Yes, I still like vampires again. I can't help it. Sometimes I enjoy read Sonic fan stories that talk about Shadow being the vampire.

I don't own anything.

(Shadow's POV)

I've been a vampire for nearly 6 centuries, hunting for prey to sink my sharp fangs into the victim's neck without draining their blood of life. I'm not like any other vampires that suck the life of mortals. Even though I don't care for mortal beings but I do sometimes protect young innocent children from evil vampires.

I do eat normal food most of the time but it doesn't stop my hunger. Only blood can stop my hunger. Blood is the only source to stay alive because if I don't drink blood I'll die. I can't walk into daylight too. Sunlight is what can kill a vampire. Unlike those vampire books and movies; weakness to garlic, Holy objects, and crossing water were all fake. Except for sunlight. Vampire abilities were also fake too except for bat transformation and hypnotism. I don't cast my reflection in the mirror at night; it can only cast during day time. Which I find it weird.

With all that said and done, this is my story. My name is Shadow and I'm a vampire of the night.

(End of Shadow's POV)

A black non-mobian bat flying around in the city called Station Square, enjoying the view of city lights and the full moon in the night sky along with beautiful stars.

He flies down to the secret hiding place in the dark alley, he checks for anything before he morphs into his regular form. It was clear and he turns into a dark mobian hedgehog with red streaks on his quills. He had no shirt but he wore a black light jacket, black leather pants and black biker boots. He was rather good looking and sexy that can make all the girls swoon. He's not much into having a relationship to any women. He rather stay single than hook up with girls that only want money and sexual pleasures. He was never into that sort of thing.

Clearing his thoughts away, he goes to the secret hiding place in the alley where vampires hang out at a bar-like place.

He goes inside the secret passage alley brick wall and closed it up from behind, he looks at the place filled with mobian and human vampires.

The mobian vampire girls sigh dreamily at the dark vampire hedgehog. He rolled his ruby red eyes in annoyance and ignores the women. He takes a seat at the bar.

"Ah, Shadow the Hedgehog. I've been wondering when you'll be here" the vampire bartender said.

"Enjoying the night as always. One glass of blood please" Shadow said.

"Alright then" the bartender takes out a blood bag and pours the blood into a glass.

"Thanks" Shadow takes a sip of blood from the cup.

He looked around to see some vampires talking about their victims they have sucked blood from. He ignores them and drinks his cup of blood.

"Then the victim woke up, nearly all his blood was missing and I was never seen again!" a vampire lizard said.

"HAAAAHAHAHA! That's a good one!" an armadillo vampire laughed hard.

"Hey, handsome" a white female bat sits next to Shadow.

"What do you want, Rouge?" Shadow grumbled in annoyance.

"Goodness, what a charming 'hello' that was" Rouge smirked.

"Just get to the point, Rouge. I'm in no mood to hear your seduction mouth again" Shadow growled lowly.

"Hey, I turned you into a vampire to save your life from a nasty pneumonia 600 years ago" Rouge crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I know that" Shadow rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, what I'm here to say is that you should try to lighten up your grumpy behavior and start looking for the right girl that will fill your dark heart" Rouge said.

Shadow eyes widen, "I already told you this before, Rouge. I don't need a girl in my life. I like being alone"

"Okay then, Shadow. Maybe you see that being a vampire is a curse. There is no return in turning normal you know" Rouge said.

"I don't need to be normal. It's just I can't just go on killing each day" Shadow muttered.

Rouge shook her head and goes away from Shadow, "Fine. Maybe someday you can find the right one" Rouge said.


Later, Shadow was walking alone in the streets.

"Oh, Shadow. When will you ever find the right girl to fill your dark heart? Perhaps turn her into a vampire" Shadow imitating Rouge, "Grrr! I can't stand that white bat's big mouth" he growled lowly, "Never and I mean NEVER will I have a girlfriend in my undead life. I'll show her how wrong she is" he kicked the soda can aside and heads to an empty house and gets inside to go to his coffin. He sighs, very frustrated and covers his face with his hands.

Just then, his fast reflex alerted him as he took out his pistol gun to aim at whoever it was that is hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Whoa! Easy, Shads! It's me!" a blue hedgehog held up his hands in defense.

Shadow sighs in annoyance, "What do you want, Faker?"

"Just wondering how you are feeling and my name is Sonic please" Sonic said, jumping down from the ceiling.

"Go away" Shadow scoffed and closed the coffin lid on himself.

"Geez, Shads. Are you always gonna be the grumpy vampire for the rest of you undead life?" Sonic sighs and opens the coffin lid to talk to Shadow.

"Yes" Shadow said and closed the coffin lid on himself again. Sonic sighs and leaves the room to get back to his place before the sun rises. Inside the coffin, Shadow was not asleep and keeps tossing and turning.

"What should I do to stop my anger? Kill myself? Good luck with that" Shadow said sarcastically, "This is gonna be a long day"

Far away from the city in the mountains, the evilest vampire was a green hedgehog with two big scars on his chest, and ice blue eyes.

"We need the real elements of the princesses! At least we got the gem hearts but one is missing! If we want to capture all the mortal girls, we need to find the missing gem heart of Stars! If we find the person who is derived from the gem heart of Stars, she will be the key to giving us the power of immunity to sunlight!" Scourge said to his council members.

One of them stepped out, "Sir, she is the hardest one to find, we need to make sure she's not disguised" one of the council members said.

"Well, find her! She's defenseless you know! She's a mortal being! Do whatever you have to do to find her! We have plenty of time until the planetary alignment comes. Along with that, the moon will cover the sun; creating a full solar eclipse" Scourge said.

"With pleasure sir" an echidna sporting sharp blades on his fists said. Another one, a grey cobra was unfolding his hood.

"Good. Now let's wait until the sun has set down before you all walk out the door" Scourge said.

"Okay sir" The cobra nodded.

The next night, Shadow woke up with a groan and gets out from his coffin to head out. He grabs two pistol guns and his black leather light trench jacket similar to the movie Underworld.

"Maybe take a walk in the dark forest can help clear my mind" he muttered.

He decided to use his car to get to the forest and he goes downstairs to get to the car. He gets into it and turns the engine on, driving towards the forest.

"It sure is a lovely night. Whoa!" Shadow moved to the side from the deer almost jumping over his car, "Watch it!"

The deer ran away and Shadow parks the car at the parking lot in the forest. He got out from the car and walks into the forest, putting his hands into his pockets.