"Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart...Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart..."

"Chase? You're here? Like really here?" Bree asked as she immediately stopped the fighting and arguing with her siblings. Her fist was raised comically in the air, the other wrapped around the front of her brothers shirt, pulling his face upwards towards her raised fist, and after hearing her sweet younger brothers voice, she had craned her head to the side to face him. "Took you long enough." She said with a grin towards him.

"Oi! Not all of us an be as speedy as you Bree." Chase said with a grin and a snicker of laughter as he stood from where he was previously lying. "You may want to let go of Leo, he looks as though he's going to go into shock."

Bree grinned sheepishly as she carefully let go of Leo, smoothing down his StarWars shirt, "You had some dust on your collar." She spoke quickly, finding an excuse as to why she was holding him in a tight grip. Leo blanched as he looked down at his crumpled shirt. "Aw man..seriously? I'm away to change...this was my favourite shirt too.." He moaned as he slipped out of the lab.

"CHASEY!" Adam shouted finally get over his initial shock at seeing his brother."WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE-." He sang as he pointed to Chase's feet, who immediately sweet dropped. "Ugh..shoes?" He repeated before looking over to his father. "So, nice weather we're having huh?"

"Yeah it has been nice.." Douglas started before being interrupted by Donald, "What do you mean nice weather? Where have you been? Don't change the subject!" He screeched.

"Ears!" Chase winched covering his sensitive ears from the loud penetrating sound. "Ouch! I've been busy, unlike you guys." He said with a smirk.

"GUYS!" Leo shouted returning to the lab. "TURN ON THE NEWS NOW!" He continued. "QUICK, YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!"

Chase seeing that it must be something urgent, turned on the news to be confronted of a news reporter with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Last night, the body of Cathleen Brooks was found up north in the home she shared with her husband and children, all of whom are missing. Cathleen a former reported was found dead, police suspect it was the work of a madman. They urge that if you have any information concerning Victor Krane to please speak up, so that Mrs Brooks and her family can rest in peace." The reporters name flashed on the screen for a second, stored in Chase's mental data base, Rayne Wisconsin.

"We need to stop him. He's actually resorted to murdering innocents now. He's a threat." Bree stated as she looked away from the television. "I suppose we have to track him down, but how?"

"Why don't we use someone as bait, and wait him out. Sooner or later he will come back for me. I bet that since I was able to break the controls he had on my mind, he is working to fix it and make the bonds harder to snap before he calls Spike back. Maybe you can get Spike to co-operate and get him to track the data-bugs left behind once I turn without him comprehending and get a solid lead on Victor, whilst I work from the inside to break free and come back." Chase said.

"I can't see many faults with that statement, and it 's the only idea we have so far, so I say lets go for it." Donald said, "But first let me upgrade your tracker on your chip and we can use to analyse any residue left behind by the nano bugs used that will trap you. Maybe we can set up an intercom and a small video recording, so that when you're in your mind, we can get feedback on your surrounding areas and see how we can try and help you escape. God only knows how willing Spike will be to help you at all. As we do that, Tasha and Leo can go and interview this Rayne Wisconsin, and Adam and Douglas and Bree can do investigate the crime scene. Douggie, I expect you to take a cloak or a glamour so that you can investigate without the police or FBI getting suspicious."

"Got it, sounds good Donnie." Douglas replied as he began to search throughout the lab for any machinery or equipment that looked useful. "Ooooh, this is going to be so much fun!" He said in mock enthusiasm.

"Don't try to sleep through the end of the world, And bury me alive, 'Cause I won't give up without a fight..."

OH DEAR PANCAKES! This chapter was very late on my part. I have become swamped with school work and I am so very glad that is is mid-term at the moment. So yeah this is a very short Authors Note, because I am extremely tired and am going to conk out at any given moment.


-Savannah Hayes :)