ShadowWolf15846 – Thank you. Steamylicious! Me too!

AJPicard – I knoooow! Haha. Yes! Totally!

WhiteCollarBlackWolf – Thank you!

davycrockett100 – Thanks!

tracybuie – Oh yeah, love Harry and Damon in this story. Yees, Harry's much more aggressive here! In SHADOWS, they're both still so tender with each other, which I love cause it's so sweet, but here they're just raunchy and I looove it! … In terms of "Jyler", though they've made a connection and are lovers I don't think Tyler has actually admitted to himself that he "LOVES" Jeremy, his subconscious definitely knows but I think it'll take a little more dating and bonding and of course fucking to for his stubborn heart to catch up and realize it. He's a stubborn guy. We'll see. … In terms of "Meville", as I call it, I love that idea. Though Mason is still madly attracted to Katherine he felt a very strong pull to Neville, that pull will only grow and only help him later on when things get bad, it'll be a BIG eye opener. I think that also had to do with the conversation he had with Tyler, he was asking Tyler about his sexuality maybe to see if his nephew would accept him if he came out, I think it made him more at ease for the moment that he flirted with Neville. Like "Ok, Tyler's cool with it, he's my nephew, so maybe now I can explore this and see what happens." Something like that. I don't think Mason was attracted to Tyler. He was just testing the waters with his family to see if it was safe for him to come out later on…. OOOOH! A Neville VS Katherine battle IS coming! I decided that last night. I mean, if Neville killed Nagini, a deadly dark horcrux, he can take Katherine! I'm dying to write that!

jgood27 – Thank you jgood!

***Great reviews guys. Thank you sooo much for voting! I have to say it's turning out to be a landslide. For those that HAVE NOT voted yet … REMEMBER TO GO TO MY POLL ON MY PROFILE, TO VOTE IF YOU WANT A HARRY/TYLER STORY. EVERY VOTE COUNTS PEOPLE! VOTING POLL CLOSES TOMORROW, FRIDAY! This is a really loooooong chapter so enjoy this chapter! It's probably one of the longest, if not THE longest, I've ever written.***

LOCKWOOD ESTATE – It was night, the party was still on and Fred was out looking for Caroline. He called Neville who decided to go home and check The Nest. Then he called Jeremy, Hermione, Draco, Caleb and Matt who agreed to join him on the search through the woods. Little did they know that Tyler was also in the woods following his uncle.

They found her feeding on a student. "Hey Caroline!" called Fred. "Stop!"

Hermione pointed her wand. "SEPARO!" magically separating Caroline from the student.

Caroline snapped to her senses. "Oh my god!"

"No no…" said Fred. "Shhh…" They all heard the growling of a wolf in the distance.

"We're not alone people." said Draco.

"We need to get out now." said Fred.

"What was that?" asked Caroline.

"You need to run as fast as you can." said Fred. "Do you understand me?"

"Go. We'll cover you!" said Draco. "Now!" Fred and Caroline whooshed off at high speed.

After about 90 paces Caroline stopped. "What is it?"

"It's a werewolf." said Fred. "It will kill us on sight!"

"Hey." They all turned to see Tyler. "What are you guys doing here?"

Suddenly the wolf crashed onto Caroline, pinning her down. Tyler started to run to her but Jeremy stopped him. "Get back!"

"Help!" Caroline cried and grunted.

Draco pointed his wand and chanted. "EXPULSO!" blasting a rock into pieces and scaring the wolf away.

"It's gonna come back!" said Hermione.

"What the hell?!" gasped Tyler.

"Ty get back!" said Jeremy.

Tyler saw Hermione, Draco, Caleb and Fred with their wands as the wolf came back and attacked Matt.

Caleb growled, pointed his wand at the wolf and chanted. "EXPELLIARMUS!" magically blasting the wolf away.

The wolf was strong, he returned. This time towards Hermione. Tyler ran forward yelled a strong "No!" The wolf stopped allowing Fred to collect Caroline, it then sped away at supernatural speed.

"Get Caroline out of here!" said Draco. "Now!"

Fred whooshed away with Caroline. Tyler needed answers. "Jere, what is going on?"

Jeremy turned to his family. "Could you guys give us a minute?" They nodded and left walking quietly.

