It was a beautiful day in Konoha everyone was happily walking the streets when suddenly a masked man appeared and summoned the kyuubi into the village causing mayhem but I am getting ahead of myself this isn't a story about the mayhem caused by the kyuubi it's a story about her partner who ends up as her jailer and is tortured because of it so let's skip to where Naruto is five years old for sanity reasons as I don't want this chapter to be too long as I have a way to show that this godlike Naruto will earn fear and respect. Naruto was walking home after he finished eating at ichiraku ramen when he ran into a drunken shinobi and had to run as the nin pulled out a kunai and as soon as he did he gained followers as everyone saw the "Demon".

"What did I ever do to you?" Asked Naruto as he ran for his life.

"You killed our family's you stupid demon now it's time to die" said a chunnin.

Naruto ended in up taking a wrong turn and ending up at a dead end.

"We have you now demon brat now it's tim to die" said another chunnin before they started to beat little Naruto to death using stones kunai and two by fours when one chunnin when to stab Naruto in the heart something awakened in Naruto that has never been seen before Naruto's eyes suddenly changed his iris was still sky blue but now had three tomoe and resembled the Uchihas sharringan but just blue instead of red and he started running through hand signs faster then the nin could keep track before he started calling out a jutsu. "Golden fire style: fireball jutsu" he shouted before spewing out a massive golden fireball reducing mob down to nothing but ash as the fire was so hot it matched the sun in heat before the fireball disappeared and Naruto passed out the Third Hokage saw this and sent his personal Anbu to bring little Naruto to the hospital and wait there for him to arrive.

Naruto's mindscape

Naruto awoke by a massive cage while floating on sewer water Naruto looks at the water and sees his eyes were different then before as they had three tomoe in each. After Naruto got over the change in his eyes he looked at the cage. "Where am I?" Asked Naruto.

"You were almost killed Naruto-kun I started to heal you but you unlocked a doujutsu that my father the sage of the six paths said would only show up when the world needed a hero I just didn't think it would be so soon. He called it the Master sharringan when in its final stage but in its current stage it's known as the blue death and said it has three stages but don't worry unlike the Uchihas eyes it would never make you blind you have the stage that can copy any jutsu and also copy bloodlines it also allows you all the abilities of any doujutsu you see in action including the rennegan as well as the ability to tell the truth from a lie and the second stage it has the abilities of all the mangekyo sharringan it's final stage literally will allow you to become immortal and it can be passed down to your offspring but other then that you basically govern life and death hence the name the Blue Death Sharringan or BDS for short" said a feminine voice. "And by the way you can call me Kurama and yes I'm the Kyuubi also don't worry I won't harm you or your village I was being controlled when I attacked the village and I regret it your father sealed me in you so yes we are in your mind and I want to be your partner so please if you could please release the seal and numb fists with me" said Kurama.

"Ok I can tell everything you said was true so I will trust you" said Naruto as he undid the seal on the kyuubi who then bumped fists with Naruto and started a chakra tug of war which was one sided as Kurama didn't even try. Afterwords Naruto was engulfed in a golden chakra cloak with nine megatama around his collar and nine tomoe on his back with an uzumaki swirl at the bottom of that floating over his head were nine truth seeking balls (basically his six paths chakra cloak) and his BDS Active before he deactivated his chakra cloak with help from Kurama who then instructed him to try to stop the chakra flow to his eyes to hide his sharringan.

"Naruto you are in the hospital and the Hokag is by your side time for you to wake up but don't worry just think what you want to say to me and I will be able to hear you and only you can hear me unless you give me control over your body" said Kurama.

"Ok Kurama-chan I will talk to you later" said Naruto as he closed his eyes and concentrated on exiting his mind and waking up and within three minutes he opened his eyes and saw he was in a hospital room and the Hokage was sleeping and Naruto got an idea for a prank when he sat up and put his hand on the Hokages shoulder instantly waking him up.

"Naruto I am so glad you are up" said the Third Hokage.

Naruto then looked at the aged Hokage and smiled. "I have something important to tell you" said Naruto as he then explained how he and the Kyuubi are now Partners and that he has a sharringan that the sage of the six paths said would appear only when the world needed his powers again before closing his eyes and channeling chakra to them before opening his eyes revealing the Blue Death Sharringan making the old man smile that the sage of the six paths gave Naruto a birthday gift in one way or another but sad that he had a bloodline of his very own as if Danzo got word of this he would try to take Naruto and his eyes for himself.

