A/N: Sup, guys? For this fic, we're gonna have a bit of Deadpool, Inside Out, and Lunch from Dragon Ball alongside all the RWBY.

I don't own RWBY or any of the aforementioned copyright material. And without further ado, let's start!

Oh lord, why us?

The moment we get *urp* off of this foul beast will be the moment I, the great *urgh* and powerful Vermillion Arc, ERADICATE IT!

Throw us a bone here, I can't ogle any girls like this! I need *hmmph* my fill of boobs bouncing to the rhythm of the engine, dammit!

Try and calm *rrhh* yourselves down, we only have a couple minutes before the *urgh* Airship lands. And please, Se-leva, don't try and get us hurt.

Getting that pervert to NOT try and *urp* sexually harass the female students around us? Bleu, that's as likely as us getting laid.

Jaune, since you're in control now, could you kindly try and NOT *hrrrrngh* vomit? Because if we have to spend *mmmph* even 1 cent in cleaning clothes, I am calling bu*****t.

This was the madness that was happening in a poor, motion-sick Mr. Arc's mind right now as he tries not to heave all over his clothes, or the apparel of some of his potential classmates.

For example, the blonde girl standing not far from him wearing a rather… revealing outfit (Why can't I enjoy this?) involving short-shorts and a low top that exposed a (Nice) view of her above average cleavage. Or maybe the smaller, black-haired girl she has in a vice-like grip clad in Lolita-style clothes and a red hood (Would you go after that one? Sure- she seems a bit below average in size, but she is just adorable).

Meanwhile, our hero is currently clad in a set of grey protective gear over a black hoodie with jeans and a belt. On his back lay a white shield with two golden crescents on it, and sheathed inside was a sword. The name of this body is, as a nod to his messy, shining white head of hair with currently yellow highlights that match his currently amber eyes, Blanc Arc. Yes, I said body. This is because, if you haven't guessed, his mind is all shattered in six distinct personalities. The fragment currently in the driver's seat was the cowardly (c'mon, really?) Jaune Arc.

Jaune tuned out his surroundings so that he could concentrate more on not letting his body vomit. After all, he didn't want someone to slip and fall on his barf. Nor did he want anyone's clothes to get soiled, especially considering the fact that anyone on board can most likely kick his ass (I ACCEPT ALL CHALLENGERS! Come and let me see your skills, fellow hunters! Taking all bets on us winning!). He especially didn't want anyone to peg him as vomit boy. Sadly, after a video introduction to Beacon Academy by a- what was it again? (Her name was Goodwitch. Better remember the name of our potential professor, because the view of the valley is lovely!) Ah yes, after a video intro to Beacon by Professor Goodwitch, poor Jaune was subjugated to a nice view of outside the air ship. Which involved a look at how loooong the drop was from said airship, which worsened his condition further. Unfortunately for Jaune, he was tipped over the edge when the airship, at that moment, decided to lurch forwards, forcing Jaune so lose his lunch (A waste of 35 lien).

"Oh gross! Yang, some of it got on your shoe!"

"Eww, get it off, get it off, get it off!"

Called it

Great, we'll be lucky if she doesn't charge us for ruining her boots

Don't overreact

At least I get a good view of her jugs bouncing up and down

Oh lord, why us?


Was basically all that went through the minds of each fragment of Blanc Arc as the Airship touched the ground. That is, except Jaune, who was too busy thinking,

Trash can, trash can, need to get a trash can!

After he found said trashcan and filled it with his vomit, Jaune finally decided to take a look at the school he would be going to, thoroughly stunning him, Se-leva and Vert. What the young Arc saw was nothing short of a fairytale castle- towering arches, high towers, and an expansive courtyard. And of course, the famous central tower with which Beacon is known for.

Oh wow! How much did it cost to build all that?

Let's hope their locker rooms are unisex!

It truly is a sight to behold.

Show me the arena! I want to see the arena!


So this is where father became a huntsman…

Jaune looked down at his feet, worried. After all, wouldn't anyone be if they were the ones who would carry the name of a partially famous family? And honestly felt that they weren't good enough for it? Because of him, even the family's precious sword, Crocea Mors, was shattered and had to be reforged.

Don't beat yourself for it, Jaune. After all, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Bleu is right. All six of us have come leaps and bounds from where we were, and look at our body now! We, Blanc Arc, can fight!

Bleu, don't try and sing. And Vermillion, we may have the same body, but our skills are different. Besides, Jaune is the fragment of cowardice.

That may be true, but Jaune has us to help him out.

Who knows, we might run into a nice (looking) girl who can help us help him.

Just as long as we don't have to pay her for lessons.

Guys… thank you.

He looked off to the side, and saw the red-hooded girl from earlier being chewed out by an apparently rich teen dressed in white waving around a vial of red dust that was slowly- forming a cloud?

Oh, that can't be good.

A cork stopper? Really?

Hey, she has our hair color! I say we make her pay royalties!

She doesn't seem to be too physically strong, unlike the red and yellow girls. But the fact that she's here… I'm excited to see what private combat instructors can do for a girl like her!

I want to see what WE can do for her! Just look at her, she is gorgeous!