"Yeah… Um…" started Jeremy. "Tyler, my family and I we are wizards and that thing was…a… werewolf."

"Are you insane?" asked Tyler.

"No." said Jeremy. "Believe me I'm not."

"Ca…Can you do magic?" asked Tyler.

"A little." said Jeremy. "My powers have begun manifesting and I'm learning. We're getting my wand this week."

"Jere…" said Tyler. He looked around. "This is…"

"I know it's a lot to take in and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before Tyler, but we just got together and our thing is so new to me and there are laws against telling muggles about this…"

"Muggles?" asked Tyler.

"Muggle is a wizard word for average humans with non magical powers." Jeremy explained. Tyler nodded. "Tyler, there is so much more to this, things you don't know. If you promise to keep our secrets, all our secrets, I promise I will explain…later." Tyler nodded with his head still spinning. He hugged Tyler, Tyler hugged him back. "I have to go." Tyler nodded. "Please get home quickly, I know it's your land, but with the werewolves out there it's not safe even for you and please call me when you get home."

Tyler nodded but just as Jeremy was letting go of his hand he gripped it tight. He didn't want to let Jeremy go, Jeremy sounded so strong and brave and smart and in tune with all this new supernatural world he was just learning existed. "Let…let me walk you to the car." Jeremy hugged him again and they walked hand in hand back to the swim hole parking lot.

After Tyler saw the two cars, the Panther and the Mercedes, drive off he made his way back the walking trail towards the house where he found Masons truck, the back window was smashed, there was glass everywhere. "Whtat the hell…" He found Masons pants in the trunk.

"Wanna toss me those?" Tyler turned to see Mason. A naked, dirt covered Mason.

"It was you." said Tyler. Mason nodded and Tylers blood went cold.

LOCKWOOD HOUSE – The next day Tyler was wide awake and asking for answers from his uncle. "Hey Mason, you got a second?"

"No ma, barbecue at Jenna Sommers house." said Mason.

"Come on man, give me two seconds, you can't keep dodging me." Said Tyler. "I'm freaking out."

"Tyler." Said Mason. "What do you want me to say? Yes I turn into a wolf. No, it's not gonna happen to you."

"How do you know that?" asked Tyler.

"Because you're not gonna trigger the curse." said Mason. "Your dad didn't know anything about it, that I know of, and neither did I until it happened to me."

"How does it get triggered?" asked Tyler.

"Ignorance is bliss, trust me." said Mason.

"You blow back into town with some supernatural family secret and you expect me not to ask questions?" asked Tyler. "Seriously?"

"I can't say anything more. I'm sorry Tyler." said Mason. "It's just better for you if I don't."

'Oh hell no.' thought Tyler. As Mason headed for the front door Tyler decided to pull strings. "Did you ever find that moonstone?"

Mason turned. "Do you know where it is?"

"What's so special about it? " asked Tyler.

"I told you, it was my moms it's sentimental." said Mason.

Tyler scoffed, 'Seriously?!' he thought. "Yeah…" not believing a word of it.

GILBERT HOUSE – A few hours later, Jenna, Alaric, Mason were doing shots in the kitchen. Damon walked in with Draco and Caleb. "Hey."

"Hey boys." said Jenna.

"We're just doing shots." said Alaric "Let me get you guys a shot glass."

"Are you old enough to drink?" asked Mason.

"Draco is twenty one, I'm twenty four." said Caleb.

"No, here…" said Jenna, throwing back her shot and putting the glass into Damons hand. "Use mine." She left the room.

"She doesn't like me very much." said Damon.

"We haven't met, Mason Lockwood." greeted Mason offering his hand.

Damon shook his hand. "Oh sure, hey, Damon Salvatore."

"I know. I heard great things about you." said Mason.

"Really wow, that's weird." said Damon. "Cause I'm a dick."

"We all are in our own way." said Caleb.

Draco took a shot. "I second that."

Mason noticed the dark mark tattoos on Caleb and Dracos left hand wrists, it made his skin crawl and his inner wolf growl. "Cool tattoos. What are they?"

"Oh man…" said Caleb. "You do not want to know."

"What is it like a gang thing?" asked Mason. "What's the secret?"