"Well I'm glad your ok Naruto" said Sarutobi.

"Thank you Hokage-Sama" Naruto said while he got dressed before hearing Kurama talk. "Hokage-sama do you have anywhere private that Kurama can train me as to prepare me for the academy and have me up to date on everything?" Asked Naruto earning a nod from the Hokage before being led to the Namekaze estate. "Wait isn't this my fathers?" Asked Naruto.

"Yes and since you know the truth I figure you can live here now seeing as he made it so only those with Namekaze or Uzumaki blood can enter so go ahead" said Sarutobi before being tackled by Naruto who wrapped him in a hug before the hit the ground.

"Thank you Jiji. This means the world to me" said Naruto. "Kurama said to keep me being a Namekaze a secret until I go to the academy as she will make sure I am able to master all of my fathers Jutsu to new levels oh she said she checked my DNA to see what my chakra affinities are and I have strong affinities to all the elements sub elements and yin and yang style chakra so she will train me in all of that and fuinjutau until I master everything" said Naruto before he entered leaving Sarutobi with a note that he wrote on the way to the estate which read.

Hokage-sama when I enter the academy and graduate Kurama said to put me on a team with Hinata Hyuuga and Sakura Haruno as Kurama wants them to be my mates as Sasuke will be arrogant as he was given everything but also to help them in the Ninja world she also said that I may need to travel the world before so to send Kakashi Hatake and Yamato as my body guards but make this a SSS-rank mission for them as it is of the utmost importance and also no one else is to know destroy this note after you read this your adopted grandson Naruto Uzumaki Namekaze

The old Hokage smiled before tossing up the note and setting it on fire with a small katon jutsu before he called Kakashi and Yamato out. "I Have a SSS-rank mission for the both of you" said the Third Hokage. "Anytime young Naruto wants to go out of the village to train and learn new jutsu you are to protect him and make sure nothing bad happens to him or I will personally kill you and this is a three year Mission so stand here and wait for young Naruto's orders" finished Sarutobi causing the two Anbu to sweat drop and nod before standing guard at the entrance to the Namekaze compound. Kakashi then started to wonder why this mission was a SSS-RANK mission as all they were doing was bent a body guard for a kid.

As soon as Naruto entered the building he saw a large hallway which had rooms on each side and the first room on his right was his fathers jutsu Library which held all his fathers fuinjutsu and other jutsu which Naruto went through one of the fuinjutsu scrolls Naruto looked at read time space jutsu as soon as Naruto read that he opened the scroll and found that his father was planning on making it so he didn't need to have a place marked to flash there but just think of the spot and found an uzumaki seal that if used on the body of the user could allow him or her to flash himself, others or objects to which Naruto saw endless possibilities and began studying fuinjutsu to which he found it surprisingly easy to understand to which Krama told him was because he was an Uzumaki and Naruto kept studying for three days n which he got through advanced level seals and was starting to get the handle of master level seals at the moment he was working with a level 8 seal which would help remove any other seal without damaging the item or person the seal was on his seal was almost complete when he needed to stretch and Kurama gave him drills and he ended up running around his dad's underground training field over 9000 times which he though was easy and chalked it up to running from the villagers after that he started doing 100 push-ups then 100 crunches followed by walking up trees then walking on water to help with chakra control. By the end of the first month Naruto had mastered tree climbing and water walking as well as got up to doing over 9000 laps, push-ups and crunches and had started his elemental and sub elemental training which Naruto found easy as he had the Kyuubi's help after he had started getting fire and wood style down he went outside and saw Yamato and Kakashi sitting there waiting. "Yo taicho 1 & 2 I need to leave the village for a month I have trained in every jutsu in this village now I need to study other villages as well as I have mastered my fathers two jutsu to new levels" said Naruto as he put one hand out and created a resengan in said hand earning wide eyed looks from Kakashi and Yamato before Naruto started adding wind chakra to the resengan giving it shrunken like blades out the sides and having a high pitched sound come from it Kakashi then took out a note book and started to write down notes on the jutsu but not before asking it's name to which Naruto smiled. "Simple this little devastating beauty is an S-rank jutsu known as Wind style resenshuriken" he said. "Hey Kakashi can you and Yamato create a solid clone fore me to test this jutsu with oh and get the Hokage here on the double" said Naruto earning a nod from the two Anbu before they created shadow clones and retrieved the Hokage. "Now I'm going to do something to make this a SSS-RANK jutsu" he said before Creating ten shadow clones with no hand signs and having them create the same resenshuriken before adding other elements and sub elements into it. "Elemental wind style planetary resenshuriken barrage" he said as the shadow clones of Yamato and Kakashi started running away far enough to not do damage to the village before they were impacted by the multiple elemental resenshuriken leaving a huge crater and the clones then proofed giving Kakashi and Yamato the memories to which they responded by passing out with wide eyes that looked like a pair of binoculars and stunning the Hokage at their reaction. Five minutes passed before Kakashi and Yamato woke up and when they did they screamed in pain like they had just received a beating Jiraiya would have been scared of, their screams were heard across the elemental nations and everyone that heard felt their pain including the self proclaimed super perv.

