Hey guys! Wow, it has been a really, really long time. Hasn't it? I can't thank you enough for your patience with me. All of your support has been wonderful. I have received so many reviews promising nothing but love and support. It's one of those things that really restores your faith in humanity, you know?

Anyway, that's not quite what your hear for; is it? No, you guys want stories! Well, I'm hear to deliver. Now, I'm sorry to disappoint you with the news that this is not another chapter, but there is one coming up really soon!

So, the news is: I have two stories I'm working on. Breath of Life and Sprint with the Stars. Both of these stories are going to be updated every month on the 20th starting this month! So, twelve more days and you'll have another chapter of the both. As far as my other two, more popular, stories go: Relapse and Blood Stains- I am working on them. Relapse is a story I've struggled with. I started it pretty early on in my online writing "career" and had some trouble continuing it as I got better at writing and began expanding to different fandoms. I've recently had a spark for it, however, and I have a plan for it once again. I will be releasing the full, completed story all at once under a different title as soon as I finish it. Blood Stains is in a very weird spot. I have some ideas for it and scenes I want to write, but I'm not quite sure how to really start the next chapter. It's just... kind of there. I think I'm getting close though, so hopefully that will have an update soon. As for Hidden Scars, wow... it has been a really, really, really long time since that one has been updated. BUT; I finally have another one-shot in mind and yes, it's the sequel you've all been clamoring for. How to Save Your Future is plodding along. Why is it taking so long? Because I'm including the movies and the TV show. All of it. And it takes a realllllly long time to make transcripts from scratch. So, I'm sorry it's been so long, but that story still has a ways to go.

So, in short: Breath of Life and Sprint with the Stars will be receiving updates every 20th. Blood Stains is in a really weird place. Relapse and How to Save Your Future are... getting there. Hidden Scars will see a new one-shot/sequel soon.

I really hope what I've got planned lives up to the wait. Once again, thank you all so much for sticking with me.

See you all soon,


BTW; Breath of Life is being redone FROM SCRATCH. The original chapters are no longer valid. They are not to be considered this fanfic's canon and will be removed/replaced shortly.