And this concludes Silver Chains. I would love to know how you feel about the fic and i do plan to write a small Fleur/Narcissa in the not to distant future.
Reviews encouraged.
During the three months following Bellatrix and Hermione's marriage, George and Charlie were the only Weasley's to ever visit the Manor. At first they were a little concerned with Bellatrix but it became very clear very fast that not only was Bellatrix protective and loving towards Hermione but also extremely maternal with Spencer. As for Spencer, the little girl loved George and Charlie and adored the little stuffed dragon Charlie gifted her for her 1st birthday.
It took almost two years and many reassurances from George and Charlie before Harry sent an apologetic owl to the brunette. He had agreed to meet Hermione and talk just with her in a muggle cafe. The conversation had been stilted and a little hostile to begin with but they soon melted back into the comfortable relationship they had always had. They were family and like it or not Bellatrix and Spencer was part of that now. After two months of these kinds of meetings he had finally agreed to visit the Manor and meet the sane Bellatrix and the gorgeous little girl that Spencer was growing into.
Ronald never came around but Ginny started owling when Harry had explained to her how different things were at the manor. How utterly perfect the two women were for one another and how well Spencer fit with them both despite her parentage. Ronald and Molly never got over it, holding grudges against both Hermione and Bellatrix but Molly had grown fond of Spencer through the tales George, Charlie and Harry would tell. Every Christmas and Birthday Molly would send the little girl a sweater and some chocolate.
Luna had bumped into Hermione in Diagon Alley while the brunette way picking up some beginners spell books and a practice wand for Spencer when the little girl was five and she fell in love with the gorgeous little girl. Aunty Lulu had been a weekly visitor at the Manor since that day and was easily Spencer's favourite person after her mothers and George.
Narcissa had gotten her wish and managed to convince Fleur into her bed, the youngest Black sister frequently joked that she was glad she didn't want to get the French witch out of it because Fleur refused to leave. They had been together for almost 2 years before announcing to the residence of the manor that Narcissa had managed to get the blonde pregnant. They explained that with transfiguration and a particular potion it had only taken two tries.
Andromeda and Teddy had moved into the Manor after only a few weeks of the youngest and eldest sisters hounding her to do so. They sold Andy's small home and Spencer and Teddy both became very spoiled. The small cousin's grew up with a brother/sister relationship and when Teddy went off for his first year at Hogwarts Spencer had been inconsolable for the first few months.
It was a bitter sweet moment for Hermione as she walked out of the Manor with 11 year old Spencer. She was taking her little girl to the train station to see her off for her first year of Hogwarts and she wanted so bad to have Bellatrix with her. That was why she was so surprised to see Pansy, who had been removed from her live in duties some years ago, walking up the path towards the Manor. The happy little girl saw Aunty Pan and ran to receive a hug from the Auror who twirled the little girl around before setting her back on the ground.
"Aunty Pan! What are you doing here!" Spencer asked happily a bright smile on her face.
"I had to come see you off but I actually came to get your mama and give these back to her." Pansy explained smiling as she pulled Bellatrix's wand and a roll of parchment from her pocket.
"No way! Mama's getting her powers back? She can come and see me off with mum?" Spencer squealed when Pansy nodded and Hermione had to fight off tears at this information.
It was Spencer's squealing that drew the occupants of the house out, Andromeda was fussing over Teddy who wasn't even ready to leave yet. Fleur was carrying a 9 year old Victoire who was sad to see her cousins going to school and leaving her alone with the adults. Bellatrix and Narcissa were looking slightly confused by the sight of Pansy.
"Parkinson, what are you doing here so early?" Bellatrix frowned as she saw the wand in the witches hand.
"Returning these." Pansy held them out and Bellatrix's hands shook as she reached out and took the wand and parchment.
"You'll need a pin." Pansy adds and Spencer eager plucks a blade of grass and draws her own wand, with a practised flick of the wand she turned the grass into a pin and handed it to her mama.
