"OKTAVIA-CHAN DIED!", cried Kriemhild.

"They seemed to be tougher than they look.", said Candeloro.

"No more messing around, let's kill everyone in that shelter and destroy it all!", said Ophelia.

"I agree with Ophelia, but we have to make sure nothing gets in our way.", said Homulilly.

"For now we have to stick together. We will deal with them after finishing with more important matters.", said Kriemhild.

They all turned into their witch forms and marched to where the shelter might be. Their steps crack the very Earth that they stand on. Everything feared these witches as they pulled forward, including nonliving objects. Their minions gather up at their master's feet dancing as if there is a parade coming. Some of these minions were squished by their own masters.

It was a moment where everything around was in despair and they got nearer to the shelter filled with innocent lives. Darkness spreads as they draw nearer and nearer. They then heard someone shouted, "Let's see ya grit those teeth!", from their backs.

The witches looked behind and saw a robot that is a parody of Gurren Lagann prepared for battle. Kriemhild just laughed on what humanity literally relied on as their only hope. Though Homulilly stayed calmed as she knows what they are capable of after Oktavia's death.

"Who might you be?", asked Kriemhild.

"Who the hell do you think I am?!", said Tomohisa.

"Woop da ell da ya thank I am?!", said Baby Tatsuya.

"A father and his baby son. How irresponsible?", said Kriemhild.

"Don't you dare criticize my method of madness. My son and I will kick your ass.", said Tomohisa.

"Let's see about it.", said Kriemhild.

A bunch of minions all gathered up at the robot, but the mech used its rather quick reflexes and hand to hand combat to fend off these pests. The main pilot shouted, "Ha, all of this us just cannon fodder."

"Arrogant fool. I'll eat you alive.", shouted Ophelia.

The witch charges at the mech only to have a drill thrust into her chest. Ophelia dropped dead and all that was left of her is a grief seed. Candeloro used this chance to wrap the mech in ribbons only to have the mech rip it all apart with its drills.

All the drills come together to make a bigger drill and it was used to eliminate Candeloro. Homulilly decides to take matter in her own hands and attempt to punch the robot. Tatsuya with his quick thinking, despite being a baby, pressed a random button and missiles shaped like drills went after Homulilly.

The mech then punched the witch, thus killing it. Kreimhild had enough of this and prepares an attack that will end the mech. The parody of Gurren Lagann tried to drill through the mountain sized witch, but it was pointless. The witch pushes the mech aside and it went rolling on the floor.

Suddenly, three teens in power suits appear and got on the mech. Tomohisa was shocked to see them inside the robot with him. The three teens took off their helmets and wiped off their sweat.

"Hello Mr. Kaname.", said Hitomi.

"What are you guys doing here?", asked Tomohisa.

"We got a call that we can combine our robots with yours to make it bad ass enough to kill this witch.", said Kyousuke.

"Excellent!", said Tomohisa, "Let's do it!"

The broken robot from the previous chapter came and merged with Tomohisa's robot. It then got bigger into a more bad ass version of the original. It stood their proudly as Kriemhild looked more angry.

The two went at each other, even at their own game. The fight took a while until Kriemhild decides to changed into her human form for plan B. She did so and landed on the window side of the mech's chest. Tomohisa was shocked to see what Kriemhild presented to him.

"Madoka?", asked the man.

"Onee-chan!", cried Tatsuya.

"I used to be Madoka Kaname, now I am Kriehild Gretchen.", said the witch.

"This must be a trick right?", asked Kyousuke.

"No tricks.", said Kriemhild, "You know I never told a lie before papa, so I'll tell you everything right now. Those other witches, they were girls like me before our soul gems grew corrupted."

"Say what?", asked Tomohisa.

"We became magical girls to be the defenders of justice, but alas we payed a hefty price. Our souls were removed from our bodies, making us like zombies.", said Kriemhild, "Once our soul fed with enough despair, we became witches. Like the one in you are seeing now."

"Madoka, if this is true. I will free you of your pain because I am your father.", said Tomohisa.

"Oh. You would kill your own daughter.", said Kriemhild.

"I know my daughter would never do any of this. If she is gone,", said Tomohisa pointing at his chest, "She will always be right here."

"Your daughter was always useless. why would you even care if she died or not?", asked the witch.

"Because every morning, she was always grateful for the meals I served her, she always brought a smile with the family, and I love her as her father.", said Tomohisa, "For that, I will free you."

"Plan C it is. Crap must stay as crap!", said the witch.

Kriemhild turned back into her witch form and attacked the mech. Tomohisa with his son and the teenage team used all of their might to end Kriemhild's strong body. They kept drilling their way through the witch as Kriemhild kept on screaming in pain. There was nothing she can do since she is in terrible pain.

The moment that the mech finally got through her, she was finally felt some relief. She turned back to Madoka Kaname as she fell and said her final words.

"I'm sorry everyone for being so selfish. I wanted to be useful and important.", said Madoka before disappearing away with a grief seed remaining.

Tomohisa got out of his mech along with his baby son and the three rangers. They stood there mourning for the death of Madoka Kaname and her friends. Tatsuya has no idea what is going one since he thought that he just defeated a monster.

Helicopters came with Mr. Shizuki and Junko Kaname coming for their loved ones. It was a glorious moment, but then Hitomi had to tell everyone the sad truth. Everyone felt bad that they actually killed five girls that day, but Tomohisa pointed up in the sky and said. His sunglasses shined and his cape brushed through the wind with grace.

"We may have lost five girls today, but we should not let their deaths deprive us of our future. We must move forward to tomorrow!"

"That's just you being bad ass. That's why I love you.", said Junko.

The woman kissed his husband before slapping him. Everyone was dumbfounded at the sight of their heroes being slapped by his wife.

"But don't you ever get our son involved in your madness. We lost one daughter already.", said Junko.

"I'm sorry, but at least he's safe.", said Tomohisa.

The two watch as their son play around with the other new heroes of humanity like with those people in suits in those amusement parks. It was a rather one of the stranger disasters since they finally got giant robots into play. At least everyone have their happy ending.

Madoka and her friends found their way out of the cycle and can now rest in peace.