Disclaimer: I don't own anything! Or characters!

Warning: MoD!Harry. Mostly follows Death Note storyline.

Hi! Just wanted to try a Harry potterxDeath Note story. Hope its interesting!

Edit: 08/09/2016

The grotesque and inhumane being shook as it bowed to the Master. It could feel the Master's hard calculating gaze upon its person and it wished that it wasn't the one to deliver the bad news. The being was wrapped in bandages, a skeletal figure and ash-gray skin with a scarred face that would make any human scream in fear. But he was insignificant compared to the Master.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The noise was like a bomb counting down and the being wished the Master would say something- anything as the silence was stifling. It didn't want to be on the receiving end of the Master's death stick.

"The death toll of humans has been abnormally high lately because a Shinigami dropped his notebook in the human world. And a human has taken possession of said notebook and started a killing spree." The Master drawled out.

The being subtly flinched. "Yes Master." Its voice raspy, sounding like it hadn't been used in years.

The kneeling Shinigami lifted his head to gaze at the Master of Death. The Master was beautiful in a fragile kind of way but all the Shinigami knew that looks can be deceiving. His skin pale as porcelain, hair black as night and emerald green eyes that would put any gem to shame, black thin squared glasses that rested upon his face. The Master wasn't too tall or broad but the power radiating off of him showed that he was not weak in the slightest.

The Master's emerald green eyes never left the Shinigami's form. The gaze seemed to last a lifetime until the master sighed in frustration.

"Very well. You are dismissed." He waved a hand lazily. It wouldn't do to torture the messenger.

The Shinigami quickly left the Master's sight. When the Master was alone, he sighed once again at the trouble that was happening in the human world. A human trying to play God, it was humorous in a way. Humans tried to cheat death all the time but they would never win.

Except him, apparently.

The Master stood from his throne and looked at the entire Shinigami realm where he had lived for centuries. It was almost surreal thinking about when he was once a normal human once upon a time.

Though normal was pushing it a bit.

Him, Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Master of Death, chuckled at the past life he used to live. After the Battle of Hogwarts, he had lived a somewhat peaceful life until he started to notice he wasn't growing older.

He noticed his friends getting older and he stayed seventeen forever. Interestingly, Luna had noticed right away that he wasn't aging and had indirectly told him that he was the Master of Death.

He was devastated to learn that he would never grow old and pass on with his friends. And soon Death came to take him away to perform his duties as the Master. At first, he fought and struggled, hoping but knowing that it was in vain and he was immortal.

Taking a little pity on the Master, Death decided to make Luna his seer and a somewhat secretary for when he traveled to various dimensions and worlds. He was eternally grateful that he had one person to live with for all eternity with him. She had been supportive since the very beginning and Harry was eternally grateful for her presence.

Shaking his head to rid of unwanted thoughts, Harry walked briskly through the palace in search of Luna. Though she probably already knew about the current problem in the human world. She always seemed to know events long before he did.

After a long search, he found Luna dancing to a phantom song. She twirled and hummed to the invisible beat, eyes closed and wearing a content smile. Silently, Harry walked near and grabbed her into his arms, both dancing in tune. The music heard only to themselves.

Luna never opened her eyes, already knowing who it was. When the dance finished, she opened her pale blue eyes and the two stood in each other's arms just staring at each other.

"Luna, I am heading to the human world as an urgent matter requires my attention."

"Ah yes. The high amount of human deaths is quiet unsettling. Perhaps, the Nargles have something to do with it."

Harry smiled. "I will contact you through the two way mirror when I require your assistance."

"I will wait for your call." Luna said dreamily, before twirling away from Harry's grasp and resuming her dancing.

The Master of Death stood in front of the portal to the human world. He watched the humans go about their daily lives, the same routine day to day. It was a sort of sad existence but at least the humans had something to live for before death.

He was just existing.

The Master of Death cleared his thoughts, jumped into the portal and soon found himself floating above the city. The portal lead him to the Kanto region in Japan. Harry scanned the city for possible apparating spots away from witnesses.

He found an alley and double checking his surroundings, strolled out into the city, easily blending in with the citizens. Many people stared at him as he walked by but Harry ignored it. He knew they could tell he was a foreigner just judging by his hair, eyes and facial structure. Plus, ever since becoming Death's Master, his looks had become more ethereal - which gave way to a lot more staring.

