4 years post war. The Wizarding World is in chaos after a force attacked Azkaban, releasing the worst inmates, Harry and his family come into their vampire inheritance. His fiancé dumps him and broken hearted, with his family, moves to Mystic Falls. He meets a rejected Damon and they form a friendship. The two friends fake a romance to help each other out and it eventually becomes a reality

Pairings: Harry/Damon, Hermione/Draco, Jeremy/Tyler, Matt/OC, Caroline/Fred, Bonnie/Blasie, Elena/Stefan,.

I DO NOT own the characters of Harry Potter nor do I own The Vampire Diaries. I only own the plot of this story and my OC characters. I DO NOT make any profit from this, I'm only doing this solely for fun.

***1) This is a new experiment. In SHADOWS OF MYSTIC FALLS Harry arrives and saves Damon and they'll eventually return to the Wizarding World. In this story, I'm going the opposite direction – Damons helps Harry with his change, they all stay in Myctic Falls. Harry and his family will set up roots in Mystic Falls. 2) Harry and Matt's creature inheritance are from an ancient British vampire line NOT connected with the Norwegian Mikaelsons. 3) When Matts vampire inheritance emerges Damon agrees to help. 5) Damon and Matt are best friends. 6) Damon is Stefans half brother, his mother was their fathers first wife. 7) Geroge died in the war, not Fred. Fred is alive and also a half vampire. 8) There are several scenes I added from SHADOWS OF MYSTIC FALLS but tweeked them here and there and added while changing some characters to them because the story begins + or - the same in season 2 of the Vampire Diaries. 9) PLEASE read the authors note at the bottom of the chapter and also please submit your reviews I'll be answering them ALL on chapter 6... Enjoy!***

MYSTIC FALLS – THE GRILL – Matt walked into the THE GRILL, he'd been feeling bad all week, but he had to get to work. He looked around, Stefan and Elena walked over to him. Everyone was still talking about the fight Matt and Tyler had during the Founders Day event.

"Hi Matt." greeted Elena. She then noticed his overall state, he was pale and sweating with dark circles under his eyes. "Wow. You look like hell." Matt looked behind them and gasped, she and Stefan turned to look, there was Caroline making out with Tyler near the billiard table. "Matt…don't..."

Matt walked over. "Caroline."

Caroline and Tyler broke the kiss. "Matt!" She was nervous. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here remember?" asked Matt. "Or have you forgotten that?"

"Are you alright man?" asked Tyler. The both see Matts sick state. "You look ill."

Matt turned and punched Tyler in the face knocking him down to the floor. "I am now…" He stumbled. Stefan and Elena ran over and grabbed him. "Keep them Tyler. They're all yours. Both Caroline and my mom." His eyes were crying with tears. "Enjoy your harem!"

Elena turned to Stefan. "Get him out of here."

"No." Matt complained.

"Matt if your boss sees you like sick this and that you're punching clients he will fire you." said Elena. She looked at Caroline. "I'll stay here and deal with this." Matt nodded and let Stefan help him out.

THE GRILL PARKING LOT – Stefan helped Matt into the passenger seat of his car. After he turned on the ignition he took a not needed breath. "Are you ok? What's happening?"

"I'm…you'll think I'm crazy…but it's…" started Matt.

"Matt of all the people in this town I know you never lie." said Stefan. "Come on tell me."

"I'm transitioning." said Matt. This caught Stefans attention. "…into a vampire."

"What?!" asked Stefan. "Were you bitten?!"

"No." said Matt. "My family comes from a long line of squibs."

Stefan was lost. "Excuse me?"

"Human children born to magical parents." said Matt. Stefan nodded and gave the guy room to breath. "…one of my British ancestors from my fathers side, William Donovan, was a vampire who also inherited the vampire gene. After he was killed…It skipped…" he was in pain. "…it skipped six generations until now."

"Where do I take you?" asked Stefan. "Home?"

"No." said Matt. "I can't go home. My mom kicked me out, and I stormed out."

"Which one is it?" asked Stefan.