It appears that the hooded one is about to sneeze from the cloud of red dust.

Wait, wouldn't that cause a-

Mr. Arc's internal conversation was abruptly halted by the sudden, unmistakable noise of an explosion.

The girls! Are they alright? The girls! Are they alright?

Luckily, the red and white duo seemed to be fine, aside from the soot covering their clothes. But as with all explosions, this one kicked up a bit of dust, the non-crystalline kind. A cloud of dust was currently making its way to the young knight. And what happens to a person if they inhale some dust?

"Ah… ah… AHCHOOOO!"

Allows to take a trip into the knight's psyche, shall we? Blanc Arc's mind is a white void, with a monitor, control panel, swivel chair, spinner with the face of each occupant of the room on it, and a couch. Sitting on said couch were five individuals, each wearing a coloured suit and black tie.

Sitting on the far left, wearing a crimson suit that matched his red highlights and red eyes, was Vermillion Arc. He is the fragment that is Jaune's hot-blooded side- always wanting to fight, always a raging demon. Sitting next to him, wearing an orange suit that went with his orange eyes and highlights, was Souci Arc. Just like how his name sounds, Souci is saucy, salty, insulting, etc. He also tends to be the most uncaring of Blanc Arc's fragments. Next to Souci, with an emerald suit, eyes, and highlights, was Vert Arc. Vert is a fan of the green things in life, like money, and cash, and lien. He is the fragment of Blanc Arc's greed, though mostly money. Following green is blue, or more precisely, Bleu Arc. This part of Blanc's personality is silent, wise, and is a generally cool guy to hang around. On the far right is the purple, perverted Se-leva Arc. He is Blanc Arc's passion, and while passion tends to take many forms, for hormonal teenagers women tends to be on the front of the mind.

At the control panel, currently the one driving Blanc, was the yellow Jaune Arc. Yellow being used as a synonym for cowardice here. He is the part of Blanc that is his insecurities and fears.

These are the fragments of Blanc Arc, each with their own unique personalities. Each one unique, but loyal and caring.

The moment Blanc's body sneezed, the swivel chair suddenly went *sproing!* and sent Jaune flying and screaming to his seat in between Souci and Vert. As this happened, the spinner started to, well, spin.


"I want to chat with the pretty girls! I hope it's my turn to control now!"

"Let's see which of us gets selected."

As it slowed down, the spinner finally stopped with its arrow on… Souci Arc.



"Sounds of screaming."

With a *plop*, Souci landed in the swivel chair, and looked up at the monitor. The monitor is what allows the Arc's in Blanc's mind to view the outside world. What they were viewing was the rich girl in white, once again, bombarding the girl with the hood. Sensing a perfect opportunity to insult someone, Souci moved one foot forwards.

As Souci moved forward, in his peripheral vision he spotted a girl dressed in black with amber eyes, a black bow, and walked with the grace one commonly associates with cats.

She appears to be a cat faunus, attempting to hide.

Attempting being the key word here. We could do a better job trying to fool someone that we're a girl.

That breast size is quite nice, if I do say so myself. If I remember correctly, faunus body parts are very sensitive. That would be something fun to play with.

If this girl is a cat faunus, she would be agile and hard to hit in a fight. Also, she has the eyes of an experienced warrior. Might be a fun battle.

Oh great, another girl we have no chance with who could probably kick my ass.

As Souci reached the trio, he heard some interesting information relayed by the faunus in black.

"It's heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of Remnant's largest producers of energy propellant."

Those guys? She's the heiress to those guys? Insult her the worst you can Souci. The prices on their dust are too high for my tastes!

"Hmmph, finally some recognition." Stated the now identified Weiss, arms crossed and nose in the air.

"The same company infamous for their controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." Replied the faunus.

Not bad. But if you want to insult her…

"Her? The heiress to that company? You must be joking." As he said this, the trio turned to look at the new comer, each with mixed reactions. The hooded one gave him a look of confusion, the faunus looked at him and blushed (Score!), and the tiny heiress looked at him with indignation. "If she really was the heiress to a dust company, she would at least know to not use a cheap cork stopper on a vial of powdered dust. Or is daddy's company too cheap to use a good stopper, or give their workers a good enough pay that it isn't controversial." With that, Weiss Schnee just gave a cry of rage, and walked off after giving Souci the coldest gaze she could muster.

I think I pissed myself.

Dammit Jaune, not on the couch!

The three of the watched her walk off, before the hooded girl turned towards the faunus with the intention to thank her- only to find the she was also walking away. With a visage that said, "I give up", she fell on her back, muttering,

"Welcome to Beacon."

Aw, look at her, she's like a kicked puppy. We should help, who knows, we might get rewarded!

Hopefully in cash.

sigh, Alright I'll help her.

The girl on the ground, from the corner of her eye, saw the young man with white and orange hair walk over to her, hand stretched out. After a few moments, he finally said,

"Well? Are you gonna take it or not?"

Feeling a blush of embarrassment, she took the hand he was offering and felt herself get pulled up to her feet.

"Thanks, for this and earlier."

"Don't mention it."

She gave him another curious glance, before chuckling and saying,

"Aren't you the guy who threw up on the airship?"


