The next day, while Dib was out looking for cryptids, Zim decided to put the final touches on the nursery. . . He had just finished putting the final touches on the trim, when Gir came running in, all excited,

"A big weird box thingy just arrived!"

Zim froze instantly. His heart sinking into the deepest depths of his squeedlyspooch.

"Gir. . . Did you touch the big weird box thingy?"

"Nope," Gir grinned widely, completely oblivious to the potential danger, "I did bring it inside, though."

Zim facepalmed,

"Dammit, Gir, do you realize the danger you've just put us in?"

"Woo, danger!" Gir exclaimed, happily.

Just then, before Zim could make a move to do or say anything, there was a loud crashing sound followed by what sound like growling.

"Shit," The Irken swore under his breath; he was in no condition to fight whatever it was so, instead he barked out an order, "Computer, lock down the nursery and alert Dib!"

The computer complied and within moments the nursery was completely sealed off from the rest of the house.

"Dib has been alerted to the emergency."

Zim heaved a sigh of relief and took a laser rifle out of his PAK. If whatever the thing was somehow managed to break in, he would be ready. He just hoped it wouldn't come down to that. . . There hadn't been a natural born smeet in centuries and Zim really didn't want to risk losing it.

Dib, get your smelly self home, now. . . I need you. . .