An Analysis on the Rearing of Avian Earth Lifeforms AKA Peridot Becomes a Mommy
Peridot is coming to terms with her new life as a traitorous gem rebel when she stumbles upon strange white, smooth rocks. She takes them for further analysis and is not prepared for what happens next. If she thought being a rebel was hard, it doesn't compare to her biggest challenge yet: Motherhood.
If it's not obvious what this story is going to be about by the title and the summary, then it will be by the next chapter.
This fic has no pairings and it takes place just after Log Date and Message Received.
Chapter 1: Just Peridot
"Which Peridot?"
Peridot didn't understand why Yellow Diamond's question had surprised her so much. Of course she would ask which Peridot she was. There were thousands of her.
However, for some reason, it had taken her by surprise and Peridot was left stuttering and wondering if the rebels' strange ideology had caused her to become even more defective than she already feared she was…
"Peridot!" Steven called. "Come here! You have to see this!"
Peridot groaned from her spot on the couch and got to her feet. What could possibly be so important on this primitive planet that she needed to witness it immediately?
"Peridot hurry! You're going to miss it!" Steven called again, his voice more urgent this time.
"Yo, Peri! What's taking you?" Amethyst asked while opening the front door of Steven's house and peaking her head inside.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," Peridot grumbled. If Amethyst was excited then it probably would be worth the effort to check it out.
The front door closed behind her and the first thing Peridot noticed was Steven was wearing a wide grin and his eyes were pointing up to the sky. Amethyst's eyes were also on the sky and Peridot was sensing a pattern here. She looked upwards just in time.
Streaking across the darkness of space, so quick she almost missed it, was the tail of a meteor. She heard Steven gasp beside her.
Only a few more seconds passed before another meteor shot across the sky and Steven practically bounced in excitement.
"This is what you're all looking at?" she asked loudly. "It's just cosmic debris entering the planet's atmosphere! It's basically just your planet burning up junk from space!"
"Isn't it beautiful?" Garnet said, showing no sign that she had heard Peridot.
"Beautiful? Did you just here me? You're just looking at… at space garbage!"
At Peridot's last syllable the sky lit up as a particularly big meteor streaked across the sky. Peridot felt her mouth fall open as she watched it. It took several seconds before the sky returned to its original dark onyx.
She had never seen a meteor shower before. Why would she? The small meteors that entered the atmosphere of whatever planet she had been stationed at had never threatened progress there, and why would she waste time watching small rocks burn up in the atmosphere when she had work to do?
"It's still beautiful, though," Steven said, turning to her with a grin.
"I still don't see the purpose of it," Peridot murmured with a pout but she found herself staring up at the sky again, hoping to see it light up again the way it did just a few seconds ago.
"I guess gems on Homeworld don't normally care about meteors," Amethyst said with a snicker.
Peridot straightened. "Absolutely not! We have more important things then… I mean, I used to… I…" Peridot drifted off awkwardly, suddenly feeling very far away from the glimmering lights in the sky that was all she could see of Homeworld's galaxy.
The silence was suffocating as she thought of everything she left behind. She turned her eyes back up to the sky, hoping to distract herself. Peridot wasn't usually very patient gem, and yet, she watched and waited.
"Then it's a good thing Earth isn't a Gem colony, or no one would get to see this- OH look at that one!" Amethyst gasped.
Peridot wanted to roll her eyes, but she was too busy following the bright streak across the sky.
"This astronomical event would still be here with or without the rebellion," Peridot pointed out. "Who cares if someone would have seen it or not? That doesn't change anything."
"It changes everything," Garnet said, her voice steady and patient. It was the voice she used when she was explaining things to her. "Because this sight is only beautiful if there is someone there to appreciate it."
Peridot looked over at Garnet, but the fusion's eyes were still on the stars.
"That doesn't make any sense," Peridot grumbled.
The gem looked over at Steven and there was a smile on his face, as there usually was, but this time there was something different about it. Peridot had no words for what that look he was giving her meant, but she knew no one had ever looked at her like that before.
Peridot felt something warm and soft grip her hand and she looked down to see that Steven had taken her hand in his own. She was going to ask what he was doing, when she noticed his other hand was in Amethyst's hand and quartz-type gem didn't seem to mind.
Maybe it was one of those strange earth customs?
"I'm glad you're here with us," he said, his voice ringing with sincerity, and that strange, happy look on his face never faltered.
Words failed Peridot so she quickly turned her gaze back up to the sky above. There were no words that would be enough to respond to that look. Although, if she was honest, it wasn't so much the look, but the strange way it made her feel. She was a billion miles away from everything she had ever known, but in that moment, just because of that look, she was okay with that. How could she be okay with that?
"Look up everyone, the real show is about to start," Garnet advised.
The words were barely out of Garnet's mouth with the sky lit up with a brilliant yellow light. It was beautiful, and pointless. It was the most important moment in the whole world, and nothing but burning space garbage all at the same time.
Suddenly, compared to this sight, Homeworld and all its colonies seemed just a little bit smaller, and Peridot, just a little bit bigger.
Because here, on earth, she wasn't a Peridot out of thousands.
She was just Peridot.
The first Peridot to look up at burning space garbage and find it beautiful.
Please review and let me know if this is something I should continue. I kind of just started this fic out of nowhere so I hope people like it.