ACW mayhem part 6
Hope you all enjoy
Private: no cameras, personal or after show stuff
TaNaya was siting in her locker room by her self thinking of Jon callous, she was surprised that he helped her and her sisters...
"Ok everyone it's time for the main event, a 6 man tornado tag team!" JBL says
Big show, kane and undertaker are out the and so is the ACW team, Jon callous, Eddie styles, and frost shadow.
Jon went and closelines Kane out of the ring, big show has Eddie ad frost in a Chokeslam hold and kicked big show in the gut, he did it some more and big show let then go, Eddie hit a jumping enzugiri on big show making the the giant stumble, frost hit a superman punch and the ACW champion was almost off his feet, Jon some how got his foot up and hit a big boot, taking show out.
Undertaker then came out and hit a double closeline on Eddie and frost. Undertaker and Jon got in eachother a faces and undertaker grabbed his son by the throat and looked him in the eyes, Jon did the same thing, Kane was in and up and kicked Jon in the gut and undertaker and Kane did a double chokeslam, undertaker went for the cover.
Springboard 450° splash onto undertakers right leg, by Eddie styles, breaking the pin.
Undertaker grabbed his right leg and gasped. Kane went at Eddie but frost was in and hit a jumping DDT! Big show was in the ring and spear'd Jon ad frost. Eddie was the only one left standing big show got up and grabbed Eddie by the throat and then chokeslamed him over the top rope, but Eddie was able to land on his feet and grabbed a steel chair, when big show got out, Eddie ran in and hit Kane with the chair.
Jon stumbled up and grabbed undertaker and threw him over the rope with him.
Big show got in and chokeslamed Eddie onto the steel chair. And he went to pin.
Break by frost!
Frost grabbed show and gave him a DDT, Eddie rolled out to the ropes and started to get up, Jon had undertaker on the out side and slammed takers head into the pole, Kane Went for a big boot and Jon caught it, then he tossed Kane over the barricade and then did the same to undertaker.
Big show was getting up and saw it was three on one, Eddie styles went top rope, Jon hit a deadman's hand, knocking bit show down for a second, Eddie hit a Phoenix splash, and frost hit a frost bite, but show got up, Jon hit a big kick, a jumping enzugiri from Eddie, and another frost bite and then frost covered his opponent!
"Here is your winners team ACW!" Said Lillian.
Eddie styles then looked at big show and saw he was getting up and so he then he went to the ropes and hit a extreme forearm (phenomenal forearm) on big show. He then grabbed his case and gave it to the ref, but was blasted from behind by Trivolt, who gave his case to the ref.
Trivolt hit a strong style knee strike on the big show and went for the cover.
Kick out by the giant
Trivolt got up and lifted the giant on his back, at this the crowed went wild, wild that this is the main event of mayhem! Trivolt then somehow hit a voltage (Samoan driver) and covers
Kick out
Big show barely kicked out, Trivolt got up and hit another strong style knee strike and went for a cover!
"Here is your winner...AND NEW ACW CHAMPION, TRIVOLT" Lillian announced to the crowed.
Trivolt was on his knees with the ACW championship on his shoulder and he could not believe it! Bayley ran over from the announce table and hugged him tight. Trivolt raised his title and looked at frost shadow, who he is going to face at the next PPV in the eye.
"Well that was great, I'm JBL and this was ACW mayhem! Have a great night everyone!" JBL announced
I hope you all enjoyed