"We all have our secrets don't we." said Draco. Damon put his arm around Draco as Caleb prepped more shots and sat in the living room.

Jeremy came downstairs. "Shots Jeremy?!"

"Um…" smiled Jeremy.

"Malfoy no!" called Jenna.

"Sorry." called Draco. he looked at Jeremy. "I tried."

"Where are you going?" asked Caleb.

"I'm gonna go pick up Tyler." said Jeremy. Mason looked up. "We're gonna go hang at The Nest."

"Oh, you mean because…" started Draco.

"Yeah." said Jeremy.

"Sure. Go ahead." said Caleb. "I think Harry, Neville and Hermione are at the house. Show yourself in, raid the fridge, whatever you want. It's your house too Jere."

"Thanks." said Jeremy. With a quick hug and a wave he walked out the door.

"Are you guys close to Neville?" asked Mason.

"Harry, Hermione Neville and I went to school with him." said Draco. "He's family to us. He lost his entire family when he was a child, and when his grandmother died four years ago we're all he has in the world."

Mason felt s tug in his heart, something in him wanted to help and protect Neville. 'What's wrong with me?' he thought. 'I like Katherine…don't I?' His inner wolf felt something was wrong, not with Neville, but with the whole Katherine situation. Both him and his wolf were so confused.

THE DRAGONS NEST – Tyler had no words when he walked into The Nest, he thought his family was rich. But The Nest made his house look like a middle class house, it was a palace basically. "You live here?"

"Only on the weekends." said Jeremy. "I come here after school on Fridays with Harry and they drive me back to Aunt Jenna's after school on Mondays." Tyler was till looking around taking it all in. "Are you thirsty?"

"Yeah." said Tyler.

Jeremy took his hand. "Come on." He led the jock through the foyer hall, into and across the dining room and into the kitchen. Hermione and Fred were in the kitchen. "Hi guys."

"Hey love." said Hermione greeting him with a smile.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Jeremy.

"Well Fred wanted me to teach him how to make lasagna alforno." said Hermione. "He wants to make it for Caroline."

"Oooh! Trying to woo her?" asked Jeremy.

"Maybe…" blushed Fred.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Hermione.

"Yes!" said Jeremy.

"Go where?" asked Tyler.

"We are getting my wand today!" said Jeremy. "Is Harry coming?"

"Yes." said Hermione. "He's on his firebolt."

"Outside?!" smiled Jeremy. Hermione nodded and he was out the door with Tyler to the back terrace just in time to see Harry swoop down on his broom with a snitch in his hand. "That was awesome!"

"Jeremy!" smiled Harry. "Hey" He ran over and hugged his cousin. "I assume since Tyler is here that he knows more or less what's going on?" Tyler nodded. "Well then…" he smiled. "Welcome to The Dragons Nest Tyler."

"Thanks." said Tyler. He felt warm and welcome here, like Jeremy, he didn't want to leave.

"So are you ready?" asked Harry.

"Yes." said Jeremy. All three raced back to the kitchen and Hermione was already getting her purse.

"I left Fred the instructions…" started Hermione.

"You're leaving me alone?" asked Fred. The was a small joking tone to his question.

"The lasagna take over eight hours to make." said Hermione. "We'll be back in less two hours. Relax." Fred sighed and went back to chopping vegetables. She turned to Tyler. "I do hope you'll stay for dinner."

Tyler smiled "I'd love to, thank you." Again his heart was warmed, he wasn't used to people being genuinely nice to him.

"Ok then." said Hermione. "Lets go."

Harry looked at the car keys in her hand. "Those are Calebs car keys."

"He let me borrow the car today." said Hermione. "He's riding in Draco's Mercedes."

"Where is Neville?" asked Jeremy.

"Oh he's meeting us there." said Hermione.

BLACK CHERRY AVE, THE MYSTIC WOLF – The Mystic Wolf was a small bar not far from main street and The Grill which is where people usually went. This place was much more intimate and quiet. It was more of a bar pushing lounge place. Lots of people came here for business meetings with cocktails and light tapas.

