AN: Hello dear readers! This is my take on the Young Justice TV series with many noticable changes that differs from the show. I will do my best to keep with what the show has done but will add some changes to character origins and powers, kinda like they did for Beast Boy, Conner, a few others but it (hopefully) won't be too out there for fans of the series. So please read, discuss and give me your honest review about!
Also, I do not own all these characters or the TV show this is based on. All legal copy rights belong to DC Comics & Entertainment, Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation!
Gotham City, New Jersey
July 4th, 2003 12:00 EDT
The sun sat tall over Gotham City Park, shining down brightly on the many families celebrating the national holiday. A father stands over a barbecue grill, slowly turning sausages and burger patties so they'll be ready for wife and daughter. Satisfied with them, he calls his daughter over to let her know that they are ready. Just as he hands her a plate, a technological snarl explodes through the air followed swiftly by a sudden cold. Ice is blasted around the park transforming the summer into Gotham's harshest winters. The family looks up in time to find the towering Mr. Freeze standing tall above them.
"Enjoying family time?" Lowering the gun to face them he fires trapping the family in a glacial ramp. "My family has other plans."
Sliding down the new formed ramp, Freeze raised his gun on the fleeing crowds. Suddenly two batarangs slammed into the side knocking his gun off course.
"Batman" He growls his gun around to find, nothing but a familiar bodiless laugh in the air. Hearing a slight crunch of ice he looked to meet Robin as he drop-kicked Freeze into his helmet cracking it. As he slammed into the ground two further batarangs bounced off his damaged helmet. Looking up he felt himself relax slightly as found his opponent. He was skinny, small, clad in a black and red costume with a yellow belt and yellow in the underside of the black cape. As Freeze rose to his feet, the annoyance seeped into his voice.
"Oh, Boy Wonder," he grumbled as he slowly lifted himself back onto his feet. "The Bats sends his newest lackey to drag me off to prison. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed!"
"Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here."
Freeze scoffed. "Kids, always in suck a rush. I prefer to preserve these moments." He pointed his ice gun at Robin, who smirked as it powered up. "Or rather..."
"Not talking to you," Robin says in a sing-song tone. Freeze looks confused, realizing way too late of his mistake as he turned around before Batman jumped into the air, seeming to fly. The sun was half blocked by his form. He came down, throwing a punch straight through Freeze's helmet.
Star City, Oregon
July 4th, 09:01 PDT
It was morning at Star City right now, and the peaceful day was ruined by another ice-theme villain. This one was called Icicle Jr., a young man with spiky white hair, blue eyes and his skin is a light blue color. With his metahuman ability he uses his powers to create a shell of ice around him, create ice, and shoot ice. The young boy was terrorizing the people on Star Bridge by overturning cars, believing to be amusing for his sick sense of humor.
As he was laughing like a maniac, an arrow came flying and impaled by ice-covered shoulder, catching the villain by surprise. The arrow then exploded, causing him to flinch. He looked up to the top of the bridge and saw the heroes Green Arrow and Speedy, Star City's archery duo.
"Finally, Icicle Jr. growls. "I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here." his left arm, now the one facing the archers, grows and become more mace-like. Before he brings it back and begins launching icicles at the archers. Following it up with another volley from his right hand which has mirrored his left.
The two archers begin releasing arrows with ease.
"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy asks, surprised. The first batch of icicles explode thanks to their arrows, but the second set still come through. Forcing them to run across the tower's width and down to the suspender. They continue to launch arrows, and
dodge the ice that cements to where it hits before growling. "I'm telling you now. This little distraction better not interfere."
The two archers launch a pair of arrows at Junior, who creates a shield in front of himself. However, the arrows are explosive, creating a hole in the shield. Junior uses it ho his advantage, launching at the younger archer.
Speedy jumps, flipping over them as he grabs and strings another he straightens out he takes aim and fires straight at Junior, hitting him down and out.
"Ha ha ha!" Green Arrow chuckles, standing mere feet from where Junior ended his slide. "Kid had a glass jaw." he comments as his partner lands gracefully a few feet away.
"Hilarious." Speedy drawls steeping a little closer to Green Arrow. "Can we go? Today's the day."
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
July 4th, 06:02 HST
The harbor has many large shards of ice sticking out of the water. Many of the ships are frozen in place. The cause of all this was by another ice-themed villain named Killer Frost; a female Metahuman with pale-blue skin and blue hair as side-effects of her cryokinesis powers. On one ship, Killer Frost is throwing specifically at Aquawoman. Who dodges and comes down from the Open Bridge to the Turret, then to the second Turret before jumping to the deck.
Frost prdicts this and freezes the hero before she can get anymore close than two feet down the deck.
Behind her and off to her left is Aquagirl, jumping from the First Turret and over her mostly frozen mentor who breaks out and follows after her.
"Don't tell me you're not excited." Aquawoman begins the conversation with her partner. "Your normally talkative than this."
Tula lets out a small chuckle. "Normally you don't like my what was it... 'tempest of noise.' And besides, we should be more focus on the matter at hand." She doges under a shot of ice, before faking right and getting Killer Frost to shoot in that direction so Aquagirl can fake left and get in the opening.
Frost stops her right strike and aims for the area right before the young Atnlantean, but Aquagirl jumps, using her hydrokenesis to form a of whips, causing hr eyes to grow brightly. Again, Frost aims the teen. Nearly hitting her, Aquagirl brings back the whips straight up in the air. Letting her elbows bend naturally, Aquagirl snaps her arms down firmly as the whips wraps around Frost's neck. Aquagirl lands barefoot right before the villain, she pulls Frost towards her to complete a strong double uppercut. Knocking the villain out. As soon her water-whips reverts back to it's liquid state, Aquagirl's eyes return to their normal blue color.
