Well back again I am! Sorry for the wait! I know its been 2 years. And I can't even fathom its been that long but I am going to be a lot better.

Don't forget to check out Mea Parum Stella! The sequel to My Little Girl. In a few chapters, it'll be over! AHHH!

Also don't forget my Infinity Stones poll on my bio. Especially after the heartbreak that was Infinity Wars!

This chapter is currently unbetad.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the Marvel or Harry Potter franchises.



I had just finished another grueling day of testing my patience with the students when I entered my office to see my owl with the daily muggle news from back home.

I still liked to keep in check and monitor what was going on outside of the magical world. I had a very healthy respect for what the muggles were capable of at this point in history.

I scanned through the paper briefly before a headline caught my eye and my guard.

Dursley's Refused Bond After Scene in Courtroom

Today was a scene of chaos in the courtroom as the bond hearing for Vernon and Petunia Dursley was given. When the charges were listed out to the defendants, Vernon Dursley quickly flew into a rage, shouting obscenities at the workers and the judge. He had to be removed from the courtroom.

Because of this, both were refused bond and were swiftly taken back to prison, where they will remain until their trial.

This comes after a shocking article was posted on all major news sites by an anonymous poster. In the article, it detailed their extended and horrendous abuse of their six year old nephew, Harry Potter.

The couple had been arrested, trying to leave the country no less, when the article was posted. Their son, Dudley, currently remains with Social Services. Petunia and Vernon will be tried separately in about 2 months time.

Social Services has no comment on the location of the nephew in question. Representative, Kingsley Shacklebolt only had this to say, "Harry has already been placed in a home that will properly take care of him. I urge the public at this time to leave him alone."

This didn't make sense. It couldn't make sense. All the names were the same except for calling the Potter spawn, Harry. But it couldn't make sense.

Albus never told me where he ended up putting the Potter girl, but he assured the staff she would live luxuriously and want for nothing. No doubt becoming as spoilt as her father.

And Kingsley. What in the hell was he doing, pretending to be a muggle social service worker?

Well why ask myself the questions when I can go directly to the source.


It was almost midnight when I had gotten the floo call from Severus.

He immediately demanded entry and was just pacing my living room, a newspaper clutched tightly in his hand.

"What can I do for you Severus?" I asked again.

"You can start by explaining this!" he said, throwing the paper at me. I collected the pages and when I saw the headline I immediately knew what this was about.

"Oh" However was all I could say.

"Oh? Oh? What is the meaning of this Shacklebolt. I distinctly remember the Potter spawn being a girl. And these accusations of abuse?" Severus questioned. He was angry. And fearful.

"More than accusations I am afraid my friend. Adrian Potter led a hard and abused life by her family. Simply because they were afraid of her magic." I explained.

"Petunia hated magic yes, but she wouldn't go that far." He tried to reason. More to himself than me it seemed.

"She would Severus. Adrian had many old and painful injuries when she was brought to a hospital by her new guardian." I said.

"New guardian? You should have informed Albus of this. How did you even discover this?" he asked.

"I did not inform Albus because I believe he is not to be trusted. And I found out from an insider of mine in the hospital. A squib named Dr. Alice Crawford. She did the psychological evaluation of Adrian and called me." I further explained, pouring myself a drink.

"Severus. The things Albus has said over the years whenever anyone asked about Adrian. All about his "greater good." I have learned some things that I don't dare tell anyone else about Albus Dumbledore. If he ever found out I knew, I am sure he would kill me himself." I said.

Severus gave me a look, but it grew resigned.

"I of all people know what Albus is capable of" he said finally. He sat down heavily in the chair next to me.

"I had all these assumptions being forced in my head. Plans to treat Adrian Potter exactly like her father treated me." He remarked guiltily.

"If I have it my way, Adrian Potter will never set foot in the halls of Hogwarts. It is too dangerous for her." I said. He only nodded.

"I want to help." He said after a few moments.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"I want to help keep Adrian's whereabouts unknown. From Albus. From everyone. I can only assume that is why the papers are saying it was a boy." He explained. Now I was the one who nodded.

"I would greatly appreciate the help." I said.

"For if what my intelligence says is true, Adrian Potter will surely die if brought back to the Wizarding World."

And that was how Severus Snape came onto my side of the equation.

Ta Da!