Hi peeps! I haven't ben on in MONTHS! Well, better late than never. So, yep. My first one shot collection! And, my new obsession, Sisters Grimm! Yay!

"I'm bored!" Exclaimed an annoyed Daphne Grimm.

Every one else grunted in agreement, eexcept for Basil. He said something more like, "Blurgflurpiansh!" "So," Sabrina said, "what do you want to do?"

Daphne pondered for a moment, before deciding on what to do. "Let's go find Narnia!"

Sabrina stood up. "Well, I'm out of here," She decided, attempting to walk out of the room. Unfortunately, Puck decided to grab her leg, pulling her onto the floor.

"Marshmallow said we are going to find Narnia. So, we are .Find. Narnia."

Sabrina groaned.

9 hours later...

"That was fun!" Red cried.

"Let's go find Wonderland next week!" Daphne said with extreme enthusiasm.

"Can we bring food next time?" Puck groaned. "It was getting boring."

Sabrina smirked. "Now you know why I wanted to stay behind."

The group had had a lot of troubles after walking into the magical world. Not to mention Sabrina was getting a bad case of addiction with all the magic everywhere. So, know, Daphne and Red would just have to travel by themselves for now on.

So, love it? Hate it? Please review and give me more prompts!