"My mom kicked me out because one she was drunk, again, and because she's never ever forgiven me for ruining her chances of being an A list model. I stormed out because she just spent half our life savings gambling and I now have to work twice as hard to pay the bills and her fucking debts…I don't…"

They turned when the back door opened and in slid Damon. "We'll take him home with us."

"What?" asked Stefan. "You of all people, want to help?"

"He's my friend." said Damon. He took Matts hand for support. Stefan saw their mutual affection, they were telling the truth about the friendship. "If his wack job of a mom doesn't want him. We do." He turned to Matt. "You have your stuff?" Matt pointed to Stefan.

"I put this things in the trunk." said Stefan.

"Good. Well, since I came with Stefan…" said Damon. He slipped his hand into Matts jean pocket and took the car keys. "I'll drive your car to our house, it's a new jeep and you don't want these nut jobs of the Grill messing with it." Stefan nodded and followed Damon out of the parking lot and down the street in Matts jeep towards their house.

MYSTIC FALLS – SALVATORE HOUSE – He was alone, in the living room, drinking scotch to try and drown out his pain. Matt walked in, he had been living at the house full time for the past two weeks. Stefan was off with Elena most of the time, taking up residence in her room. Matt became a little brother to Damon who personally and legally adopted him as such turning him into Matthew Salvatore, it was no trouble since his mother gladly signed the papers to be rid of him basically to spend more money without having someone barking at her for being irresponsible. The two were best friends and were closer than Stefan and Damon ever were. "Are you alright D?"

"Yeah." said Damon.

"Elena again?" asked Matt, he poured himself some scotch, it helped with the bloodlust.

"I don't wanna talk about it." growled Damon.

"Just let her go man." said Matt. He sat down on the couch. "I've been there with her, she dumped me for Stefan, and all she thinks about is him."

"What's your point M?" asked Damon.

"She's not good enough for you." said Matt. "That's my point. That there's definitely someone better out there for you."

"Then where are they?!" asked Damon. "Stefan has always gotten the girl, and even most of the guys I've tried to hook up with. They always go to him! When is it my turn? When will someone chose me?!"

"Soon." said Matt, he sat down on the couch.

"When?!" screamed Damon. He threw his drink into the fire.

"When you least expect it." said Matt. Damon sighed and laid down next to him, resting his head on Matts lap. "Trust me, they're out there. He, she, whoever they are, they're out there…For both of us."

"Hmm…" hummed Damon. It soothed him feeling Matts fingers in his hair. "I hope so M. I hope so. " He sighed. "I like this."

"What?" asked Matt.

"You me. Having someone, a brother, to talk to. Someone who understands the loneliness and the rejection." said Damon.

"You weren't close to Stefan? Ever?" asked Matt.

"Once we were." said Damon. "But I think it all slightly changed after we both found out I was actually Stefans half brother."

"What?" asked Matt.

"I don't know much." said Damon. Matt nodded and remained quiet giving Damon space to talk. "My mom, Madison, was my fathers first wife. She married my dad and after five years she got pregnant. She died in childbirth, after I was born. My father remarried almost immediately and seven years later, there was Stefan. I think after we found out the truth, we mutually fought too hard to fit in with each other again. You know, piece together our new reality, and I don't think we got over how our parents kept it secret for so many years. But…" he sighed. "…I get it, it was a different time. People, parents, kept those things private. People just didn't talk about those things. Everybody knew, nobody talked about it."

"Do you know anything about your biological mom?" asked Matt.

"No. Just her name and how she died." said Damon. "I'd like to though." He patted Matts hand. "And FYI, since I happily and personally legally adopted you, by myself, whatever I do learn, if ever, about my original family, they will be your family too, not Stefans."

Matt smiled. "Thanks."

Damon went to Elenas house and tried to kiss her not knowing it was really Katherine who filled his head with hopes and dreams about love. When she rejected him he snapped and killed Jeremy, of course knowing he had on the Gilbert ring. He didn't mean to but the kid was just the one to receive the outpouring of rage and bitterness. He whooshed out of the house.

GILBERT HOUSE – Stefan and Matt arrived to find Elena and a "dead" Jeremy on the floor. "He saw the ring that's why he did it." said Stefan. "He knew."

