"Let's be monsters together."

Those were Madoka Kaname's last words to Homura Akemi before she turned into a witch.


After the big storm, five new witches were born. They walked on the Earth, destroying everything in their way. People are currently in the shelters to stay safe, but they have to look at the destruction of their town.

One of these witches looks like a mountain sized being who conquers everything with every step. Next to her is a giant with the top half of her head is missing. She wore a big black dress and appears to look a bit like a skeleton.

"Isn't this fun Homura-chan?! ", said Kriemhild Gretchen/Madoka.

"Come now Kriem-chan. Call me by my witch name Homulily.", said Homulilly/Homura.

"Okay.", said Kriemhild Gretchen, "And look, there's Oktavia von Seckendorff-chan, Candeloro-san, and Ophelia-chan!"

"Hey hey! Its been a while Kriemhild. Save some of the city for me!", said Oktavia/Sayaka who was passing by.

"Oh come now girls. Let's take our time to make the fun last.", said Candeloro/Mami.

"Well I'm a bit hungry. You girls wanna grab some grub before destroying more things", said Ophelia/Kyoko.

"Yeah! Breakfast was a few hours ago and it is important to have three meals a day.", said Kriemhild.

"I'll set up the tables for tea and cake.", said Candeloro.

So Candeloro creates a table filled with sweets and tea. The witches then take in a more human like form that resembles their old selves. They all sat onto the chairs and looked at each others appearances.

Kriemhild had a black dress with black ribbons tying up her pink twin tails. Her human appearance is smaller than the other girls, but at least she's the biggest in her witch form.

Homulilly wore the same dress as she did before and wore a red ribbon on her raven colored hair. She had a witch's hat beside her, but hangs it on her chair.

Oktavia kept her mechanical arms and fish tail, but has a more human like face. Her crown seems like it was slipping, but it stayed where it was.

Candeloro looks like her old self with the dress she is currently wearing. She kept this innocent and cute look despite being the senior of the group.

Ophelia appears in her old human form in her robes and clothing, with her horse beside her. Her eyes glowed with the fire of her witch form with her face giving off the same aura.

"It's time to eat.", said the witches.


The General of the Japanese Military was walking around trying to have an idea of what to do now. He haven't seen Japan like this since the constant Power Ranger fights. One soldier came and gave out the report.

"Sir! Project Impossible has fallen behind schedule, but there is another option that will help fight the Kaijus in the meantime.", said the soldier, "They might as well be humanity's new hope."

"Just give it to me straight soldier!", said the General.

"We need teens with attitude!", replied the Soldier.

"Now where will we find that?!", asked the General.

Suddenly the man funding this whole Kaiju defense team, Mr. Shizuki, came to talk with the General. The General looked at the rich man as if it was a bad time to barge right in. Though Mr. Shizuki looks as if it was important.

"I want to tell you that I am only funding your project because the Shizuki family has strong ties with the military. And I see signs that it is being used for child's play!", Mr. Shizuki screamed.

"I assure you that we are using it for the benefit of humanity!", said the General.

"Why are you using it to make a giant robot?! This isn't a movie!", Mr. Shizuki screamed.

"Sir! We have to deal with five giant monsters and we had to resort combating it with mechs! So unless you have a more realistic idea, we need you to fund this and that other plan that was recently reported to me!", said the General.

"Even my own 14 year old daughter, Hitomi, is more mature and logical than you!", screamed Mr. Shizuki.

"Did you say 14 year old daughter?", asked the soldier from before.

"Yes. My daughter can say a bunch of strange stuff that happen in school, but it makes better sense than what Project Impossible has to offer!", said Mr. Shizuki, "You know why? Because it's in reality!"

"Does your daughter have friends?", asked the soldier.

"Yes, why do you ask?", asked Mr. Shizuki.

"We just found the one who will save the world.", said the soldier.


"I call tidal wave!", said Oktavia.

"No fair. I want to burn the place to the ground!", cried Ophelia.

"Oktavia did called dibs before our meal so just let her. We'll just watch.", said Homulilly.

"That's so boring.", said Ophelia.

The other witches stood at the side as Oktavia prepares to release a giant wave from the ocean. She got out her conductor stick and her minions played a terrifying song with the music notes as the raging waters.

The music notes purges through the city, drowning everything it sees. Fluid as the ocean, Oktavia surfed on it while waving her conductor stick. Her hand motions guided her way through the destroyed city like a water slide.

When the music is done, the city was left in shambles. Her minions sat in chairs like the ones you see in theaters and phrased their master's performance. Kriemhild applauded with the minions while the other witches smiled at the destruction.

"That was beautiful Oktavia!", cried Kriemhild.

"Thanks.", said Oktavia.

"An amazing performance.", said Candeloro.

"I think its cool.", said Ophelia.

Homulilly just shrugged to show that she was okay with it. The witch then notices that they are still in their human forms.

"Pity. We forgot to change back to out witch forms.", said Homulilly.

"Matters not. I think I feel comfortable like this.", said Kriemhild.


A girl with green hair and two other guys that she have known in her class walked through the base. That girl is Hitomi Shizuki and the other boys are Kyousuke Kamijou and Nakazawa (The guy Saotome-sensei harass about her boyfriend problems.)

The three entered a door and was surprised to see the General himself. Mr. Shizuki struggled to retain his posture since his own daughter is here.

"Dad. What's going on?", asked Hitomi.

"I think its best to let the General explain.", said her father, "It too silly for me to explain."

"How will you kids like to become Power Rangers or Super Sentai or crap like that?", asked the General.

"Eh!", cried Hitomi.

"They are real?", asked Kyousuke.

"I'm not really into those things.", replied Nakazawa.

"Today is you lucky day because you three are the only teenagers that I can think of that will save all of humanity in spandexs.", said the General.

"No way. This is something out of an anime.", said Hitomi.

"I told you it was too weird.", said Mr. Shizuki.

The General gave each of the teens a transformation belt for them to transform. Hitomi looked dumbfounded about the whole thing. Kyousuke felt a bit uneasy as he puts his belt on. Nakazawa don't give a f***.

"Just do a random pose and yell Henshin! Afterwards, come up with some dumb roll call and team name. You will transform and be able to fight the recent Kaiju threats.", said the General.

"HENSHIN!", yelled the three kids as they transformed.

The three wore identical helmets and suits, but they each are in different colors. However Hitomi's suit has a skirt. The outifts were shiny and plastic looking since they look like Halloween costumes.

"Red ranger! Go!", said Nakazawa.

"Blue ranger! Go!", said Kyousuke.

"Yellow ranger! Go!", said Hitomi.

"Banzai Sentai Seikaiger", said the teens.

"This is embarrassing.", said Hitomi.

"This looks cool I guess.", said Nakazawa.

"Don't we need special training?", asked Kyousuke.

"Training. Nah. I bet you kids got it. These suits give you super powers anyways.", said the General, "Now go out there and fight!"

The three kids are then teleported to where the witches might be. The General sat back and smoked a cigar while Mr. Shizuki looked worried about his daughter fighting. It's either these kids or Project Impossible who will save the day.