Bellatrix unrolled the parchment and glanced through it before taking the pin from her daughter and pricking the end of her finger. Wiping a spot of blood on the bottom of the parchment Bellatrix took her wand and tapped the end of it against the parchment. The blood was absorbed by the parchment and then burst into flames. Bellatrix felt a warm tingle down her spine before everything was normal again and she grinned at her wife before casting Orchideous and handing the magically produced flowers to her witch. Hermione smiled happily and took them.
"Salazar's snake! You got your magic back! But why?" Andromeda asked excitedly.
"Well actually it was taken to the gamot a few months ago, on the five year mark. Lockheart was the first but a few weeks later the Longbottoms came too. So... the Memory Cap Bellatrix created was deemed a success. So they took into consideration the work she has done in that regard and decided she had deserved her freedom. I suggest to make this day extra special and wait until now to give the magic back." Pansy explains with a smile.
"Pan that is fantastic. Thank you so much!" Hermione beamed extremely happy about this development.
"Hey no problem. All for little Spencer." Pansy smiled happy.
"You're the greatest Pan!" Spencer hugged the Auror again.
Bellatrix, though she was out of magic, had done a great deal of potions work over the years. They had renovated the dreaded hidden Cellar under the Drawing room into a laboratory for the eldest sister. She had tried contacting Neville and Augusta Longbottom but had had no luck with them so she had set herself to work. She managed to create a potion that wouldn't work if swallowed Luna had suggest it be absorbed through the skin which worked well.
Luna had even offered to be a test subject and removed a few of her more recent memories. For short term memory loss the potion worked within 24 hours but when it was tried on the Longbottoms it had no effect. Bellatrix got back to it and while laying in bed with her lovely wife Hermione had mentioned Intravenous fluids and such. This gave Bellatrix and idea and she managed to, with the help of Luna, create a cap that could be warn and would slowly release the potion so it would be continuously absorbed.
It took a long time to give Frank and Alice their lives back and only slightly less time to return Gilderoy to his usual arrogant self. The trials were deemed a success when others were returned to their former selves. When Alice and Frank had been returned to their usual selves the hospital had informed them that it was Bellatrix's invention that had cured them. They had sent a letter of thanks but nothing since then.
"This is great. Well come on lets make family event of this. I missed seeing Teddy off, i'm not missing seeing Spen off." Bellatrix says happily and the rest of the family choruses their agreement. Especially Victoire who was happy not to be left at the house.
The large family headed out the apparition point and after agreeing on a meeting point outside the station they apparated in groups. Pansy went over to Andromeda and discreetly pecked the older woman on the lips. Andromeda had been quite reluctant to date the Auror but Pansy had been very persistent. They had only been seeing each other for a few months and had wanted to keep it from the kids until they were sure it was going to work. They were going to tell them during Christmas break. They were the first to leave with Teddy.
Narcissa and Fleur were next with Victoire but before Hermione allowed Bellatrix to apparate them she pulled her wife into a deep kiss. It was full of promise for the coming evening. Spencer just smiled up at her mothers, were Teddy and Victoire would be embarrassed to see the two witch being so passionate about each other. Spencer though, had been told about the man who sired her, the reasons he was no longer here. She had been told about Bellatrix's and Hermione's pasts and she absolutely loved that the women that meant the most to her could love each other despite everything. She loved that they loved each other.
When Hermione let Bella go they pulled Spencer into a hug and the three apparated together to the station. The others were waiting patiently though Teddy was looking more and more anxious as the time went by so they hurried along to the Platform. Spencer loved stepping through the enchanted entrance to the magical platform but Victoire refused to go without holding onto her mothers hand. Fleur chuckled as her older wife went through with their daughter.
Teddy went through happily following his aunts and cousins which gave Andy and Pansy a few minutes to themselves as they stayed back on the muggle side and shared a few happy kisses. They didn't see each other more than a few times a week though they had both been hoping that would change with Teddy going back to Hogwarts. Victoire was easy to work around, the little girl had a set bed time that was fairly early, surprisingly she took after Narcissa in her sleep habits. They both hated waking up too early.
