After seeing the latest episode of the Originals, I knew something had to be done. This is my version of how episode 3x09 should have ended.

Klaus was horrified. He tried feeding her his blood, called her name, but nothing happened. Cami's blue eyes were closed shut and were refusing to open.

For the first time in a while, the Original Hybrid felt completely broken. Tears were running down his face and falling on Cami's blonde hair as he cradled her in his arms. He was never going to see her smile, he was never going to be quieted by her piercing glare, which always seemed to make him melt inside. He was never going to her her voice...

The Brave Bartender... his Brave Bartender, was gone – murdered by his enemies. It was all his fault. He never should have offended Aurora, he shouldn't have kidnapped her brother and threatened to kill him.

"They are going to pay..." He growled in a menacing voice. "They are all going to pay." He could already taste Aurora's blood in his mouth when he bites her. He could already feel Tristan's heart beating in his hand, just before Klaus ripps it out of his chest.

But the fact that Camille was now lying lifeless in his arms made him realize that he never should have met her. He never should have flashed his most flirtatious smile at her, he shouldn't have drawn her so close into his circle, after which there's no coming back. He shouldn't have kissed her...

She should have stayed with Marcel. He would have been perfect for her and protected her better that he, himself could. His adoptive son is powerful, and doesn't have enemies – people respect him, believe in him. Marcel is a true leader to this city, his city, the city he built with his family. But did people have respect for Klaus? Him, the most powerful man alive? No.

He was feared, not respected. The only people that were ever loyal to him were his hybrids, the young men and women whom he sired, just to replace the family he lost by his own selfish need to be respected. The hybrids he slaughtered...

"You saw the good in me, Camille." He whispered in her hair, his voice broken and sorrowful. "You saw the little, kind boy... with a broken soul. You saw the abused child that died a long time ago – the boy who became a man with many demons..." His voice shuddered as he looked down at her once again.

"The man that fell in love with you." Another one of his tears dripped on Cami's cheek, making it look like as if she was crying. He then placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Thum thum

Klaus' eyes shot open when he heard the sound. He quickly moved away from her, looking down at the wounds on her neck, which appeared to heal.

Thum thum, thum thum

Suddenly, Cami gasped for air and sat up. She was panting heavily.

"Camille..." Klaus uddered, causing the blonde to finally look up at him. He reached his hand and caressed her cheek. Her skin felt cold.

"Klaus..." Cami whispered, as she looked up at him. "Wh- What happened?" She had no idea why he was loking at her that way. He looked like he saw a ghost.

"You're alive." Klaus said, as his mind was trying hard to comprehend the fact that she wasn't dead – she was alive, and with him.

"Of course I'm alive. Why wouldn't I be alive?" Cami wondered. This situation was getting really wierd and honestly, Klaus kinda creeped her out at the moment.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Klaus asked her. This simple, yet strange question got Cami confused. Should she know something? But in that second, memories flashed in front of her eyes.

"We kissed." She said, with a slight blush in her cheeks.

"Then what?" Klaus was persistant. "Do you remember what happened next?

Cami thought hard. She closed her eyes, letting all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. After a few seconds, it brutally snapped and she shot her eyes open.

"Oh my god." She panicked, frantically touching her neck. She gasped when she saw blood on her hands – her blood. "No, no, no, no, no..." She repeated, constantly convincing herself that this was just a bad dream and that she would wake up in any moment.

"Camille..." Klaus placed a hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away.

"No!" She said, as she got out of the bed, pulling her hands through her hair, trying to calm down. She finally turned to look at him. "Don't. Don't even dare to say it- I'm a vampire."

She paced around the room, then finally broke down into sobbing and collapsed onto her knees. Klaus was immediatly by her side, wrapping his arms around her into a hug. This time, she didn't push him away, but instead buried her face in the crook of his neck and sobbed.

"What's happening to me?" She asked through her sobs. "I can't stop crying."

"Your emotions are heightened." Klaus said, as he rubbed her back soothingly. "Just take a few deep breaths, love."

Cami did as he asked and felt herself slowly calming down. In a few minutes, she stopped crying. But instead, she felt a sudden hunger as she looked down at Klaus' neck. She could hear his heartbeat and blood coarsing through his veins. Her gums itched and she felt veins pulsing under her eyes. Quickly, she got up and walked away from him, hiding her face. Klaus slowly got back to his feet and walked to Cami. He put his hands on her arms, cousing her to flinch.

