AN: This is based on The Selection by Kiera Cass, but the plot is very, very different from the books. I just really liked many of the concepts from the book (like the Selection itself). This first chapter is a bit more like a prologue, in my opinion. The plot doesn't set into motion until the next chapter; this one is more background. Anyway, I hope you like it.

It's ALL in Ty Lee's POV.


by Tyzula-Forever

I had never been more excited in my whole life! And I got excited all the time. Never as excited as right then.

Nothing about my little world right then mattered at all anymore the second I got that letter from the messenger hawk. I lived in a small town too far away from Caldera, but I went there twice before for the Fire Days Festival; the Prince spoke, and he was dreamy.

"Ty Lee. Ty Lee, stop babbling like that," my mother ordered, smashing her cane against the floor like she always did when things got out of control here. And stuff always got out of control with six kids.

"I don't know how to say it," I breathed and my mother shook her head.

"You're not articulate enough for Prince Zuko," she barked and I sunk into the chair I had jumped out of, discarding the torn envelope and clutching the parchment tightly in my fist. Mother softened once I quieted. "You could be, of course. But you … you know I love you, but I do worry that you're just another pretty face to them. You're not Selected yet."

That reality crushed me, but I kept on smiling. My mother taught me that. I was supposed to entertain people, and I was supposed to keep on smiling and keep on doing acrobatics that left wealthy people agape. It kind of hurt when I realized I was her best bet at real success as a Five, better than any of my sister's talents.

"You could go to Caldera as a dancer or an acrobat. So many professional shows would die to have you…"

If I accepted this I wouldn't… be able to do that.

"I bet he's not that interested in me walking on my hands," I said quietly, toying with my fingers. My mother's words humbled me way too much.

But my sister shot me a half smile. "I guarantee you he'd be interested in the flexibility."

"Rey!" screamed mother and Rey jumped, but I couldn't stop laughing.

I knew it was not going to be easy, and that I didn't have much of a chance, but The Selection was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me.

"Help me fill out the form," I demanded of Rey and she nodded sharply. We walked to my bedroom on the creaky stairs of our house and sat down with ink, a brush and the beautiful parchment that the royals sent.

Rey cleared her throat and dramatically read, "Our beloved Prince Zuko is coming of age this month. As he ventures into adulthood, he hopes to move forward with a partner, to marry a true Daughter of the Fire Nation. Please fill out the enclosed form and return it to your local Province Services Office. One woman from each province will be drawn at random to meet the prince."

I giggled. "You should be an actress!" I insisted and Rey flashed a smile. Smiling; I was good at that. People always said a single smile from me was enough to melt a man. Maybe that would help … if I got that far.

"You should be Fire Lady," Rey said and I beamed. "See! You could calm an army by doing that."

A thought struck me as I read about the royal family. "What happens with his sister? Does she get a Selection?"

Rey scrunched up her face in thought before replying, "She's the second child, right? She won't have the throne unless…" Rey clearly didn't want to say anything about our prince dying. "Well, I bet she winds up with somebody good for the empire too, but nobody'll make a big deal of it. Maybe some governor or something."

I thought that was okay. And I kind of forgot about it as I started filling out the very intrusive form. It was puzzling to me that there were so many questions when I wasn't even Selected yet, but they needed all my information if I was, I guessed.

Name, age, physical descriptors, contact information, caste, place of birth, questions about skills, education and anything that would make me stand out. It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to fill it out, using scrap paper and sighing frequently. I wanted it to be perfect.

I wanted the best possible chance to be with Prince Zuko.

I needed the best possible chance to be with Prince Zuko.


The day I turned in my form, I went to a Diviner. My siblings and father said it was silly stuff I believed in, but my mother always talked about how I was an old soul in a young body. I could see auras and my mother encouraged it, which was all I really needed.

I didn't write that down on my application.

But I was pretty sure that seeing those mystical colors when I focused would help me out in the competition. If I was in the competition. I had to stop thinking as if I already was; all girls between fourteen and sixteen got those letters.

Maybe I didn't stand a chance.

That was why I needed my fortune discussed and I needed warnings for my future.

I was scared.


The Diviner gave me a piece of paper that I stowed in my bra and kept on me even as I slept, because I didn't understand much of it, but I was sure it would be helpful soon. It said a few things about the desires of my heart, and I knew that was about Prince Zuko. Did that mean I would be selected? Did that mean he would fall in love with me?

I was currently standing in line at the Province Services Office. It was a long walk from my house, and I only wound up with Rey and dad. Mom couldn't make it that far. Four of my sisters were married. Two married up. Two married other Fives. Rey and I were the last ones at home. I danced in a way that made people gawk. She played every instrument. We were a totally dynamic duo.

Rey kept licking her hand and rubbing it on my hair to try to make my braid smoother. We found out a bit late that there would be pictures, and I looked kind of indecent in skimpy pink with messy hair. I ran away to the bathroom before giving up and standing in line again.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like in the far away provinces?" I asked. "Like, are people lining up next to penguins somewhere?"

"I don't think penguins would stand much of a chance in the Selection," Rey said, laughing.

I glared at her. Then smiled.

My grin was my best weapon in this war for the crown.