Me, April 24, 2016: "Anyways, thank you all for being patient with my unpredictable update schedule, and (hopefully) see you soon!"
"And (hopefully) see you soon."
"See you soon."
...Yeah. That didn't work out very well, did it?
So… excuses. I have them. I don't think you want to hear them, though, so I won't bother. It doesn't really matter, anyways: I'm sure that, if you're here, what you really care about is Part 2, Chapter 20 of The Dragonets Aren't Coming. And again, I'm going to have to disappoint. Yes, this is one of those chapters. You know the ones—the huge author's update chapter of doom, the type of writing FanFiction forbids but that everybody does anyways. And yes, I understand how stupidly, incredibly, imcomprehenisvely frustrating this has to be for the people out there who have been waiting for around a year now for a new update—to only be cruelly teased about the newest chapter that seems like it will never come.
But let me at least try to alleviate some of your worries: The Dragonets Aren't Coming IS NOT DEAD. I am not dead. Neither I nor this AU have ever been dead, really, just in… an extended coma, perhaps? I've been working on a lot of things behind the scenes—perhaps too many things, really—and while very few of those "things" have been integrated into the story as of now, I have plans to change that. I'm as fed up with my inactivity as I'm sure you are, I assure you—and while I did not pick the best time to resurrect myself, with school starting and all, I do feel a certain amount of drive in me that I'd lost all of last year—the same kind of drive that I had when I first started the story.
If you want proof of this, go back to chapter one.
Surprise: I did update my story. Just not at the end.
Yes, I'm rewriting The Dragonets Aren't Coming (which I'm going to have to start calling TDAC now because gosh dangit that title takes too long to write). It's a rewrite that's been in the works since before I left, and it's what I plan to focus on before updating the latter parts of the story. And yes, I realize that this resolution of mine brings in its own worries and frustrations—and believe me, I am worried and frustrated about the exact same things as you.
First of all, the frustration. You want to see more of the story, not the same stuff over again—believe me when I say that I understand that. But hear me out: there is a serious juxtaposition between my first 20 or so chapters and the ones that come after Clay goes into the rainforest. I'm not going to pretend like the later chapters are perfect, because they aren't, but in general, they're more-detailed, better-paced, and overall higher-quality than my early ones. There are also continuity errors (one of which has been edited out already), canonical errors, and just plain unclear terminology in all sorts of places around this story, which, again, have been on an "I need to fix this" list since last April. It just turns out that I suck at getting around to this stuff—but if I can keep up a relatively steady pace, the revisions should be done by the end of the year (I want to say; my update schedule, however, has not exactly been something to pride myself on), and the story's quality should even out a bit.
Secondly, and (I think) more importantly, the worries. Too many things go into revisions and never come out, and I really, really don't want to have that happen to this story. There's also the fear that I'll mess up a chapter and make it worse than before, or that the story will lose the soul it had or something and just feel dead—I get all of that—but honestly, I'm a lot more concerned on this re-write taking another forever than anything else. It says a lot when in… March of this year, I think (?), I literally had my mouse hovering over that "publish" button with a revised chapter one (the one with Morrowseer, not to be confused with the one that says "chapter one") ready to post—and never worked up the courage to click that button. That said (and I enumerate this on said chapter's update log, too), chapter one is, like, my least favorite chapter in the entire story. I like to think that revisions are going to get easier as I get back into describing the things I care more about.
Final note: This huge block of text only applies for now. I may get that new chapter out in the middle of the re-write. After all, even if you find it hard to believe, I do have a good majority of The Dragonets Aren't Coming in a half-written, rough draft-like state. I have a very good idea of where the story is going, especially near where I left off. There are also a couple things that I've been messing with in the spare time I don't have, some of which are Wings of Fire related. So we'll see how things go.
Oh yeah, and I've got one last thing for all you readers: Thank you, really, for putting up with all my crap. I've seen every review (and PM) that's come in, but I was either so intent on finishing whatever chapter I was working on or so focused on dealing with multiple tons of stress from real life that I didn't give a response to anyone. Yeah, I've been updating my profile (occasionally), but still… some sort of update in a more trafficked area (like here) was probably in order. Hopefully, I'll manage to continue this story before the year is over. Again, we'll see how things go.
This is the Revision Train. This engine tracks what I'm currently revising, and will be updated promptly after a re-worked chapter is posted. This "update" won't show up in any update notifications, so if you're curious about where I'm at (and how long it'll be until the next new chapter), you'll have to check here again.
All Aboard the Revision Train! Choo choo!
Next stop: Part 1 - Chapter 2