"It's Katherine." said Matt. "She got under his skin and undid everything that was good about him all over again."

"There's nothing good about him Matt." cried Elena furiously. "Not anymore. He's decided what he wants, he doesn't want to feel he just wants to be hated. It's easier that way." Her voice darkened. "He go this wish." She saw Matt get up and walk to the window. "What's with you Matt? Why are you defending him." Matt just walked out of the room and left. "What's with him?"

"Matt is a vampire Elena." said Stefan.

Elena gasped, her eyes widened. "Oh my, did Damon…?"

"No." said Stefan. "His vampire inheritance kicked in a few weeks ago."

"The what?" asked Elena.

"Some humans are born with a creature gene, passed down through their ancestors. At a specific age, it awakens, manifests if you will. Matt's ancestors were British vampires, from his fathers side, the vampire inheritance gene and it skipped a six generations and re-manifested with him."
"So he was meant to be…?" asked Elena.

Stefan nodded. "Yes. It was in his DNA."

"And his mother knows?" asked Elena.

"She knew, but they got into a fight. She spent half of their life savings in alcohol and gambling and he stormed out to the Grill. She kicked him out so she would have free reign of the money and the house. He was turning at the Grill. Damon and I took him home and helped him through it. I learned today that Damon legally adopted him."

"What?" asked Elena.

"He's now Matthew Salvatore Hoffman." said Stefan.

"I thought your mothers maiden name was Owens?" asked Elena.

Stefan nodded. "It is. Lady Madison Hoffman was our fathers first wife, she died after giving birth to Damon." Elena looked at him in shock. "Damon is my half brother." Jeremy suddenly came back to life, breathing in lungfulls of air. "We'll talk about that later."

THE GRILL – MYSTIC FALLS – Damon walked around town furious and heartbroken. He went into the THE GRILL. He sat down at the bar and ordered a bottle of whisky. An hour later, he was halfway done with the bottle, not nearly drunk at all, when a particularly delicious scent caught his nose. 'What is that?' he thought. Turning to his right he saw a young man walk up and sit down beside him. The young man was beautiful, around 21 years old, 5'10" feet tall, perfect pale alabaster skin, with olive undertones, strong bone structure and high cheeks bones. He had smooth straight raven black hair, which hung just over his ears, styled in a casual disarray, long black and eyelashes eyebrows. He wore a fine expensive dark green vicuna coat, over a black turtleneck sweater and good quality black pants and shoes. He wore a large 20 carat emerald cut red diamond ring on his right hand ring finger, with a small family crest over the stone.

"What will it be stranger?" asked the bartender.
"A strong cup of coffee please." said the young man in an amazing British accent.

"New in town?" asked Damon.

The young man turned and gave him a small smiled. "Is it that obvious?"

Damon was struck by the Brits amazing bright emerald green eyes, they were like glowing green jewels, behind a pair of round shaped glasses. "Just a little." The young man smelled delicious, rain, winter spices, dark chocolate and warm brandy, it made Damons fangs ache in his gums, there was also the odd alluring scent of lightning which was new to him. He extended his hand. "Damon Salvatore."

The young man shook his hand. "Harry Potter."

The bartender brought over his coffee. "Here you go." He winked at Harry as the Brit paid for the coffee.

The sudden wink from the bartender made Damon growl. 'Why am I growling?' thought Damon.

Harry noticed the growl, but was very discrete. "Well, it was nice to meet you Mr. Salvatore." He got up.

"You're leaving so soon?" asked Damon.

Harry smiled, which Damon found pleasant. "No. I'm gonna drink this out on the terrace and get some of the nice cool night air."

Damon noticed no one was outside. "Would…Would you like some company?" Harry looked at him. "Please?" He batted his eyelashes.

Harry chuckled. "You're funny. Come on then."

THE GRILL, OUTSIDE TERRACE – MYSTIC FALLS – Damon sat down with Harry on the outside terrace of THE GRILL, the night was nice and cold. There was something about Harry that calmed him down, being so sudden, Damon questioned it but didn't argue. "So, new in town?"

"Yes." said Harry. "Just moved here. My grandparents left my mother a house here, after she and my father died, my brother and I inherited the house."