"Hokage-sama that jutsu that you just witnessed was beyond a triple s rank it was bordering God level or as I would rate it SSSS-ranked as nothing would kill more nin then that jutsu it attacks on a molecular scale as well as any element added does its type of elemental damage so anyone hit is good as dead" said both Kakashi and Yamato. The Hokage then started taking notes and put it in the forbidden scroll as only Naruto could use it without dying Naruto then flashed behind Sarutobi so fast that his image of where he was last was there five seconds after.

"How was that for out doing my dad lord Hokage" said Naruto making the old man jump five feet before calming down.

"Naruto I think this makes you the fastest and strongest man in history" said Haruzen before thinking. "Do you have any requests lord Namekaze?" he asked.

"Now that you ask can you make Hinata, and Sakura ninja and put them on my team I have a mission in mind that may get you your retirement" he said peaking Sarutobi's interest. "I will go get Tsunade along side Jiraiya and bring them along to get training also Danzo and Mizuki work for Orrochimaru" Naruto finished shocking everyone there.

"What makes you say this?" Asked The third Hokage.

"Well think about it Danzo is a power hungry old war hawk and Mizuki acts weird every now and then oh and I will deal with Mizuki myself" said Naruto earning a nod from Hiruzen.

"That brings me to the next question how many jutsu do you know?" Asked the Hokage.

"Well at this point well over 9000 different jutsu that includes the elemental jutsu and Fuinjutsu I am now at master level Fuinjutsu" said Naruto as he scratched his head earning a look of shock from Kakashi as he knows over 1000 jutsu but Naruto wasn't even 10 yet and he mastered over 9000. Naruto then flashed his sharringan and smiled. "Well Kakashi-sensei I guess I'm the jutsu master now" he said before flashing to the playground where he noticed Hinata getting bullied. "Leave her alone" said Naruto the bullies just looked at him and laughed. "Don't pick on others because of their looks or because of a clan" said Naruto before crossing his fingers. "Multi shadow clone Jutsu" said Naruto before he had the clones flash around the bullies while he grabbed Hinata and flashed onto a tree. "Are you okay?" Asked Naruto to which she only nodded before putting her head into his chest. After the bullies passed out from dizziness Naruto brought Hinata down to ground level where he was confronted by Ko Hyuuga.

"Get away from Lady Hinata you demon" said Ko who was just ignored by Naruto which pissed Ko off to no end.

Ko then charged at Naruto still not getting a reaction. "Your done" Ko said as he tried to strike Naruto with the gentle fist only for him to faze right through Naruto and Naruto to appear right behind him.

"Too slow and the eight trigrams sixty for palms or any jutsu will not work on me as I am the son of Minato Namekaze and Kushina Uzumaki and the owner of the one and only Blue Death Sharringan" said Naruto as he flashed his Sharringan causing Ko to freeze.

"Those eyes they are not the Sharringan they are obviously demon eyes" said Ko with a smirk.

"Really could demon eyes do this. "Tsukuyomi" said Naruto as he put Ko in a genjutsu before releasing it causing Ko to collapse on the ground.

"I am sorry Yondiame I didn't mean to attack your son….." Said Ko before he Passed out Naruto then Picked up Ko using a shadow clone and carried Hinata to the Hyuuga compound bridal style where he was stopped by the guards.