Just like The Leaky Cauldron, Harry led them to the back room of the place to a room with a red brick wall. He tapped the wall with his wand and the brick wall she touched quivered, wriggled, in the middle, a small hole appeared, growing wider and wider, a second later they were facing an archway, large enough to fit a large moving truck, an archway onto a nice straight southern style meets casual Beverly Hills street. The total opposite of Diagon's old world, cobble stone street. "Welcome to Black Cherry Avenue."

Walking down the avenue, they noticed that despite the difference in architecture, and shop names, the shops were exactly the same in terms of merchandise. Jeremy and Tyler looked back over their shoulder to see the archway shrink and instantly turn back into a solid wall. They sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest show. CAULDRONS ALL SIZES: COPPER, BRASS, PEWTER, SILVER, SELF STIRRING, COLLAPSIBLE.

"Wow…" said Jeremy. He wished he had eight more eyes to see everything there was to see. Everyone except Harry were looking in every direction to take it all in, trying to see the shops, the things outside them, the people walking in and out od their shops. They heard a woman outside and Apothecary who was shaking her head as they passed saying "Dragon Liver, forty five dollars an ounce? They're mad." she argued to her husband who nodded in agreement.

Jeremy head shifted to the QUIDDITCH SHOP & SUPPLIES. He saw kids and teens and adults looking through the window. "Look the Firebolt!" said one of the kids. "Harry Potter had that broom when he faced the dragon!"

A teen pointed to another broom. "He also had the Nimbus 2000. It's a better start for you kid."

"Can we go in there Harry?" asked Jeremy.

"You don't' even know how to fly." said Harry. "But sure. I promise one day I'll take you in. Maybe if you want I can teach you how to fly and you can get your own broom…"

"Awesome!" said Jeremy.

Harry noticed Tyler looked a bit left out. "I can teach you too Tyler…" That caught the Tylers attention. "I don't know if there's any magic in your family but if you do I can…if you like."

"I think it'll be cool." said Tyler. "Thanks." Jeremy gave his hand a squeeze and a loving wink making him smile back at the young Gilbert.

"Ah here we are." said Harry. "MISS. FOX WAND SHOP."

MISS. FOX WAND SHOP, BLACK CHERRY AVENUE – They walked in. The store was just like Ollivanders but much bigger, cleaner and brighter in terms of color and ambience with cream colored walls and colorful tulips. "Hello…" called Harry.

Out came a beautiful tall blond woman in her mid thirties, with warm caramel eyes. She wore a black skirt, a sky blue blouse, a simple strand of white pearls and earrings, very classic and refined. "Oh, Mr. Potter, back for some wand oil?"

"No." said harry. "But thank you. I'd like to introduce you to my family. My sister Lady Hermione Potter, my brothers Lord Frederick Potter, Lord Neville Longbottom, my cousin Jeremy Gilbert and his friend Tyler Lockwood."

"Nice to meet you all." said Sally. "I'm Sally Fox, welcome to my shop."

"My cousin Jeremy is in need of a wand." said Hermione.

"You can say I'm a late bloomer." said Jeremy.

"Well better late than never." smiled Sally. Jeremy nodded. "Come along Mr. Gilbert…" Jeremy stepped up to the counter as she took out a wand from a box. "Oakwood…12 inch…Fairy wing core…" She handed the wand to Jeremy. "Wave it dear."

Jeremy did and the vase holding the tulips blew up. Tyler jumped. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." said Sally. "Happens everyday." She waved her hand fixing the vase as though it never happened. She walked off and brought another box. "Lets try this…" He took out the wand. "Cherrywood…14 inch…Werewolf hair core…" Tylers eyes widened and the hair on the back of his neck stood up at the mention of werewolves, again. Jeremy took it and immediately the wand tip lit up white and soft cool wind blew around the store. Jeremy felt the power of the wand spread through his body.

"Not bad on your second try." said Harry. "I had to try over three times before my wand chose me."

"A werewolf hair core wands are quite powerful and loyal." explained Sally. "This one is one of my finest ones. Study hard and honor the wand who chose you."

"Thank you." said Jeremy. "I will."

"Congratulations Mr. Gilbert…." smiled Sally.

"How much do I owe you?" asked Harry.

"$300 dollars." said Sally. Harry paid. "Have a good day." She smiled. They said their goodbyes and headed out back into the avenue.

