This takes place quite a bit later after New Growth, and I might continue this series of sorts with more shorter fics like this but we'll see, I guess. Also many thanks goes out to death-rae on tumblr for beta reading this!
Marin stretched his arms above his head, rolling the knots out of his shoulders and neck.
The Akuma attack earlier in the day had left his whole body tense and the end of exam period at school had only added to his stress levels over the week. Now it was the weekend and he was allowed a small breather. Well, from school, at least; the Akumas liked to play by their own schedule, unfortunately. But for the time being, the city was quiet and Marin could breathe easy.
He leaned against the railing of his balcony, taking in the peacefulness of the night. Tikki had stayed inside his room, claiming it too cold a night to be outside, but Marin relished the chill in the air. It was a vast contrast to the rolling flames he'd faced as Lady Beetle that morning, in any case. More than once he'd narrowly avoided becoming charbroiled by the Akuma's attacks, though the photo shoot where it had started was not so lucky.
A movement out of the corner of his eye caught Marin's attention, his body tensing for battle out of reflex. But when he saw the sway of a tail and blonde locks that stood out against the black of night, he instantly relaxed.
Chat Noir was on the roof of the lycée, not seeming to have even noticed him. She didn't seem to be heading anywhere fast either, aimlessly circling the rooftop like a lost kitten.
He didn't know what possessed him to do so, but Marin called out her name.
The feline hero jumped, whipping around to search for his voice. It didn't take her long to find him, her enhanced eyesight helping with that no doubt, but she didn't take any action to move away from where she was. It struck him as odd, since she normally stopped by his balcony without reservation whether she had an invitation or not.
She was just staring, actually, so Marin waved her over.
There was a moment's hesitation before she used her baton to vault herself across the street. She landed on the railing with all the grace of a real cat.
"Something up, Handsome?" She greeted, the usual purr in her voice missing.
"There isn't. I just saw you over there and thought something might be up with you." Marin shrugged. He carefully watched her expression as her lips pursed briefly before she made her decision to stay and hopped down onto the roof.
She leaned her back against the railing before speaking, her right hand tugging at a lock of her hair. It looked slightly singed even in the dim lighting. "Nothing really, I was just thinking maybe I should do something about this unruly hair of mine." She smiled playfully at him but it didn't reach her eyes.
Marin thought back to earlier. She hadn't been as lucky as he was in avoiding the flames, and had gotten a bit of her hair burned. She had been very distraught over it... which surprised him, considering how unkempt her hair was every time he saw her. He honestly didn't think she cared how it looked. Then again, if his hair had been fried, he knew he'd have a bit of a time explaining that to his friends and parents.
By her behavior though, he knew it was more than a few crispy split ends that was bothering her.
"Well, if you want my opinion on it..." He let the sentence trail off, allowing Chat to cut in if she wanted. When she didn't, he continued. "Honestly, you shouldn't change anything about it. Your hair is beautiful. Or at least that's what I think." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unable to meet the sudden intensity of her gaze. "Messy or singed or whatever, it's fine as it is."
There was a stretch of silence between them after his honest admission. Neither said anything. It took Marin a minute to even look up at her for her reaction. His heart skipped a beat when he finally did.
She was staring at him, wide-eyed and rosy-cheeked, her mouth hanging open in a delicate "o" shape. It wasn't a reaction he was expecting, or frankly, one that he knew how to handle.
"Do you mean that?" She asked, her voice just above a whisper.
"Of course," Marin answered, without missing a beat.
He truly loved those blonde curls. He loved watching how they bounced when she ran ahead of him and how her bangs would fall into her eyes in battle. He'd ended up with a face full of her curls often enough during their partnership, and it always surprised him how deceptively nice they smelled and how silky to the touch they actually were.
But he was Marin and not Lady Beetle right now, and he couldn't say those things, because Marin wasn't the one who knew all that. And he couldn't say them as Lady Beetle, because that would be admitting to something he wasn't quite sure he was ready for yet.
So he settled for a simpler truth. "I love your hair."
Her lips quivered, and for a moment he thought she was going to cry, before they split into a elated grin that lit up her whole face. Whatever he had said, it erased the worry from her features completely. "Thank you, Marin." She said gratefully and leaned over to plant a quick peck on his cheek.
His face quickly flushed red and she laughed merrily at his reaction. "You're a real sweet talker, you know? I'll see you around, Handsome." She said, hopping up onto the railing and darting off into the night before he could say anything more.
Well, now he was tense for a whole other reason that had much more to do with the rapid beating in his chest and a girl with a halo of golden curls.
"Can I kiss you?"
Marin blinked.
By chance or by fate, Chat Noir had ended up on his balcony again, now weeks later, and their friendly conversation had somehow gravitated to them standing mere inches apart. This wasn't the only time this had happened, but it was the first time either of them had asked something like that. Now she stared at him with an unreadable expression as the full weight of her question dawned on him.
His answer came faster than he expected, as without a second of hesitation he leaned upwards and crashed his lips onto hers. She responded immediately, crouching down enough so that he wouldn't have to stand on his tip-toes to reach her.