He stood in the middle of the sidewalk, everyone ignoring him while gazing at his surroundings. The next step would be to locate the Death Note and the human using it.

Harry shrugged in nonchalant, well he had better get started.

After hours of searching and by chance, he finally found what he was looking for. Ryuk's aura was strong and Harry knew he was nearby.

Now to see who was the human causing problems for him. He was a little excited to see what kind of person the holder of the Death Note was like.

Harry noticed Ryuk flying behind what he assumed was the human causing trouble for him. It was amusing to see that it was just a teenager. Harry could see him subtly moving his lips indicating he was talking to Ryuk.

Harry was too far away to hear what they were talking about but close enough to follow them without the human boy noticing him.

This presence...

Ryuk searched through the crowds, there was no mistake. The Master of Death was in the human world. His smile widened in anticipation, sure the Master would chew him out but it would provide more entertainment for him.

Ryuk spotted the Master a few yards behind him and Light. His green eyes twinkling with power and a smirk that made shivers course through him let the shinigami know that they were being watched by the Master.

Well what an interesting turn of events. He already found them. How long until the Master would confront them? Ryuk wondered.


"What are you laughing about Ryuk?" Light asked irritated. Is was a little annoying when Ryuk would just laugh just for no reason.

But the shinigami continued to laugh, Light decided to just ignore Ryuk. It probably wasn't important anyway.

Harry followed the pair back to the teenager's home. It was still daylight and knew that the best time to confront the human was when it was dark. But first a little investigation would be the best.

He wanted to be prepared for the upcoming meeting.

Harry smiled widely as he approached Light Yagami's house - he couldn't believe an honor student with perfect grades would want the Death Note. Then again, he could, this was already getting interesting.

Hmm. What's the best way to approach this? Introduce himself to him and his family...or just surprise him in his room? Choices. Choices. Harry mused. The solution came to him a few seconds later.

Harry knocked three times upon the door, and a young girl opened the door, her brown eyes looking at him in curiosity. He gave a sheepish smile in return.

"Who is it, Sayu?" A man asked as he came to stand behind the girl.

"Hello. Can I help you?" The Yagami patriarch asked politely.

"Ah yes. Hello my name is Harry Potter. I am a transfer student from England and I was wondering if I could speak with Light Yagami? Unless this is a bad time?!" Harry panicked. "I would have come sooner but I fell asleep from the jet lag and I couldn't find my way around. Oh! I'm so sorry for disturbing your family! I'll just come back tomorrow!"

Soichiro Yagami chuckled and smiled warmly at the flustered teen. "Come in Potter-san. Its no problem." Harry entered and took a quick look around the front part of the Yagami household. Harry smiled in triumph, so far so good.

"Light can you come down? We have a guest!" Sachiko called then smiled at Harry as the family lead him to their living room.

"So you're from England!? What's it like there?" Sayu asked in delight. She bounced over and sat eagerly next to him.

Harry chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. "It rains a lot over there and the smog and traffic are terrible in London but its still my home. I already miss it but I'm excited to be learning in a new country. The principal told me that if I had any questions to come and ask Light. I would have come earlier but it was a little hard to navigate through the streets."

The three present family members smiled warmly at the foreign teen. "Its alright. I'm sure Light would be happy to help." Sachiko informed soothingly.

"Who's this?"

Everyone turned to find Light entering the living room. Harry looked critically at the holder of the Death Note, knowing that he was being analyzed as well. "Hello. My name is Harry Potter and I am transferring to your high school. Sorry to intrude so late but the principal told me that if I needed any help I should talk to you, with you being the top student in the grade, Light Yagami."

Light studied the person in front of him. Definite foreigner. Though his eyes had a look of someone who had seen too much before their time. His messy black hair making his pale skin and green eyes stand out.

"Oh. Well why don't we go to my room and I can answer any questions that you have." Light smiled. Harry gave a quick bow to the other members before following after Light.

"I'll bring some tea up." Sachiko said as the two teens headed upstairs.

"So what kind of questions do you have? I'll try to answer them as best as I can. If you don't understand something just let me know, Potter-san." Light informed.

"Thank you. Please call me Harry." The Master of Death smiled.