"Put Lady Hinata down immediately or else" said guard one.

"Or what end up like Ko here who had to see what his Hokage gave up to protect his village through an Uchiha level genjutsu now if I were you I'd let me take her to her room as she had a rough day no thanks to the bullies in this village I protected her and she needs rest so let me by" said Naruto as they opened the gates but kept their eyes on him before Naruto smiled as he saw Hiashi who was more then Pissed to see the "demon" holding his daughter.

"Put my daughter down demon or die" said Hiashi as he got into the gentle fist stance only to see Naruto close his eyes and Hinata to look at him curiously before he opened them again revealing the blue death Sharringan a third time in that day before smiling. "I will be nice to my fathers teammate from his genin days. "Tsukuyomi" said Naruto as he showed Hiashi the day he was born to when his parents said their goodbyes before sealing the nine tailed beast in him. "See Hiashi I am no demon but the Hero" said Naruto as Hiashi then dropped his gentle fist stance and bowed and asked for forgiveness before one of the elders walked up.

"What is a demon doing holding our main branch heiress?" Asked the elder.

"He is no demon elder he is the Yondiame's son and the only thing keeping the kyuubi at bay and he saved my daughter from a group of kids with kunai" said Hiashi before Naruto flashed behind the elder.

"What can't stand the fact that you can't see the truth even with your supposed all seeing eyes just so you know my blue death Sharringan are the true all seeing eyes Naruto then walked to Hinatas room before putting Hinata on her bed and giving her a Kiss. "Sleep well my sweet love" said Naruto before he flashed back to the elder who was still trying to get past the fact that Naruto was faster then the Yondiame before Naruto patted him on the back. "Don't worry you will get over it" said Naruto as he started to walk away. "Oh and don't even try to put the caged bird seal on Hinata or I will kill all the elders in your clan I have already put seals in her room and on her that will protect her or let me know when she's in danger so if I find out your about to put the seal on her you will be the first to die as Uzumaki are known for their Knowledge of seals and I am already a seal master beyond Jiraiya and have found a way to rid the world of the caged bird seal without harming the person it was on. Oh one more thing I will be marrying Hinata as was Hiashis promise to my dad" he finished before flashing out of the compound and appearing in the Raikages office scaring him to hell and back.

"Who are you, how did you get past my gates and where did you come from?" Asked Z.

"I will answer in order My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namekaze, I just used an even faster version of my fathers flying raijin jutsu and it don't require seals I got here by accident as I was thinking of the Raikages office and here I am and I'm from Konoha. Before you ask I am not a spy I was just testing my jutsu as I wanted to see how fast I am and really I forgot that if I think of the location I end up there besides I am only six years old" said Naruto.

The Raikage then thought for a second before getting curious at how long ago he thought of his office. "How long ago did you think of my office just so I know?" Asked Z.

"Well just a fraction of a second before I appeared here" said Naruto earning a jaw drop before another question popped up in the Raikages head.

"Wait you said your only 6 years old are you even a ninja yet?" Asked Z.

"No not officially as I haven't even been to the academy yet but once I turn 12 I will be the strongest, fastest and most intelligent genin in the elemental nations" said Naruto. Z then wondered how he would be the strongest.

"And how prey tell are you going to be the strongest?" Z asked.

Naruto then activated his BDS then smiled. "My Blue Death Sharringan and the fact that I am working out every day oh and before you ask when I say most intelligent well my IQ according to Kurama or as you know her the Kyuubi she will be teaching me everything she knows I already mastered fuinjutsu, every ninjutsu including all the elements and sub elements, and Taijutsu, she says that all I have left is yin yang to Master before I turn twelve but also asks that when I do grad to put me in the bingo book as a SSS-RANK shinobi with the title God raijin and the words avoid at all costs as she don't want people to die needlessly as it is pointless to kill for no reason or to have people try to harm you when they would just die anyway" said Naruto.

"I can do Lord Namekaze any other requests?" Asks Z.

"Can you sign a treaty with Konoha please?" Naruto asks.

"Of course" said Z as he pulled out his treaty scroll and signing his villages name before handing it to Naruto. "Just get your Hokage to sign this and we will support you whenever you need" said Z earning a nod from Naruto before he flashed out and into the Hokages tower.

