Welcome to my new story everyone. I have wanted to write a story involving the twins for such a long time and this idea came to me one night. I hope you all enjoy it as much as my first and if you are new to this story and myself, check out my other Harry Potter story The Seeker and the Girl Who Lived. From what my readers keep telling me its pretty good. Enjoy the first chapter everyone

Disclaimer. I don't own anything except my original characters.

The rain pelted the windows of King Cross station as people milled around, moving into and off of trains. Carissa looked around, everyone too absorbed in their own going abouts to take note of the large school trunk and owl cage that sat on the trolley she was pushing. She pushed a piece of black curl out of her face as she neared the entrance to platform 9 ¾. She felt her heart flutter, a small smile gracing her smooth features as she finally stood before the brick wall. She had been waiting for this moment for as long as she could remember. Today she would finally be leaving to Hogwarts. A small touch on her shoulder jostled her from her thoughts. She turned her head, looking up at her Aunt Narcissa.

"Just walk right through Carissa." Narcissa said in a voice she only reserved for the girl and her son Draco. She stood, looking regal and proud in her best dress robes, her hand clutching the hand of a 9 year old boy with the same bright blonde hair as his mothers. Carissa looked back at the wall, looking more solid than ever. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the trolley, gaining some speed before breaking through the barrier. When she opened her eyes, her smile grew. The large scarlet and gold train stood before her, steam billowing from the front and filling the platform. Families and students were scattered all around as parents said goodbye to their children and friends caught up with one another, discussing their summer holidays. Narcissa and Draco followed through behind her and the trio made their way across the platform and throngs of people. As her trunk and cage were being loaded onto the train, her eyes caught sight of bright red. She saw a family a little down the ways, all sporting the same bright hair. She remembered hearing her uncle mention something about them, something about blood traitors but she couldn't remember their name.

"Write to me every chance you get." Narcissa said, a hint of a smile touching her pale face as she pushed back her nieces black hair. Carissa nodded her head, giving her aunt a hug. She heard Draco sniffle, quickly wiping at his eyes.

"Whats the matter Draco?" Carissa asked, hugging her cousin tightly. She was always close with Draco, having grown up with him most of her life. He had been her only playmate, having not had much contact with children her own age, other than the children of her relative's friends.

"I don't want you to leave rissa." Draco said, using his nickname he had for her since he had been a toddler and could not say her full name. Carissa pulled away, smiling at him as she took his hands.

"I will come back Draco. I'll be home for the holidays and if you want I can write to you when I write to your mother and tell you everything about Hogwarts so you will be just as excited when your old enough to go." She said trying to cheer up the 9 year old. She saw him nod, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. After one last goodbye, she headed into the train, moving down the narrow corridor to find a seat.

After a few moments she came across and empty compartment, quickly taking a seat by the window. She watched the reaming families as they said their goodbyes seeing the happiness in all of their faces. Growing up, Carissa had wanted that. She wanted the kind of family they all had. All she had was a psychotic mother who was locked away in Azkaban and no idea who her father was. The only real family she had were Draco and her aunt. She did not consider her uncle Lucious with them. She had always hated him, hated the views he spouted.

She looked at her reflection in the window, the reflection starting to resemble that of the picture Narcissa kept of Bellatrix when the 2 were younger. Her hair was long, reading to the middle of her back and was in loose curls. Her face was pale, with a small hint of color to her cheeks that made her dark eyes stand out. More and more she was looking like her mother and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the compartment door and 2 voices speaking. "Well Forge, I think will take this one." One boy said as the other replied,"Gred that's a brilliant idea." She recognized them from the platform. They had been among the red headed family. Seeing them closer, she noticed that they were twins. Both were tall for first years, probably having a good foot above her. There robes, while not tattered, looked worn and used. Hand me downs she thought as they took a seat across from her, identical smiles on both their faces. "I'm Fred Weasley-" the one by the window introduced,'-and I'm George Weasley."

"It's nice to meet you both I'm Carissa-." She stopped before she said her last name. She knew what was coming. This was the reason she had so few friends. As soon as they knew her name, they ran away, their mothers ushering them away from the death eater's daughter. She glanced down at her clasped hands before continue. "Carissa Lestrange."

She saw the surprised looks on their faces as their recognition shown in their eyes. There wasn't a person in the wizarding world who didn't know about Belatrix Lestrange and all the atrocities she had caused. They knew of her dedication to the dark lord when he had been at power and her knack for torture. Carissa knew she was seen in the same light by association. "Like mother like daughter," she would hear whispered as she walked down Diagon Alley with her family. She hated it. She hated being compared to her deranged mother and being labeled for things she had no control over.