The two women showed up with enough time to wish the two little children off, Teddy had tried to assure Spencer that no matter what house she would be in they would still love her. Hermione thought she might be in Gryffindor but Bellatrix thought she would end up in Ravenclaw. Spencer was incredibly smart but also bold and independent. Regardless it wasn't until Bellatrix informed the girl that she could be rejected from all the houses that they would still be happy and proud of her that she agreed to get on the train.
Hermione tried desperately not to cry but her little girl was leaving for the first time in her life to live some where else for the majority of the year. She would miss her little Spencer, the tiny little genius that was so smart and skilled that she would put a lot of people a lot older than herself to shame. The Black's loved Spencer so dearly it was a horrible feelings watching her leave and Bellatrix did a far worse job of stemming her tears than Hermione had.
"Bellatrix Black crying, not something I ever imagined I would see." A male voice spoke up behind the group and Hermione and Bellatrix turned to see Neville Longbottom.
"Neville." Hermione acknowledged hesitantly, she stepped In front of Bellatrix. It was a move that both annoyed and endeared Bellatrix. She loved that Hermione was so protective.
"Hermione. I have to thank you." Neville said stepping a few feet closer to the group that was all focussing on him now.
"For what Neville?" Hermione asked cautiously.
"For finding the woman under the crazy. If you hadn't my parents would still be in that damn hospital." Neville finally smiled looking from Hermione to Bellatrix.
"Truly. Thank you. For giving me back the chance to know my parents how they are supposed to be." Neville said sincerely.
"I made a lot of bad choices and have a lot of regrets Longbottom, your parents are high up on that list. It was the least I could do to restore their life back to them. There are too many that I can do that for." Bellatrix spoke honestly and though she was surprised she took Neville's hand and shook it firmly.
"You're trying, that is what most people don't think about. You guys should visit the Cauldron. Hannah would love to see you Hermione." Neville smiled looking at them both.
"Sure, will do professor." Hermione smiled glad that her old friend was accepting of her wife.
Neville got on the train and minutes later the locomotive was on its way to Hogwarts. The family sniffled and smiled before finally apparating back to the manor. They went into the Drawing room where they opened a wine and had a drink, it was early but decided one glass each wouldn't be so bad. Victoire went off the play only coming back down for lunch and then later dinner. They had more wine with dinner and after Victoire went to bed. Pansy stayed the night and eventually they all retired to their beds.
Bellatrix and Hermione had spent most of the night enjoying being together, over and over again before they finally went to bed. It was almost noon when Hermione got tired of the owl pecking on the window and went and opened it. The abnormally small barn owl hopped in and handed off the letter to the brunette who thanked the bird before returning to bed. Once back in bed the raven haired woman wrapped her arms around the younger witch and pulled her close. While Bellatrix was snuggling her Hermione opened the letter and read it.
Dearest Mums.
Hogwarts is everything you both said it would be, this place is incredible. I will miss you both dearly but I am excited to be getting to live here for the year. I already cant wait to see you both at Christmas. Don't miss me too much.
I know you both thought I would be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but i'm kind of happy to tell you both that just like Mama, I got placed in Slytherin. Don't worry though, I plan to be more of a Severus Snape than a Tom Riddle, i'm aiming for Bellatrix Black status. I hear that woman turned out to be super awesome.
Anyway, I hope you both are proud, if not I will change your minds. I will right you both later in the week as its kind of late here and I don't really have much news.
Love you two to the moon and back.
Spencer Black
"Belle." Hermione said softly to get the sleepy witches attention.
"What?" Bellatrix mumbled against Hermione's bare shoulder.
"She's a Slytherin." Hermione smiled brightly when she felt the grin form on her lovers shoulder.
"That's my girl." Bellatrix cooed proudly.