wastebasket under his desk.

The circumstances were simple enough when put in the broadest of terms: Barnaby would hold onto what was once his, and Kotetsu would do the same for himself.

That was why Barnaby could never bring himself to look at Kotetsu as any kind of father figure, even though a handful of co-workers had interpreted their partnership as such. But why would he agree with them? He already had a father, and that was Barnaby Brooks Sr. That wouldn't change no matter how many years passed. Even when Barnaby believed Maverick to be good, an uncle could never take the place of his one and only father. Kotetsu wasn't an exception to that. No one was.

So by the same logic, it made sense that no one could ever replace Tomoe.

Sure, Kotetsu could be flirtatious. Barnaby had noticed that much from the way his tone changed around a variety of attractive interviewers and fans, most of them women in particular. But to Barnaby's knowledge, the fact stood that Kotetsu went home alone every night, returning to photographs of her framed in his living room. His love for her was the reason a silver band would never leave his left hand. It would remain there until Kotetsu's dying day, when he'd be buried next to his first and only love. Barnaby understood that nothing on Earth could ever displace any of the love he felt for Tomoe, not after all the years they'd spent together.

"And yet…" Barnaby sighed to himself, pulling up to the curbside.

Kotetsu sat on the steps in front of his place, perking up instantly at the sight of Barnaby. His wide grin stood out even from a distance as he got up and made his way over to the door by the shotgun seat. The smell of spit and tulips mingled in the car, a sickly sweet stench. As Kotetsu climbed in, Barnaby smiled wearily at him in return, the slightest tinge of warmth dancing ever so faintly across that haggard expression. Pity twisted on his partner's face.

"Doing okay, Bunny?"

"I'm alright, Kotetsu. Don't worry," He reassured quietly, eyes fixed on the road ahead of him. "We'll get this all sorted out soon enough."

Truth be told, the anti-emetics wore off a while ago, so Barnaby wasn't exactly in top condition. He'd taken a new dosage just before he left his apartment and it hadn't quite kicked in yet. But that went without saying for Kotetsu. Barnaby never had to say anything anymore for Kotetsu to know that something was wrong. It was terrifying to be known so well, but also cathartic, in a way, to just have everything out in the open like that for only one person to clearly see. He was understood. Barnaby never wanted to take that for granted.

"Well, drinks are on me tonight, so don't worry about that!"

"Alright. Thank you."

And he was cared for. That had to be enough.

They arrived to the top floor of Fortress Tower as swiftly as they'd found parking in the emptying lot. Although, Kotetsu slowed a bit as he made his way to Barnaby's side in the elevator. Given the last time they'd come here together, Barnaby didn't blame him.

"You remember blowing the roof off this place?" Kotetsu chuckled under his breath as they walked out towards an open table.

Barnaby retorted, "Excuse me, but I don't remember being the one to punch a hole through the roof."

"Right, right. You just kicked the bomb up there, that's all."

"Yeah, through the hole you made."

"Eh, the specifics aren't important," Kotetsu sat down, "Just glad we can look back and laugh about it now, right?"

Barnaby couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips, "I'll say." And he sat beside Kotetsu without another thought. Green eyes wandered everywhere over the room except on the person next to him, searching for the solution to his symptoms, the one who had answers to his ailment.

A skinny young woman with glasses and dark, curly hair met eyes with him, and headed for their table, taking a seat in front of him with the slightest hint of hesitation. A beat of silence passed, as she avoided direct eye contact with both of them.

She stuttered out shyly, "G-Good evening…"

"Were you the woman who contacted Apollon Media about…" Barnaby grasped for the best words, hoping to ease the unnecessary guilt she was feeling, "having mistakenly infected me somehow?"


"May I know your name?"

"It's Nawra. Nawra Shafir. And… it sincerely was a mistake. I apologize."

"It's alright, Ms. Shafir." Barnaby reassured softly, but her expression didn't falter. He coughed a little, urging her eyes upward.

"I-I," she dug through her purse, "brought a paper bag, if you need it…"

"I'm alright, but thank you. I took medicine earlier, so it shouldn't—"

"Medicine doesn't help," Nawra interjected bitterly, voice still quiet, but the words were certain now, and resolute. She was angry, but not at Barnaby... just at herself, as if she could even help what was happening to him now.

A look of panic came over Barnaby, as he tried to keep his voice even, "So, would this condition be irreversible, then?"

"No, no, I…" She heaved a sigh, "That's not what I meant. I don't mean to say there isn't a cure, but… I don't know what to say, honestly." Kotetsu furrowed his brows, sitting up to speak, voice steady and strong.

"You could start by explaining what it is about your power that has Bunny puking up tulips."

She looked to Kotetsu, eyes wide. "Just petals or full bulbs?"

"Bulbs," he answered, and she did a poor job of concealing her uneasiness. "Is that bad?"

"I don't know, I… umm, d-do you…" She looked up at Barnaby, "know who you're in love with?" Redness crept onto Barnaby's pale cheeks. Kotetsu blinked at him, a little stunned and a little inappropriately amused.

Barnaby spoke slowly, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"That's my power. I make people spit flowers." she explained, "You see, when someone makes me feel safe or calm, i-it activates, and then they get infected. Because you and Mr. Tiger saved me, you both have it. But it's only really affecting you because you're…" Nawra scrunched up her face a bit, "you're really, really, in love with someone who doesn't love you back the same way. At least… not that you know of. Um. I-It gets… strange. I've infected people who liked each other at the same time, but neither of them knew. Then a week passed, and… it was gone."

Kotetsu piped up hopefully, "So does that mean he can wait it out?"

"Um. That depends…" Nawra murmured, "I hate to say this, but if he's coughing out bulbs, I doubt he can just wait it out like they did. Unless he has tremendous willpower."

"So then, what do I have to do to get rid of it?"

"Neither of these are surefire, but… agh, okay the way this works… basically! Um… I'm so sorry… I'm having so much trouble talking today, ahah…"

"Take your time, Ms. Shafir. Just explain to us as best as you can."

She paused, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, before going on to say, "The condition… will only persist as long as your love is unrequited. So you… you can do one of two things: either get them to love you back or… you move on. Thing is, it gets worse the deeper your love grows, and well, since you're vomiting bulbs and not just the petals, you must already love them a whole lot. So… the latter seems like it would be hard. And you can't make someone love you either, because… well, love just happens. And that's why I said… those weren't surefire..." She trailed off, lowered her voice to a murmur, "I'm sorry, I… that's all I have to say. I know this doesn't mean anything but… I didn't mean to do this to you."

"Your sincerity means a lot, actually. Thank you for taking the time out of your evening to meet with us." Barnaby reassured, "And don't worry about me, Ms. Shafir. You can trust that I'll be fine."

"If you say so…"

After they'd all exchanged phone numbers, a server came around at last to take their orders. Nawra took a glass of ruby port, Kotetsu shochu, and Barnaby icy ginger water for his turning stomach, something just as strong as the sentiment that had him vomiting tulips, in hopes that it could quell the warmth and symptom-caused nausea of sitting next to the very one he held so dear. But regardless of how cold it felt on his tongue, the warmth would come back to burn, return to make his insides tingle and his throat tight with words he could never, ever say.

Falling in love was as easy as catching Kotetsu in his arms. Letting it go… well, Barnaby certainly was in for hell.