A/N: AU. Lightly based upon the wedding date movie- Roman is going home back to Pensacola, Florida for his cousin's wedding (Jimmy) and he's scared about running into his ex-boyfriend Seth Rollins (who his cousin is still close to and will be at the wedding) Roman's other cousin (Jey) wants to help him move on so gets Roman a 'Fake Boyfriend' for the week while they are back home, enter Dean Ambrose...

What fun will ensue?

Will their be heartbreak or love?

Pairings: Jimmy/Naomi, Roman/Seth, Roman/Dean. (contains other WWE Superstars and Divas) x x x

Roman sat staring at the wedding invitation he was holding his hand, it was off is cousin Jimmy, one of his closest cousins they grew up together they were more like brothers, he sighed, stuffing into his jeans pocket when he realises his other cousin Jey, Jimmy's twin brother is heading his way, "Uce!" He hears Jey holler as he comes into full view, "Uce, you don't look so happy man" Jey comments, patting Roman's shoulder as they embrace.

"Jimmy told me he's invited Seth to his wedding" Roman says downbeat.

"Oh" Was Jey's reply.

Jey knew that Jimmy had invited Seth to the wedding but he told Jimmy he was the one who had to tell Roman, Jey never liked Seth even when he was Roman's boyfriend but Jimmy did, it was weird normally the twins agreed on everything, this was one of the only things the twins disagreed on and Jey didn't want Seth at the wedding but it wasn't his wedding.

Jey then smiled out of nowhere, "What?" Roman questioned it suspiciously, "I have the perfect idea Uce" Jey nods, pulling out his phone, "We are going to get you a fake boyfriend.." Jey says scrolling through the photos on his phone, "Ah, here he is" Jey says smiling again.

Here who is? Roman wondered out loud.

"What a fake boyfriend? Am I really that desperate?" Roman asks his cousin, who seems to be thrilled with his idea, or possibly the guy he's chosen for him.

Roman sighs loudly.

"Just look at the picture, Dean's a great guy, and not that bad looking and you know what if he's around you won't be interested in Seth..." His cousin Jey is literally forcing his phone into his hand as he speaks, and Roman can't help but look down at the picture, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea? As long as it kept his mind of Seth, Roman would do it..

"Ok, fine I'll do it" Roman agrees, when he looks up Jey is smiling brightly,hugging him even "You won't regret this man, it's going to be the best week of your life"

Some how Roman thinks he will regret this.

It was the week before his cousin's wedding, Roman was happy for Jimmy, as Jimmy had found the love of his life and was due to marry her in a weeks time, this put the fear of God into Roman Reigns and Roman didn't scare easily, but he was because it meant in a couple of hours he would be reunited with his ex-boyfriend Seth Rollins. Roman thought he was the one, but Seth clearly didn't think that, even though they broke up over a year ago, it still hurt, Roman never told his family (especially his cousin's Jimmy and Jey mainly) the reason why, but it was basically he found out Seth has cheated on him with a guy named Punk, what kind of name was Punk? Roman thought and it broke Roman's heart, which meant this week was going to be even harder than ever because only Roman and Seth knew why they had broken up so seeing Seth in his own old family home was going to be dreadful especially since Jimmy wanted Roman to get back together whereas Jimmy's twin brother Jey wanted Roman to move on and came up with the idea of having a 'fake boyfriend'.

So this is why Roman is sat on an aeroplane with an empty seat next to him, he was waiting for his blind date well not so much a blind date as he has seen a photo on Jey's phone of his 'fake boyfriend' as he was dubbed by Jey, how Jey talked him into this Roman didn't know, he felt like a teenager going on a date for the first time he kinda might of had butterflies as he'd only ever seen a photo of this Dean Ambrose man, but never met him in real life.

Dean Ambrose wasn't exactly unattractive but was he really Roman's type?

Could he fake his was through the week with Dean?

Roman took a deep breath before he started to look around the aeroplane and suddenly caught the eyes of a blue eyed man with auburn hair moving towards him, "Hi" Dean said to Roman as he placed his hand luggage in the holder above his head, which caused his white baggy t-shirt to rise up slightly revealing some muscles Dean had been concealing with his clothes, Roman's breath caught in his throat, he had to look away for a brief second to regain his composure.