"Lord Third here you go a treaty with the Third Raikage" said Naruto as he handed the scroll earning a look of shock to the point that the sandiame's pipe falls out of his mouth and on to the floor.

"How did you get this Naruto?" Asked Sarutobi.

Naruto started to scratch his head sheepishly. "Well I started to wonder what the Raikages office looked like and there I was and I scared him before telling him a little bit about myself oh and in six years I will be in the bingo book as a SSS-RANK nin to avoid at all costs" said Naruto.

The third Hokage just smiled and took the scroll before signing it and sending it back to the Raikage and also getting back to his paperwork. "Just a though Hokage-sama why not use Shadow clones to do the paperwork for you as you could sign twice the amount of papers notice more of the stuff going around and also sit back without the hassle" said Naruto as Sarutobi reached into his desk and pulled out a log with instructions that read.

If someone says gives you advice that was so obvious that it makes you look real stupid hit head here.

The Hokage began hitting his head on the log before creating six shadow clones to do the Paperwork while he sat back and relaxed for the first time in his life.

Naruto then proceeded to flash to all the Kages offices (minus Kiri as the Mizukage was an ass and everyone knew that) and said that he had the secret to defeating paperwork getting their attention immediately before telling them the secret was solid clones ending up with them all taking out logs and hitting their heads with it earning more peace treaty's as any village that shares a secret like that deserves peace as they said then he found Jiraiya."hey Percy sage" said Naruto in a girls voice as he had used the sexy jutsu to get Jiraiya's attention before returning to his normal self.

"Who are you Gaki?" Asked Jiraiya.

Naruto then smiled as he showed his sharringan. "Tsukuyomi" said Naruto showing Jiraiya who Naruto's parents were making the toad sage cry.

"I am so sorry for not being there Naruto" said Jiraiya.

"Don't worry about it we will have a mission soon and it's to get Tsunade to take her spot as Hokage.

"Good luck Gaki she won't do it" said Jiraiya.

Naruto then grabbed Jiraiya's hand and they flashed right beside Tsunade.

"Jiraiya what are you doing here and who's the Gaki?" Asked Taunade.

"Your godson" said Jiraiya.

"Can't be he died with his parents" said Taunade.

"I will prove it Tsunade let's fight if I win you come back and be the fifth Hokage as well as admit I'm my dads son" said Naruto before walking to the street. "Unless you too old to fight and are too weak to face a six year old who challenges you" he taunted causing a tick mark to appear on Tsunade's head.

"You will pay for that Gaki and I will only need one finger to beat you" she said befor Naruto laughed.

"I could take on Kages and you think you think one finger could beat me" laughed Naruto pisssing off Tsunade to a new level when she ran at him only to faze through him and hit the ground splitting the ground for two miles. "It's a good thing your too slow as that would have hurt before he decided to use his fathers move the resengan making Tsunade's eyes open wide.

"You taught this pre-Gaki the resengan?" Asked Tsunade.

"Actually Kurama or as you know her the Kyuubi helped me also I am a perfect jinchuriki" said Naruto as he activated his six paths chakra mode earning jaw drops from the sannin as they felt as if they were looking at the sage of the six paths himself with his BDS activated before returning to his normal state and also using he shadow clone jutsu and his elemental resenshuriken barrage just to show his power before absorbing the chakra he used and despelling his clone.

"Well Gaki looks like you're a one man army" said Jiraiya before Naruto pulled out all the treaty scrolls. "Are those what I think they are?" He asked.

"Yup treaties from almost every village the leaf is now allies with Every village but Kiri, I still don't trust the tsuchikage as he tried to kill me for telling him how to get rid of paperwork which is shadow clones or any solid clone really" said Naruto.

Jiraiya was shocked this pre-Gaki had created peace with only himself and he thought of shadow clones to defeat a Kages greatest enemy.

Naruto then noticed a guy trying to steal a purse as such flashed and used one of Kakshis signature jutsu on him. "Hidden leaf secret finger jutsu raiton edition: One thousand years of electric death" whispered Naruto as he stabbed the theif in the ass sending him flying with electricity flying out of his ass making him look like a firework getting both sannin to grab their asses hoping they never piss Naruto off.