Aquawoman stops behind her, crossing he arms and gaining the teen's attention. "Well?"
"Fine, I'm a little nervous." Aquagirl admits, grins up at her partner and sister. "Today's the day."
Central City, Missouri
July 4th, 14:00 EDT
In Central City there was already a fight in progress in front of the jewerly store that has just been robbed. The fight was between The Flash, the fastest man alive, and his sidekick, Kid Flash; against another ice-villain, Captain Cold.
However, the criminal Leonard Snart is a normal human being that uses a special ice-ray gun to commit his crimes. Snart is a squat, pale man that wears a clear blue parka, and slightly darker blue pants. His hood and cuffs are lined with white fur, and his shoulders are adorned with a matching white snow motif. He wears dark blue goggles at all times. His costume wasn't just for his gimmick but for protection from his gun's below zero temperature whenever he uses it.
The fight between Central City's speedsters against the thief isn't going in to his favor as he's trapped by the speedsters by repeatedly running in circles that it's almost impossible to hit. He attempts to shoot them twice, but isn't even close to hitting either of them. His third shot is closer, but he misses the Flash and ends up hitting a car. Freezing it solid in what it would look like it it had gotten in a car crash and went flying.
"Stealing ice? Seriously?" The elder Flash said gesturing to the bag of diamonds that Cold had clutched in one hand. "Isn't that a bit clichéd even for you?"
Kid Flash rolled his eyes at his mentor/uncle. Always made time for jokes that wasn't there.
"Come on!" Kid Flash calls out. "We don't have time for this!" with that he slips his red goggles over his malachite green eyes, cutting out of the circle and heading for Cold's turned back. However, his talking gave him away and Cold turns towards the sound of his voice. The Cold Gun is aimed at the teen.
Kid Flash dodges, some of the ice hitting his shoulder as he turns away from the stream. The facing back towards Cold, snagging the Cold Gun and knocking the ice off his shoulder as he skids to a stop in the T intersection.
Cold growls, clenching his empty hand in frustration, but can't any farther before Flash hits with a hard cross to the face. Knocking him a good five or six feet to the side, and out for the count. "Calm down, Kid." he says nonchalantly.
"Oh, please!" Kid Flash cries out in annoyance. "You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even." he gestures to the now unconscious criminal to prove his point."No. No way!" he steps up to his mentor, despite the height difference Flash seems to actually be taking him seriously. "Today's the day!" his bright green eyes are glowing with excitement.
Hall of Justice. Washington, D.C
July 4th, 14:00 EDT
The group gathered around just as Aquawoman, Aquagirl, Green Arrow, Speedy, and Batman and Robin. Robin gave his fellow friends high-fives while Speedy gave Aquagirl a hug, which made Aquawoman frowned. Tula had to explained to her older sister multiple times that he was nothing more than an older brother to her.
The crowd that had gathered kept calling out to them, making Speedy the first to wave at them. She noticed a group of little kids holding pictures of Speedy in action. He smiled and walked over, crouching down so he was at their level. "Hi, are you superheroes in disguise too?"
The children giggled before asking for signature. The other young look at their mentors who just nodded their heads allowing them interact with fans while they'll wait for the Flash and Kid Flash to finally arrive. Aquagirl stayed where she was for a moment before mindlessly wander around because she barely bothered nor cared that nobody knew who she is. The only recognition she once had was a time a civilian mistakenly called her "Aqualass" once.
Tula noticed that Robin is standing in front of a group of fangirls holding pictures of him and asking for autographs. She watched as he simply signed Robin, with a quick silhouette of a bird with its wings spread. Appropriate, she thought to herself. She sighed deeply while forcing herself a smile, she didn't denied of how she's green with jealousy of Robin's and Speedy's popularity but is honestly glad that they're seen to those children as positive role models.
"Uh...Aquagirl?" the voice came from behind Aquagirl as she turned to see a seven-year-old blonde girl who was face was red with embarrassment as she handed a picture a picture of Aquagirl. This picture the little girl gave her was different from the others. This photo was of the adventure of her, Aquawoman and Aquaman posing for one of the news crew, with the adults standing next to each other and Tula in the middle with the tied up supervillain King Shark from about a month ago.
"How did you get this?" Aquagirl asked in confusion, smiling, a little flattered.
" daddy is a photographer," she admitted, "I'm Cissie King-Jones."
"Hi, Cissie King, I am Tula." She shook the blonde girl's hand as the blonde laughed.
"Is that a real knife?" Cissie asked as she pointed at Tula's holster for the knife she keeps. Her costume was mostly designed by Arthur Curry himself as she wears a green one-piece suit with a belt similar to his and the knife holster strapped to her left leg (Arthur stated how she reminded him of a character named "Honey Ryder" from one his favorite movies), golden bracelets and some foot gear.
"Yes, it is." Aquagirl lightly pats the knife. "But its not a toy for little girls to play with."
Cissie nods "I know."
Aquagirl handed back the child's picture, now signed 'Cissie, thank you for making me smile, Aquagirl!', and walked to their mentors as the six heroes gaze of amazement rested on the Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Justice League of America.
"Today is the day." Batman said, placing his hand on Robin's shoulder.
"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green arrow continues.
"Headquarters of the Justice League. And one day, you." Mera finishes, wrapping an arm her sister.
"Oh, man!" Kid Flash's voice cries out, catching all their attention and causing them to turn away from the Hall for a moment. Flash skids to a stop first, followed closely by his sidekick. "I knew we'd be the last ones here." he gripes crossing his arms, causing Flash to raise an eyebrow behind his cowl.
I hope everyone likes my first chapter of my alternate version of the Young Justice TV series!