Over the next month Seth and Dean settle into a routine. Dean would sleep in Seth's bed with Seth so that he wasn't alone. Also it was so that Seth did wallow in his thoughts and fears. Also another reason is Dean was worried that if he's in the living room he wouldn't get up when Seth got sick. Though napping became a way of life since Seth would be up in the middle of the night getting sick or the therapy would leave him drained and tired because of either the emotional impact or the therapy it's self would tire him out. That would leave Seth up in the night and napping during the day.

Eating was something else as well since Seth couldn't taste anything. He didn't care what he ate or if he ate. Roman set up alarms on Dean and Seth's phones along with his own. That way there was no missed meals and no fights about eating. When it went off.. you ate. Roman demanded that there be no fights so Seth listened. Dean liked it because he got a lot of healthy food into Seth at one sitting. Seth tried to cook one day and it came out really salty and weird. Dean ate it.. and smiled during it. He knew it was because Seth couldn't taste anything and he didn't want to make Seth feel bad. After that though Dean cooked full time for them. Dean also got doughnuts, ice cream and sweets into Seth before this happened. Seth though lived off those right now because of sugar high was one of the few times that Seth felt like he was awake. Before that Seth first said no then Dean got him to binge at least for a bit.

Tonight was no different then any other night though, since Seth had been up for an hour sick and now was curled up in Dean's arms on the bathroom floor. Roman had wrapped a blanket around them after Seth could get away from the toilet and Dean wrapped him up in his arms trying to warm his boyfriend up. Dean was trying not to show Seth how scared he was.

Seth though looks up at Dean and notices the tightness around the eyes and the way his smile was fake. Seth wraps his arms around Dean's neck and whispers. "I'm sorry."

Dean shakes his head and whispers softly. "They said you would get sick."

Seth whispers. "it's not that.. you're scared.."

Dean holds Seth tightly and whispers. "I know you will beat this.. I'm just.. I am scared. Scared that this is taking too much out of you.. Scared that you will give up. I'm scared that things won't go back to normal."

Seth whispers. "they won't be normal.. they'll be better.. We'll have each other. After two years of being fools we have each other."

Seth didn't say that since Dean told him and kissed him. Seth wanted to live for this relationship. That he finally had who he wanted and he didn't want to let him go.

Dean smiles softly at that thought. Something melting inside him but he'll never admit it. He holds pulls Seth closer and then kisses him lightly on the head. Since admitting they had feelings they had just been taking it slow. Dean whispers softly. "together."

Seth nods and whispers. "together."

Dean whispers. "Lets get back into bed and cuddle Kevin."

Seth nods and moves slowly up off the floor. Dean leads him to bed and pulls him under the covers. Seth closes his eyes and nuzzles into Dean. Roman rumbles from the kitchen. "It's 6am.. you may as well stay up."

Dean groans and looks at Seth. "we have a personal alarm clock."

Seth nods and then notices something on his pillow. He runs his fingers over it and comes up with a lot of hair.

Dean frowns and then runs his own fingers through Seth's hair. He sighs when clumps come with his fingers.

Seth looks over at Dean and smiles sadly. "we knew this would happen."

Dean whispers. "I was.."

Seth nods and whispers. "Me too."

Dean closes his eyes and then pulls Seth close and kisses him gently. Seth wraps his arms around Dean and kisses him back. His eyes closing against reality. He didn't want to face it anymore. See the fear in Dean's eyes or know that he might not make it through this. He just wanted this hell to be over.

Roman walks in and looks sadly over at the couple. His eyes closing for a second himself and pray leaving his lips. So softly that no one else hears it. "let him beat this."

Dean then pulls back and then takes a breath. The reality of everything had set in and all he could do was pray. Pray that Seth would survive and that he will make it. He knew Seth was just going to get sicker and sicker before he got better. This was out of his hands now.

Dean looks into Seth's eyes and whispers. "Together."


One Year Latter.

Roman stands on a beach in Hawaii. It was a year to the day that he made that silent prayer to what ever higher power is looking over his family. a Year to the day the Dean and Him almost made a deal with anyone that would have saved Seth. Roman smirks when he hears arguing and then turns his head. His wife and Daughter where watching them all from the side lines.

"Dean... come on.. you look cute."

"This is not fair. I hate water."

Roman turns and sees Dean standing there in the water. He was wet from the waves crashing against his legs. Dean looks at him and huffs. Then suddenly a flying body crashes into both of them knocking them into the water. Roman wraps his arms around the body and surfaces with him.

Seth smirks. He was so small but he was there and alive. Months and months of chemotherapy. A long battle had made him thin and he was just starting to get his muscle tone back. His hair was short after they had so shave it that day. Seth though smiles brightly at him and then Dean grabs both of them leaning on them. He beat it though and was cancer free.

Seth laughs brightly and Dean growls. Roman's heart lifts at the how Alive and happy both of them seem.

"My own fiancee.. tackling me into the water." Dean mutters. "And my best friend rescues him over me."

Roman shrugs. "he's lighter. Not my fault you're a fat ass."

Dean growls at him. "traitor."

Seth watches them and then wraps his arms around them. Pulling them tightly to him. Seth then whispers. "Together."