"Come now." said Hermione "On to Miss. Peregina's Bookshop." They headed over to the two story bookstore. Hermione sighed as she walked in, she was in heaven. "Come now love…" taking Jeremys hand. "…time to get your first year books."

Tyler was left alone with Harry. "Are wands that expensive?"

"Magical trees are hard to come by and the wand cores even more, also the price is that high because it's also due to the amount of magic a witch or wizard uses to craft the wand itself." said Harry. "Plus wands are meant to be with the witch or wizard until the day they die. They are an extension of themselves for magic to travel through safely."

"What's your wand?" asked Tyler.

Harry took out his wand and showed it to Tyler. "11 inch, Holly wood, phoenix feather core." Then he thought of something. "Bugger, I did need some wand oil."

"Do you want to go back and get it?" asked Tyler.

"No." said Harry. "I can always buy it through owl delivery service."

"Owl?" asked Tyler.

"The traditional wizard witch method of communication is sending handwritten letters with owls. Some people use eagles, vultures, bats, parrots. They're magical familiars, blessed with their own unique magic, that can travel great distances in this case for letters and they also are very protective of their masters." said Harry. "Magic and technology don't' get along at all. But some modern wizards who do live in the muggle world do use muggle methods like emails, phone texts to communicate."

Jeremy and Hermione came back with a small bag. "We've got all the books."

"All 24 of them." said Hermione.

"24?" asked Tyler.

"Yes. Four for each subject." said Hermione

"How did you get them to fit into that little bag?" asked Tyler.

"Shrinking charm." said Hermione. "We do that with our luggage and trunks when we travel. Shrink them down to the size of a quarter, stuff them in our pockets and resize them when we get to where we're going." They walked back to the Mystic Wolf when Neville came out of the Apothecary with a small bag. "We thought we'd miss you."

"Sorry." said Neville. "But I had to drop off some herbal healing salves and creams here at the apothecary and well… the guy was giving me a rough time."

"On what?" asked Neville.

"Apparently they're too strong." Said Neville. "I guess I'm used to making them so intense for fast reacting relief like St. Mungos Hospital asked me after the war that…" he sighed. "I just have to dilute them twice as long and I'll be fine." He looked at them. "How did you all do?"

Jeremy showed him his wand. "Got my wand!"

"And 24 first year books at Miss. Peregina's Bookshop." said Hermione. "Are you all done?"

"Yes. I got some seeds to grow in the conservatory." said Neville.

"What seeds?" asked Jeremy.

Harry smiled. "Jeremy seems to have a soft spot for herbology and potions."

Neville's eyes lit up. "Finally! Someone other than me!" Jeremy laughed, Tyler smiled. "Well I've got some snowbells, lavender and moon blossoms…If you like I can take over your first year herbology class."

"Could you?" smiled Jeremy.

"Of course I will." smiled Neville. "You're family."

"Speaking of family. Can we go home?" asked Harry. "I'm starving."

LIBRARY, THE DRAGONS NEST – After dinner in the informal dining room, with Harry, Caleb, Draco, Neville, Hermione Caroline and Fred, everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways to give Tyler and Jeremy some time alone. Jeremy gave him a tour of the house to the library on the second floor.

The library was grand with several individual long desks made of dark mahogany wood, and chairs that looked like thrones, like every single chair in the house. There were wall to wall books towering 30 feet up, grand clear and purple crystal chandeliers, desk lamps, wall sconces, rich purple and gold curtains not to mention a roaring fireplace. Jeremy walked over to an empty table near the corner desk, which seemed to be his. He emptied his books on the table took out his wand and chanted. "ENGORGIO?" the books magically resized and growing to their normal book sizes. He sighed. "Oh good it worked." He looked at Tyler. "I saw Hermione do it at the bookstore and thought I'd try it out."

Harry came in. "Sorry to interrupt, I thought I'd bring you guys something to drink before I went to bed…" carrying a tray with a large pitcher of orange colored juice and two glass goblets. "…see you tomorrow Jeremy." They hugged and he shook Tylers hand. "Goodnight Tyler. I hope to see you again soon."

"Me too." said Tyler.

"You're more than welcome here anytime you want." said Harry.

"Thank you." smiled Tyler.

With that Harry left. Jeremy poured the juice into the glass goblets and gave one to Tyler before taking a sip. Tyler took a sip right after. "What is this?"

