I know that this is a little worn out as a focus of fan-made content, but come on, Asriel has been dragged down to Hell through barbed wire. This is one of the most emotionally screwed with characters I've ever seen in my life. I felt like he needed a better ending than what the vanilla game gave us. That's what this story hopes to give us. I hope that whatever I write makes sense to the die-hard fans of Undertale. Whatever, here we go…

Frisk awoke to the honey-glazed voice of Toriel, "Frisk? Wake up…" Frisk slowly opened their eyes, their muscles felt like heavy weights were tying them down. After what felt like minutes to Frisk, they were sitting up in a circle made up of all their friends. Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, and of course, Toriel. "Oh! You are awake! Thank goodness!" Toriel was relieved to see that Frisk was alright. Everyone else turned to look at Frisk. "W-we were so worried…! It felt like you were out forever!" Oddly enough, Alphys was the first one to speak. Undyne's clenched fists relaxed, and she sighed as she spoke next. "Yeah, any longer, and I would've freaked out! Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay!?" She turned her head to Sans, who started to grin. "yeah. you made papyrus cry like a baby." Papyrus turned his head to his brother, and scowled at him. "What! I didn't cry! I don't cry! I just… caught something in my eye." Sans smiled more, "what did you catch?" Papyrus sniffled, and leaned his head back as he shouted, "Tears!" Everyone started to have a little laugh.

Asgore settled them all down. "Now, now… The important part is that Frisk is all right." He looked down at Frisk, "Here, Frisk, why not have some tea? It'll make you feel better." Frisk was about to speak when Toriel said, "Err… Why don't we give them some space first? They must be exhausted. Though, from what, I am not certain." She looked up at the sky for a second. "Frisk… We do not remember exactly what happened. There was a… flower… And then, everything went white. But, now the barrier is gone!" Frisks' eyes widened a bit. 'So, it wasn't just a dream…' they thought. "When you are ready, we will all return to the surface. It seems that the east door will bring us there, now. But, before then, perhaps you might want to take a walk? You can say goodbye to all of your wonderful friends." Frisk started to stand up, stars formed in their eyes, as they were moving too fast. Toriels' motherly nature stepped in, as she almost lurched forward, trying to help Frisk up. She stopped herself. "D-do as you wish. We will all wait for you here." She flattened a crease on the front of her robe. "yeah. no worries. take your time." Sans smiled at Frisk with one corner of his mouth. He raised his eyebrow at Frisk, almost like he knew what Frisk was thinking about. Frisk was taken back a bit. They had an idea. There was one Lost Soul they didn't save in the final battle. Asriel. Frisk had an idea as to where Asriel might be, if he was still in this world. The entrance to the Underground, underneath the hole in Mt. Ebott, where the huge bed of golden flowers lay. Frisk's heart started beating, fast. "well? what're you waiting for?" Frisk took off running. Toriel covered her mouth and giggled, "Oh, my! The child is eager to set off." Sans laughed, and said quietly, "don't you know it, tori…"

Holy shit, that was quite boring, wasn't it? Well, it was an introduction, at least. I'm hoping to update this story quite frequently, but of course, the chapters will go up when they're ready. Anyways, feel free to give me feedback of any kind. Reviews and comments, even flames help inspire me to write bigger and better, Thanks for reading!