"Alright Hari-san." Light began to look through his desk and when Harry's back was turned - his interest peaked by all the books on Light's bookshelf - Light quickly opened his secret compartment with the Death Note. It always paid to be extra cautious. Because there was something fishy with this Harry Potter. The school year was almost over, why would a student come that late into the year and then seek him out late at night? There was more going on, he could feel it.

Harry looked around the room in interest as Light was looking through his desk, Harry smirked. Looks like Light wanted to be prepared for anything.

Ryuk was standing in the corner laughing to himself about the turn of events. Harry smiled over to him and gave a small wink which earned more laughter from the Shinigami.

Light ignored the shinigami - not wanting to look insane in front of his guest - but Ryuk's laughter was beginning to grate on his nerves. After the tea was delivered, Light handed one to his guest and proceeded. "Feel free to ask anything."

Harry took a drink, a nostalgic look in his emerald eyes as he stared into the tea. Light watched him. The moonlight filtering from the curtains gave the delicate looking teen an ethereal glow and soon emerald eyes gazed into his own.

Light froze in his seat. It was like his soul was being searched and every secret he had locked away was being brought from the darkest part of his heart. It felt like eternity until green eyes looked away.

"Well..um.. I've only gone to a boarding school so...what's public school like?" Harry said embarrassed.

"A boarding school? Really?" Astonishment evident in Light's voice.

"Yes. I know. I don't look like I would ever go to a boarding school." Harry chuckled.

"No. Not really. But we learn the basic classes like Math, History, and all those plus electives." Light mentioned distractedly as he flipped open a notebook and began to write something down. It wasn't the Death Note but Harry knew it was hiding under the normal one as a precaution. Harry subtly watched him and smiled. It was time to re-introduce himself. "Light."

The ominous tone from Harry made him freeze as he wrote in his notebook. Did he see him take out the Death Note? No. His back was turned the whole time. It was just his imagination. He needed to keep calm.

"Yes Hari-san?"

"Did you know that shinigami love apples?" Harry asked nonchalantly. He watched the subtle changes in demeanor and body language. Light became tense though if one wasn't paying attention they would have missed it.

"What are you talking about Hari-san?" Light asked curiously. Inside he was seething and slightly panicking.

Who is he really? A spy for L? I'll have to get rid of him! Light thought furiously.

"No reason. Just curious if you knew."

Ryuk's laughter followed soon after. Light wanted to strangle that shinigami! Everything was just free entertainment for him!

"What a strange thing to ask." Light laughed good naturedly. Sneakily, he wrote in a corner of the Death Note, away from Harry's line of sight.

Harry Potter. Walks home from a friend's house to be ran over by a drunk driver on a main street at 8:30 p.m.

Light smiled in triumph. In just 40 seconds, Harry was going to die. The teen felt giddy and counted down with his watch. Harry continued to drink his tea, smiling to himself in victory, Light was rash and quick to action.

Just like Ron.





Light smiled to Harry as he finished the last of his tea. "Well I guess you'll be heading home now? Be careful on your way home."

"I'm not done with you yet...Light."

Light froze. How? How could he still be alive! He should be walking out and getting hit! Unless...he gave a fake name!? Anger seethed hrough him. He needed to get his real name.

"I didn't give you a fake name Light." Harry calmly stated. The shocked quietness from the teen was amusing. "In fact, I can't be killed by the Death Note."

Light clenched his hands in anger and frustration. He knew about the Death Note and on top he couldn't be killed by it. "Who are you?" he spat.

Harry smirked wickedly and waved towards the shinigami located in the corner. "Ryuk. Its been so long since we've last talked."

Ryuk was startled to be addressed so suddenly but was quick to move in front of Harry and kneel. "Yes Master."

"You know what the punishment is for dropping a Death Note in the human world is, don't you Ryuk?" Harry cooed. Ryuk gulped and nodded. "But I won't punish you...for now. I can see why this had become entertaining for you. You may rise."

"Yes Master." Ryuk was quick to move near a surprised Light. "M-master?" the teen choked.

Harry gave an oh-so-innocent smile - one that sent chills down Light's spine. "Yes. I am the Master of Death, Harry James Potter. Pleased to make your acquaintance Light Yagami."

I had to write down this story idea or it would've kept bugging me. So I hope it was interesting. Not sure if how much I'll update this. It depends if people like this I guess.