Slowly standing to her feet, she looked back at the twins. "I can leave and find another compartment if you want." She said sadly, already moving towards the compartment door. But 2 pairs of hands stopped her, grabbing her arms and tugging her gently back to the seat.

"You have something against gingers I see. And here we thought we met are new best friend. George I'm hurt." Fred said in mock pain as he clutched at his chest, his brother mimicking him. Carissa couldn't help but laugh at their actions. "So you're ok…I mean with my name and all?" she asked, a little surprised.

"Of course. I mean you're not the one locked up in Azkaban. Why should we be afraid of you?" George said quietly, making the young girl smile. The rest of the train ride consisted of them talking and getting to know each other. Carissa learned all about the rest of the Weasley family. She smiled and laughed as they told stories, wanting to meet them the more she heard about them. She also learned of their love of pranks and laughed as they relayed tales of their victories.

"We hope to one day open are own shop and sell joke products." George said as the Scottish countryside blazed past their window.

"Mums not too pleased with it, what with Bill being a big curse breaker for Gringotts and Charlie studying dragons. Thinks it's a waste of time but she'll see. One day will have one of the best shops in Diagon Alley." Fred said, every word filled with confidence not usually heard in an 11 year old.

"What house do you guys want to be sorted into?" Carissa asked as she quickly took a bite of her chocolate frog before it could hop away. She glanced down, seeing the kind face of Albus Dumbledore starring back at her from the card. She quickly stowed it away in her pocket.

"Gryffindor of course. Are whole families been sorted there, what about you?" George asked, looking across at his new friend. She shrugged, her mouth filled with chocolate. She quickly swallowed before answering. "Probably Slythern. I mean my whole families been placed there." Except for Sirius, she thought, keeping the information to herself.

"Well if you are in Slytherin will still be your friend. Will make fun of you relentlessly but that's what friends do." Fred teased, grinning mischievously at Carissa. After a while, the three first years changed into their robes as a prefect went down the hall, announcing the arrival to the station. All three of them pressed their faces to the window as the train started to slow down, wanting to see if they could get a glimpse of the castle. The train finally halted, the corridor filling with students who eagerly made their way off. Carissa followed after Fred and George, stepping out into the crisp September air.

"Firs' years this way." A loud voice said over the students chatters. The three moved towards the direction with the other first years. Carissas eyes widened, her mouth falling open when she finally saw the giant of a man standing before them, holding a lantern. He was tall, easily taller than any adult she knew and looked scruffy, his face and head covered in wild black hair. But behind his beard, a large smile could be seen, his eyes looking kind. "Follow me and I'll take you to the boats." The group of first years followed behind, arriving at the water's edge were rows of boats greeted them.

"After you my lady." George (or Fred, she needed to figure out which was which) said, bowing dramatically as he stepped aside, holding his hand out to help Carissa into the boat. She chuckled, curtsying as she took his hand, letting him help her in. "It looks like your mother taught you manners I see." She teased as 2 more boys joined there boat.

"Of course. What do you think were raised by animals?" Fred said as the boats moved by themselves. The chatter died down as the boats turned, the castle finally coming into view. Carissa gasped, leaning forward as she finally laid eyes on the castle. No picture could have done it justice. It was massive, with tall towers and slopped roofs. She could see lights from within the castle, giving it a beautiful glow.

After a few moments, the boats made their way into a small harbor located under the rocks. The students disembarked, following Hagrid up the stairs that would lead into the castle. "All righ' now. Just up those steps is where Professor McGonagall will meet you for your sorting." The large man said, smiling down at the first years as he walked away. The students headed inside, there chatter increasing as they looked around the large ceilings. They all moved up the stairs were a woman stood waiting. She was dressed in dark dress robes, a black pointed hat sitting on top of her head. Her face looked aged, her eyes showing years and years of wisdom behind the glasses perched on her nose.

"First years I am Professor McGonagall, welcome to Hogwarts. Now before you all join the feast you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. When you are sorted, you will join your housemates at their tables. Now your house will be like your family for the years to come so take this very seriously." She said, her voice full of authority. Soon, the large doors before them opened, revealing the large Great Hall.

"Looks like it's now or never than huh." George whispered to Carissa and Fred as they followed the other first years into the Great Hall.