"Pumpkin juice." said Jeremy. "It's the unanimous favorite of the household and I have to admit I like it too." Tyler nodded in agreement and poured himself some more. "How are you doing?"

He took a seat on the couch by the fire, Tyler sat down next to him. "I'm amazed. This place is incredible, I'm still in shock. But not in a bad way…Harry told me about the wizarding rules about not tell me about your secret. I understand."

"Yes, but I have to admit that I was personally hesitant to tell you." said Jeremy.

"Why?" asked Tyler.

"Well… Again this whole thing with you is new to me. I knew I was always gay, but I had never reacted like this for anyone except you. Then we started making out in your fathers study at his funeral, then we started texting, you invited me to your swim hole party, we had sex… I wanted to tell you but I didn't know if you thought it was fling, a one day sex thing, or if you were really serious."

"You wouldn't have told me?" asked Tyler.

"If I knew for certain that it was a one day sex thing, a fling, no." said Jeremy.

"Why would you think it was a one day, fling, thing?" asked Tyler.

Jeremy looked at him. "Tyler. Seriously. I've never known you to have a serious relationship. Ever. I mean you've 'dated' sixteen girls, each one lasted no more than two weeks to a month all of whom you've slept with of course and you've slept, had flings, with twenty five other women."

"How do you know this?" asked Tyler.

"You're the only guy I've ever liked." said Tyler. "I've been kind of crazy about you since you were in the seventh grade." Tyler grinned making him chuckle. "I was in sixth…" He took another sip. "Harry told me the only reason to break the law and tell a muggle about our world is because it's someone you truly trust and someone…someone you truly love." Tylers eyes looked up at him. "Tell someone that you're in a serious relationship with, a relationship that's going to last, a relationship you're fully committed to."

Tyler leaned moved over to Jeremy, leaned over Jeremy and kissed him on the lips. Both responding immediately. "I don't know how my mother, my friends at school or the town will react to me being gay or being with you, but I'm not going to tell your secrets or leave you. Ever. Not that I know how beautifully cool and amazing you are."

Jeremy chuckled, leaned up and gave him another peck on the lips. "I know. Which is why, now that I'm sure of your feelings and your intentions did I decide to bring you here today and show you everything."

"Well I'm glad you did." said Tyler. He slid behind Jeremy on the couch and wrapped his arm around the young Gilbert. "I know there is more."

"Yes there is." Said Jeremy. "But I can't tell you."

"Why?" asked Tyler.

"Because they're not my secrets to say." said Jeremy. "I told you about me, Harry, Draco, Neville, Hermione, Caleb and Fred because they are my family and they gave me permission to tell you. But there are secrets concerning the others and I can't betray their trust if I tell you without their permission." Tyler nodded. "It's really up to them when and if they want to tell you."

Tyler resting his chin on Jeremys shoulder. "I respect that." After a long few minutes. "So I'm the only guy you've ever had the hots for?"
Jeremy chuckled. "Yes."

Tyler hugged him tight and snuggled up spooning Jeremy from behind. "Good. I'd hate to have my boyfriend checking out other guys."

Jeremy turned his head. "Boyfriend?" with a smile.

"Yeah." said Tyler. "You're my boyfriend. Just give me time to decide when to bring our relationship out to the public. I want to do this right."

Jeremy kissed him. "Take all the time you need." They kissed and snuggled and cuddled together again. "Mmm… I like your arms around me like this. I think I'm gonna love being your boyfriend."

Tyler kissed Jeremys head. "Me too Jere." Soon they fell asleep together on the couch. Later that night Hermioen came in and found them like that. She smiled, put a blanket over them, turned off the lights with her wand, leaving only the fireplace going and stepping out of the room quietly. That night, Jeremy and Tyler slept better than they had in years.

****Long chapter once again. This was mostly a "Jyler" chapter and I love it. I think they've now taken another HUUGE step and have formalized their relationship. I think both behaved very mature in their last conversation, Jeremy talked very respectively and expressed his reasonings well and Tyler giving him room to talk was a very important step for him as a person given his explosive temper. I think this will help later on when it's Tylers turn to reveal his werewolf secret. PLEASE REVIEW.****