This wasn't their first kiss—or at least it wasn't in his memory—but it knocked the wind out of him just the same.
They pulled back a moment later, Marin breathing heavy and Chat looking breathless. She blinked owlishly at him, as though she couldn't believe what had just transpired. He wondered if she regretted it, a flash of guilt flaring in his own mind over just betraying his feelings for Adrienne. Though this wasn't new to him. For a while now he had known he felt something beyond friendship for Chat Noir.
Flirting or no, the question was if she truly felt the same way. But even if she did, those feelings wouldn't be for him; they would have to be for Lady Beetle.
And yet it was him, Marin, that she had kissed.
He didn't have time to think about it anymore, as Chat seemed to have reached some resolve with her own feelings and had stepped forward to close the gap between them once more. He glanced up, meeting her heated gaze for a second before their lips met again.
This kiss wasn't as chaste as the last, her lips nearly melting into his as his hands found purchase at her hips. Likewise, her arms wound around him to pull him tighter to her. Their height difference made things awkward, but they worked around it as the kiss deepened.
His hands wandered upward until they found home in her hair and he rejoiced at being able to finally touch the locks with his bare hands. Likewise, her hands had moved to the nape of his neck to play with the short strands there. It pulled a purr out of him, much to his embarrassment, and Chat reeled back, unable to contain her laughter.
"Now who is the cat here?" She teased.
He pouted but he didn't stay resigned for long when he took in her full visage of extremely mussed hair, swollen and smiling lips, and the tinge of pink on her cheeks. A stupid pride filled him at knowing he had been the one to make her look that way. Though he didn't doubt he looked much the same because of her, and he could already imagine Tikki's confused reaction when she saw him.
Which reminded him...
He swallowed back his nerves. "Chat, there's something I have to tell you."
His partner's laughter died out at his serious tone. "What is it?" She asked, curiously cocking her head to the side.
"I, uh," His courage left him. "I can't tell you right now but I will. Soon."
Her brows furrowed, trying to read his expression, before she sighed and shook her head. "Alright," she complied. "But don't keep me waiting too long. Curiosity killed the cat, you know." She gave him a Cheshire grin.
"I promise." He nodded solemnly. She deserved to know who he actually was, especially now that this...shift had happened between them. They were no longer just partners.
"Good." She smiled wider. "Oh, but it's getting late and this feline should be getting home."
"I have to go." She laughed and Marin realized that he still had his hands tangled in her hair. Reluctantly, he released them and his arms fell to his sides.
She smiled at his bereft state. "Oh, don't look so glum, this kitty always returns." She said before planting a lasting kiss on his lips that made him weak in the knees. "I'll see you soon, handsome."
"Bye." Marin replied as she pulled away and retreated into the night with an extra sway in her hips. He stumbled dumbly over to the window into his room, already missing her warmth.
"You were out there for a long time," Tikki commented as he jumped down onto his bed, the Kwami having stayed inside rather than join him for another cold night.
"Chat came to visit," he answered honestly, flopping down onto the pillows. He could still feel his heart pounding in his chest, and wondered if it would ever calm down.
"Oh? What did you talk about?" Tikki asked, landing beside his head.
"We didn't do much talking," Marin mumbled before rolling over. He met the Kwami's gaze steadily. "I'm going to tell her who I am."
Tikki gasped. "Are you sure?"
"It's only right, after what just happened."
"What do you mean? What happened?"
Marin didn't exactly feel like telling her he had just kissed Chat multiple times so he skirted around the question. "I think I like her," he confessed. The image of striking green eyes, wild blonde hair, and the sweet jingle of her laughter filled his mind and he shook his head.
"No, I think I love her."
Adrienne threw herself into her pillows immediately after she got home, her transformation slipping off her. Plagg floated above her and watched with disinterest as she laid completely still for several minutes before she yelped and flipped around to face the Kwami.
"I kissed him!" She exclaimed, her hands covering her flushed cheeks.
"Yes, I know. I was there for the whole thing, thank you very much." He replied flatly.
"He kissed me back!"
"Can I please get something to eat?"
"What is it that he wanted to tell me!"
"Maybe that that wasn't your first kiss."
The response didn't even reach her as she rolled back around and squealed into her pillows. "I kissed Marin!" Her words coming out muffled as she went full circle in her thoughts.
"Careful or someone will hear you." Plagg sighed, leaving her for her desk in search of hidden cheese. "So if you're like this now, how do you plan to face him at school with a straight face?"
That caught her attention. "I don't know. Do you think I should tell him who I really am?" She turned her face toward him as he looted her drawers.
"You could."
"Do you think it's a bad idea?"
"You'll do it even if I tell you not to." Plagg shrugged.
Adrienne pushed up from her mattress, brushing her hair out of her face. "That's not true."
The Kwami gave her an even look. "You didn't even hear what I said earlier, I doubt you'll listen to me now."
"Huh?" Adrienne blinked. "What did you say earlier?"
"Nothing, nothing. Now seriously, I'm starving. Where are the goods?"