"You don't have to hide from me, Camille." He said and turned her around. The veins under her eyes disappeared as he touched her cheek. She looked up at him, causing him to smile.

"I thought I lost you forever." Klaus said in a sad voice. Cami frowned, then gently took his face in her hands. She then kissed him, slowly and sweetly. She poured all her emotions into the kiss. She wanted to show him just how much she cared about him, and that she would never, ever leave him.

Klaus wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him and deepening the kiss. Cami could feel him smile against her lips. Suddenly, she vamp-speeded him into a wall, as she continued to kiss him. Her emotions were all over the place and she needed him... fast. But, before she could vamp-speed him into his bed, she heard it again. His heartbeat. The steady rhytm and the sound of blood that ran though his veins. She felt veins appear under her eyes again as she thought about the word. Blood...

Cami quickly broke the kiss and reached one of her hands to feel her teeth. He gums ached and her head suddenly felt fuzzy. She vaguely heard Klaus' voice calling her name but her brain didn't register it. She looked at the window, putting her hand up to cover her eyes. She just felt like she had a massive hungover and her eyes hurt when she looked at the sun. Klaus walked to the window and pulled on the blinds, at which Cami sighed in relief. She sighed, blocking out all the noises she could hear and looked at him.

"Can you remember anything?" He asked, hurt and concern mixed in his voice.

"I... I woke up and felt... this urge to..." She paused, feeling tears gather in her eyes again. "It was Aurora. She compelled me to... to-" She touched her neck. "So what now?" She looked up at him again. "I have to feed, and if I don't, I'll die."

"Yes." Klaus answered. The thought of drinking human blood made Cami sick in her stomach, and she felt disgusted by her own urge to tare into someone's neck and drink until there's no blood left. "You have a choice, Camille." Klaus' voice snapped her out of it. Her eyes met his.

"What will you do?" He asked. This caused Cami to think. She had a choice: she lives and becomes a creature like him, or she dies – there was no door #3, and that thought made a tear slide out of her eye.

"If I die... Aurora wins." She finally said, then paused again. She had made a choice to live a long time ago. When her uncle Kieran choose to complete his transition, it horrified her. She always thought that death is far better than being a vampire, but she never thought she'd have to make the choice. And now she was. "Will you help me?" She asked.

"Of course." Klaus said, with a small smile. "It's best for you to drink fresh blood while you're new." He said, searching her eyes for approval. Cami nodded and Klaus rushed out of the room. Cami touched her gums again, feeling pain as she did. When she felt a sharp fang under her finger, she quickly retracted her hand. A noise made her turn around. It was Klaus again, but this time he didn't come alone. A young woman walked in behind him, obviously compelled, since her look was blank and her movement limited. Cami swallowed, then looked at Klaus, who gave her a small nod. Cami then felt her fangs lengthten, and the veins under her eyes were probably fully visible. When she approached the girl, the sound of her heartbeat and the smell of her blood completely took over Cami's senses. Once she bit into her neck, a sudden euphoria made her lose all control. She drank, feeling more powerful with every drop that entered her body, and she didn't have any intention of stopping.

"Camille." She heard his voice, warning her to stop. One teeny tiny part of her brain processed the sound of his voice, but the hunger took over. No. She had to stop – she wouldn't allow herself to kill anyone. She may be a vampire, but she wasn't a monster. Cami grabbed the girl's shoulders, and with one quick pull, she seperated herself from the girl's neck. Klaus gently pushed the girl away and she walked out of the room, stumbling.

Cami's fangs retracted and just like that, her dizzyness was gone. The hunger was still there, but minimised. With a towel, Klaus gently wiped the blood off her mouth. He smiled at her.

"Very good self-control. I'm impressed." He commented, causing her to smile a little. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know." Cami said. "It's all..."

"Heightened, I know." Klaus finished the sentence for her. "Come on. You need a daylight ring. I'll have Freya make one for you." Cami nodded, and walked after Klaus.

She was no longer the weak human. She was a part of his world now, and she was just starting to experience it...

That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed it. ;)