"Hi" Roman replied when Dean sat down next to him, Roman took in Dean's appearance he looked good if Roman had to say so himself, he had a baggy white t-shirt on with some blue faded jeans, "So how long is this flight?" Dean asked Roman as he staring fidgeting around to put his seatbelt on.

"About three hours give or take" Roman answers almost immediately, his voice velvety smooth, Dean felt his heart swoon, he shook his head internally no, he had to stop that. When his friend Jey came to him with his idea to help Roman, Dean was kinda sceptical but after seeing the picture of Roman there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he was saying yes.

Dean honestly didn't think Roman's picture did him justice, in real life Roman was just beautiful and Dean didn't use the word lightly, Dean knows the reason he agreed to do this was because Roman was the most attractive man he's ever seen in both photo form and in real life.

"Three hours, ok, I can do this.." Dean was muttering more to himself than to Roman, Dean felt the fingers he was tapping along his arm rest be flattened by a larger hand, Roman's obviously, "You don't like flying?" The feel of Roman's warm skin against him makes him forget how to speak, so Dean just nods, "Well it's ok, because I'm right here man" Roman smiles across at Dean, during take off Roman's hand lingers on top of Dean's for some reassurance, which Dean is grateful for.

About forty five minutes or so into the flight, a long legged blonde air hostess came round offering drinks, "Hi my names Summer, is there anything I can get for you gentleman?" Her smile unnerved Dean it's almost as if she was flirting with him.

But Dean needed a drinks to calm his nerves, it was at that moment that Dean realised that Roman's hand was no longer covering his, he felt cold, "Yeah can I get a Jack Daniels with some ice thanks" Dean replied, glancing at her briefly, her smile still unnerving him, "Hey babe" His fingers graze against Roman's hand, his attention turns to Dean instantly, blank expression on his face, "Fancy a drink?" Dean asks him, Roman can see the air hostess staring at them, " Can I get a bottle of water, thanks Summer" Roman responds, as Summer is getting Dean's drink.

"You two make such an adorable couple" Summer states looking sad momentarily, handing Dean his Jack Daniels and Roman's water before smiling at them again.

"We-" Roman starts and gets cut off by Dean who says "Thanks" as he entwines his fingers with Roman's.

"What?" Dean asked with some fake innocence.

"Was that for the blonde's benefit?" Roman asks his voice laced with annoyance he didn't know why.

"No, I was actually making a head start on people believing we are a couple babe" Dean explains,"Or would you prefer to call you Daddy?" Dean carries on, his fingers playing against Roman's muscular arm.

"Dean..." Roman says as he nearly chokes on his water he has started to drink.

"Oh so you like it when someone calls you daddy?" Dean asks smirking.

"Dean, I thought you were scared of flying?" Roman asks changing the subject avoiding eye contact with the Auburn haired man.

"Well when I am with you daddy it's not too bad" Dean replies immediately and he can see Roman rolling his eyes at the use of the word daddy.

"Aren't you Prince Charming?" Roman replies smirking himself.

"That's what people say" Dean says taking a sip of his Jack Daniels.

A week with Dean was going to kill him, Roman was sure of this.

Dean hadn't met a guy that was honestly this nice as Roman, when they landed at the airport and went to he baggage area, Roman actually carried Deans bag, as much as Dean said he was annoyed by this he actually found it sweet, it made him blush like a little girl that some one was looking after him as if they wee his boyfriend.

"UCE! Dean!" The two men turned as they walked out of the airport at the same time, "Don't you two look like a cute couple" Jey mocks and ends up getting a punch off Roman.

"Dean you already got him carrying your bags I am impressed" Jey says puling the man in for a hug.

"He likes me, what can I say?" Dean laughs hugging Jey back.

The three men started walking towards Jimmy's car, Roman placed the bags in the boot and starting to walk round to the front of the car, to be stopped by Jimmy, "Go sit in the back with your boyfriend" He says before getting in the driving seat.

Roman gets in the back with Dean, Jimmy looks back at the couple, "Are you two ready for this?"

A/N 2: Please Read And Review x x x