"When did you parents die?" asked Damon.

"A few months after I was born, my brother was three at the time." said Harry. "We got separated, he was adopted by another family and I was sent to live with my mothers half sister and her family. They didn't treat me well at all. Years later, when I was fourteen, I reunited with my brother at school and after four years we decided to move away. We found our parents will and found a house listed here in our mothers name and…here we are."

"I'm sorry." said Damon. "It must have been hard for you."

"It was." said Harry. "But that's a story for another day." Damon nodded and took a sip of his whisky. "So you're a vampire."

Damon choked on the whisky. "Excuse me?"

"Come on I hear you growling when the bartender flirted with me in there." said Harry, with a small grin. "I smelled you since I walked in."

"Yes…I am." said Damon. "Are you a…?" Harry nodded. "But I didn't get that scent from you."

"I hide it well." said Harry. "Technically I'm half vampire. So is my brother and now sister with her husband."

"Were you bitten?" asked Damon.

"No." said Harry. "I came into my vampire inheritance this year, my brother a few years ago, from our fathers side of the family, and when we adopted our sister she being related to us became one. It's a little complicated but it was part of the reason why we decided to move." Damon had so many questions. "But that's a story for another time." Damon nodded and dropped it, but wondered why since usually he's so insistent on getting answers out of people. "Relax, your secret is safe with me."

Damon smiled, somehow he knew he could trust this vampire. "Thank you."

"So love trouble?" asked Harry.

"What?" asked Damon.

"You've almost finished a bottle if whisky and you had a face of death when I came into this place." said Harry. "That usually spells a broken heart."

"Yeah." said Damon, gulping down some whiskey. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah." said Harry. "I have to confess, part of the reason I came here was to get over a broken heart as well."

"You?" asked Damon.

Harry chuckled. "Yes. My fiancé. He dumped me after six years for some rich Earl in north of England, it was all over the papers and I couldn't really handle anymore scandals." He sighed. "What about you? Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really…if I could…not ever." said Damon.

Harry nodded. "I respect that."

"But thank you for sharing your story." said Damon. "I know it's not easy."

"No. My first boyfriend, Cedric, he was killed seven years ago, two years later I met a new guy and that went well, he proposed until he broke up with me. So I know how it feels." said Harry, he finished his coffee. "Well, I better be off." He got up, Damon did too. "It was nice meeting you and, if I may…" Damon nodded. "I don't think this person who has hurt you deserves your tears much less your sadness. It'll hurt for a while, but they were not the one meant for you. I'm sure there's someone out there destined to walk through eternity by your side. But if you still hang on to that hope, try at least one more time."

"You're sure of that?" asked Damon.

"I know it. Better to try one last time than to not try at all." said Harry. He put on his scarf. "I have to think that way for myself too."

"There's…" sighed Damon. "There's so much more to the story."

"I'm sure there is." said Harry, he stepped out onto the street.

"Something for another time then." said Damon.

Harry shook Damons hand. "Have a good night Mr. Salvatore."

"Good night Mr. Potter." said Damon. He watched the young Brit walk off down the street to the parking lot. His insides were so confused, he felt peaceful, somehow Harry brought him that inner peace he needed. 'Who are you Harry Potter?' he thought.

***I guys. First of all I want to apologize for my absence from basically everything. I think I mentioned it in a recently published chapter, chapter 10 of ROYAL BLUEBELLES, my cousin committed suicide in December the week before Christmas and I've been devastated and helping my family recover. So please bear with me. I'm trying to get back in my normal mindset but it's been hard. I know I have a lot of updates to do on every single story and I will this year. But my mind has also been invaded by new ideas and stories, thing being one of them. There will be two more HP stories coming up soon as well… Now, 1) I love Matt Donovan and I think he's gotten slack during the show and hasn't had luck in love ever or much camera time so I decided to make him a main character and make him a vampire and have him have a close brother relationship with Damon and have him be Damons support system with the Salvatore house while Stefan runs around after Elena. I love the Damon/Matt brother relationship it's so good! Also 2) I love how Harry and Damon meet, how they talk outside The Grill and how Harry slowly gets Damon thinking. Please review. ***