I don't own Star Wars or Kingdom Hearts. They belong to Sqaure Enix, Disney, and Lucas films. Okay, the new Star Wars was AWESOME! If you haven't seen it. Get a ticket and see as soon as you can! I hope they do have Star Wars in KH3 or if not future KH games. Anyways enjoy the AU crossover.

Chapter 1: The Journy Begins

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

(Cue Star Wars theme)




The conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire has spreeded throughout the galaxy. Alliance supporter, ANSEM WISE, had mysteriously disappeared. Presume dead, his half brother, and former Jedi, XEHANORT WISE, has taken over the world of Hollow Bastion, until the true heir to the throne KAIRI WISE, can take the throne.

Realizing, the princess was more like her her father than they thought, the empire has dispatched inquisitor, VANITAS, Said to be the Son of Vader, to marry the young girl. Realizing her Uncle's plans, the Princess desperate tries to sent messages the Rebellion, in hope someone could come to her rescue.

Meanwhile, SORA STRIFE and and his best friend dream about searching beyond the world of DESTINY ISLANDS to go on a real adventure. Overhearing, PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA'S, jorney back to ALDERAAN, RIKU SOLO plans sneak aboard with his friend, unkownly become apart of the galactic civil war...

And non of this is canon, so don't panic...

(Destiny Islands theme)

Destiny Islands, one of the few planets that hasn't been controlled by the Galatic Empire. A prefect place if you want to get away from it all. Also, it happens to be a perfect place to stop to receive food and supplies for journey to Alderaan. The Tantive IV had stop for that very thing and fuel. Riku looked up and over heard, "So, how much longer are we prepared to leave?"

"Just a half an hour and you'll be on our way."

"That's good. The Princess needs to return to Alderaan as soon as possible." Riku smirk at this and the young man ran as fast as he could to Sora's house. Today, they would finally leave this planet.

Sora packed up the up the last of his things and ran down stairs. He so excited he and Riku were going haven't an sleep over on the islands with their friends in ages. He ran down stairs, we he was greated by his adoptive mother, Naminè, "Did you pack clothes for tomorrow?"


"Thooth brush?"


"Swim trunks? Towel?"

"Double Check."

"Your communicator?"

"Check. I got everything mom. I'm eighteen for crying out loud!" Sora told her. Naminè just smile and hugged him, "Aw! I don't care how old you get, you'll always be my baby boy." Sora blushed in embarssement, "Mom!"

"Naminè stop teasing him." Sora's adopted father, Ventus Strife, told his wife. She laughed, "Okay, okay, I'll him go." She released her son, when they heard a knock on the door. "That must be Riku!" Sora exclaimed. He was about to leave when his mother stopped him and kissed him on the check, "Remeber, come home before noon tomorrow and call if your going to be late."

"Yes, mom." Sora nodded. She hugged him one more time, "I love you." Naminè told him. "Love you too, mom." Sora replied before she finally let go. Ventus rubbed his hand through his son's hair, "Bye, son. Have a good time with your friends."

"I will." Sora replied. He opened the automatic door and was greeted by Riku Solo. "Hey, Sora. Did you mom finally let you go?" Sora nodded, "Yep, let's go." They then ran off as Sora's mother watched them leave, "There they go. I hope he comes back in one piece."

"Seriously, Nami. You worry to much. Sora, can take care of himself." Ven told his wife. Naminè nodded, "I know, Ven, but ever scince we've told him and Riku the stories about the Jedi, the Clone Wars, and the Old Republic, they been fascinated by the other worlds. Sora, now especially since we told him he was adopted."

"Relax, Naminè. Sora's not leaving us. He knows my father will take him to the outside worlds when he's old enough." Ven walked up and comfort her. Naminè turned and rasied an eyebrow, "You do realize Sora or Riku are not fans of the Empire. Especially, since Princess Leia, happens to be a daughter of a Rebel leader, and is like a big sister to Sora."

"You mean besides the fact their same age, yeah, but his grandfather still loves him and he wouldn't make Sora join the Empire if he didn't want too. Plus, he dosen't even know that Leia's part of the rebellion." Ven pointed out. Naminè signed, "Your right. I'm probably over reacting. Sora not the kind of boy who would cause trouble."