"Look, I'm sorry! Vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind!"

"Apology accepted… Crater Face."

These were the words that could be heard in the courtyard of the prestigious Beacon Academy as two teens, a short one with a red hood and a tall one with white and orange hair, were making their way towards the amphitheater.

"Hey, that explosion was an accident! I didn't mean to make her get mad at me!"

"I did, insulting a stuck-up bitch like her is fun. By the way, my name is Blanc Souci Arc."

"I'm Ruby Rose. Nice to meet you, Blanc!"


After this short exchange, the pair were walking in silence. Both interpreted it in a different way, though. Souci was enjoying the silence as they walked. (C'mon, make conversation! I want to know more about a cute girl like her! Shut up, I like this silence.) Ruby however, felt that the silence was awkward. So, she decided to cut up the awkwardness between them by talking about her favorite subject: weapons!

"Soooo, I got this thing!"

With a flourish, Ruby brought out her weapon, mecha-shifted it into scythe mode, and impaled it into the ground next to Souci who, due to the dust kicked up, promptly sneezed.


"Bless you."

"Thank you. And nice gun scythe by the way."

Surprised at her companion's change of tone, she took a look at Blanc to see that his highlights and eye color changed from an orange to a dark blue color.

"Woah! Blanc, your eyes and hair changed color!"

Expecting this sort of reaction, Bleu decided to explain it now rather than keep it for later.

"Yes, Ruby, I know. Because of something that happened when I was ten, my personality is broken up into six different pieces- Vermillion, Souci, Jaune, Vert, Bleu, and Se-leva. The personality in control of the body changes whenever we sneeze. I am Blanc Bleu Arc. An interesting side effect of what happened is that my eyes and highlights change color to match whichever personality was brought out. Is that explanation good enough for you?"

Ruby's eyes bugged out. Multiple personalities!? What!? That's… actually kind of cool, now that she thought about it. He has six different personalities, right so that means six different friends all rolled into one, right? The more friends she has, the better she was off here in Beacon.

"That's so cool! If we become besties, I'll have, like, six different besties all rolled into one! Oh, let me see your weapon! Or weapons. Does each of your personalities have different weapons they use?"

Awww, friendzoned. Wait, friends have the potential to become something more! There is a bright side to this! And by the way, my weapon is my -

"Calm down, young Rose. No, each personality shares the weapon on my back. Here, I'll show you."

With practiced ease, Bleu took his kite shield from his back and unsheathed his sword, exposing its odd space in the middle that make it look like a pair of katanas joined together.

"This here is my sword and shield combination, Crocea Mors."

"Ooooh, what does it do?"

"The shield acts as a sheath for my sword. I can also rotate where the straps are on my arm so that the pointed end of my shield is facing the enemy. To the sides of where the sheath part is, there are two gun barrels- one on each side- that each shoot 13mm rounds. The magazines for each barrel are on the flat end of the shield, and the firing mechanism is the Arc crest on the center of the shield, which can be pressed down to fire my rounds. This is the reason why I swivel it between gun and shield mode- when acting as a shield, meaning pointed end towards the outside of my arm, The crest is locked into place, making sure that no rounds are fired when I'm defending. The sword is actually two katanas connected together- when connected, it acts as a broadsword. I can also disconnect them and dual wield my katanas, this is especially useful if my shield-gun has been compromised."

As Bleu finished, he looked to where Ruby had been standing, only to see her eyes sparkling and her body transformed into a chibi-like state.

"That sounds so cool! Did you make it yourself just like I did with my baby, Crescent Rose?"

Baby? Great, a weapon's nut.

"No, actually. We- as in me and my other personalities- decided to reforge and modify our family's ancestral weapon after it shattered due to an accident. Before, it used to be just a simple sword and shield."

"Well, I like it. It's nice for you to revive your family heirloom like that. No one seems to appreciate the classics nowadays."

"Not everyone, just many of them."

They continued their walk in silence. Not wanting for it to get too awkward, Ruby decided to make more conversation.

"So, Blanc, why did you help me back there? In the courtyard?"

"Should me or any of my other personalities have a reason to help someone in need?"

YES! Especially girls!

Yes, especially if they have cash.

Yes, so that she won't beat us up later.

Shut up.

"Huh." Glancing around, the scythe wielder noticed something was wrong, and stopped walking. "Hey, do you know where we're going?"

Meanwhile, Bleu continued to walk in the direction they were headed an answered,

"Yes, the amphitheater. Don't worry, we aren't lost. Just follow the large amount of noise coming from that general direction."

"Okay. Hey, Blanc, wait for me!"

A/N: So, how'd you guys like it? And if you're a little confused on as to who's talking among Blanc's multiple personalities:

Vermillion Arc- vermillion as a shade of red

Souci Arc- marigold orange

Jaune Arc- classic yellow

Vert Arc- green

Bleu Arc- blue

Se-leva Arc- rosy (hey, it's a shade of violet at least!)

Don't expect updates to be linear or anything. I'll work on this story when I have free time, but as a freshman at one of the U.S.'s top five high schools in the nation, I won't have much. So, I'll see you whenever!