"See...if anyone we should be worried about Riku, he's the one always getting himself into trouble." Ven points out as he kissed his wife. "And Sora's always the one who tries to get him out of trouble usually end up in the same situation Riku's in. Then either your father, the Princess, or us has to bail them out." Naminè agreed.

"Yeah," Ven then chuckled, "it's funny they wanted to have sleepover today." Naminè raises an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Because Tantive IV actually stopped here for food and supplies and is excepted to leave for the hour." Ventus finished. Naminè's eyes widened, "Is it by any chance that it's on the way to Play islands?"

"As a matter of fact..." Ventus stopped himself realizing what she was thinking, "...no way, that- that would be the biggest trouble Riku would ever gotten them into. There's no way..." Naminè gave Ven a worried look, "...then again, it wouldn't hurt to check."

"Wow, Riku. It's been forever since we did this. I can't wait to go back to the islands!" Sora exclaimed. Riku laughed sheepishly, "Yeah, about that..." They stopped to see the Tantive IV up ahead. "We're not going to the islands, are we?"

"Nope, today's the day. We're finally going to the outside of this world and see what's really out there and the Princess of Aldraan is going to help us do it." Riku grinned. Sora looked at Riku, "Of all the dumb ideas you've had a done, this has go to be the dumbest. Did you forget the Organas' are actually a part of the Civil War? The Empire would shoot us down for sure."

"Did you forget the Empire don't know their involvement? Plus, I've checked. They just on a peaceful mission to Aldraan. All we have to do is hop aboard. They take us there, we take a good look around, and then check out the other worlds. Easy." Riku grinned. Sora crossed his arms, "No. Riku. You may not have parents anymore but I do! My mom will have a heart attack. My dad will ground me for life and next thing before I know it my Grandpa will sign me up for the imperial academy."

Riku signed, "Fine, how about this? We at least go to Aldraan, then ask the princess for a ride back when she's done." Riku then smirked mischievously, "Plus, I've heard all girls on Aldraan are hot, man. You could at least find your future wife. Maybe, we can even find a clue to who your really parents are. Come on, don't tell me your not tempeted."

Sora had to attempt he was curious of who his parents really are. He's mad at the fact, Riku just used Sora's two greatest weakness against. His coriousity and his dream. His dream of find the right girl, marrying her, and have lots of children together. Then agian, if Riku was going to get himself into trouble, then it was his job to get him out of it so... "Do you even have a plan, how to get on board with out getting caught?" He asked.

Riku smirked knowing he won the argument, "Way ahead of you." He pulls out two Aldraan Security uniforms, "Try it on. Leave the rest of the stuff here and hurry. The ship leaves in 15."

"This is your plan?" Sora asked. "Just trust me." Riku replied as he left to go change. "The last time you said that we nearly got eaten by Rotta the Hutt's Rancors!" Sora shouted. "Now, how was I supposed to to know he was allergic to chocolate? Besides we gotta away unharmed."

"Because grandpa threatened to waste him and his gang if he didn't and Rotta threatened he'd put a price on our heads, if he ever saw our faces again!" Sora reminded him. "Well then it's a good thing we're not going to Tatooine. Now, don't be a baby and put on the uniform."

"Well, you got the size right but helmet is a bit big." Sora commented as he ajusted his helmet again. "That was intentional. In need a helmet big enough to cover your all your spiky hair. Now keep quiet and act natural." Riku told them as the walked to the ship, blasters in hand.

The captian noticed them heading to the ship, "What were you two doing?"

"Sight seeing." Riku lied. "Sight see on your own time. We have an important missin, let's move." The captian ordered. The young adults nodded, "Yes, sir!"

They walked on to the ship and with that, they blasted off into space. Ven just arrived to see the cruiser leave, "Oh no." Ven quickly pulled out his communicator, "Naminè, please tell me we were scared for nothing?"

"I called them all. Tidus's mother. Wakka's parents. Shepie's parents. Nothing. There were never any plans for a sleep over! We're bad parents!" Naminè cried. "No we not bad parents. Sora's a good boy. It's Riku that's being a bad friend! I want to adopt him so I can ground him!" Ventus exclaimed.

"Ven, what are we going to do?" Naminè worried. "Princess Leia was abroad that ship. Try contacting her." Ven told her. Naminè nodded, "Right, maybe she can get them home in one piece."

"Don't worry, Sora's going to be fine. I hope..." Ven worried.

Well, hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. Please remember to follow, fav, and review. Have a great day. See you soon.