Note before the story. If you have a squeamish stomach, proceed at your own risk. There is a torture scene is this chapter, and in some chapters to follow. Again, read at your own risk.

The sound of splashing water filled the desolate, abandoned building. A small candle provided the only light. There, a masked man stood over a man, arms flailing, trying to raise his head for air. After a few seconds, the masked man relented and allowed his head to leave the water. Gasping and coughing, the man looked at him. "You'll…kill me…if you keep this up."

"Isn't that the point of torture? Painfully killing a person until he gets the information he wants?"

"I'm telling you. I don't know anything more than what the public knows about EK-7."

The masked man squatted and stared. "I know that's a lie. You were the lead detective for that case. You know more about that case than any other person on the planet."

The man looked away. Standing up, the masked man sighed. "I really was hoping that this wouldn't get any uglier than it had to be, Detective Urith, but you leave me no choice. Now I have to resort to less…unsavory means."

Detective Urith started breathing heavily, fear coursing through his body. The man walked up and slammed his head into the cold ground. Urith could feel his arms being tied, preventing him from fighting back. The man lifted him in the air and put him on a metal table, strapping him down. "You ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition?"

Urith was silent. Hearing shuffing, he looked up, in time to see a fist fly into his face. "Answer the question!"

Blood pouring out from his now broken nose, Urith groaned. "Yes…I have."

"Good, at least you are somewhat educated. As you know, the Inquisition was a Catholic organization that tortured Protestants and Jews, to either convert back to Catholicism or perish. Their dealings with these people were written down, preserved for future generations to know the 'atrocities' they committed."

The masked man took out a glass box, the top being left open. "One such atrocity, was pure genius."

The man set the glass box on the table. "Small animals were used in the torture too. Sometimes, victims were strapped own, unable to move, and all the vermin and filth was swept onto the poor soul. Disease usually followed, and medicine back then was…hit and miss at best. However, we don't have days, so I must speed things up."

The man reached down and picked up a cardboard box. Opening the top, he put on gloves and reached inside, taking out a rat. Walking over to the glass box, he set the rat inside. He repeated the process two times, and walked towards Detective Urith, squatting down near his face. "Detective, I'm a man better than the Inquisition. I am offering you one last chance to save yourself and tell me what I want to know."

Urith shook his head. "We have nothing to discuss."

Sighing, the man stood back up. "I was really that it wouldn't come to this. Listen, can you hear anything?"

Urith looked around. "Other than rats squeaking, nothing."

"Exactly. We're in a remote location. No one will hear your screams."

Taking the glass box, he quickly flipped it over onto Urith's stomach. The rats fell down and were scurrying across Urith's stomach.

Taking duct tape, the man strapped the box firmly onto him. "The Inquisition used this method on several victims. It's excruciatingly painful, and there was no guarantees of survival, even if the victim relented in the middle and converted back to Catholicism." The man picked up a small device. "This device is used to create heat, like a heater." He set the device on the glass box. "Again, I plead with you, tell me what you know."

Urith just stared at the man. Sighing, he turned the device on. "I really don't relish doing these sorts of things, but it has to be done."

Urith could feel the heat against his stomach. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you put the hot object on my skin rather than on a box?"

The man smirked. "Well, you don't know the Inquisition then. The rats have no way to escape the heat. The glass is too thick for them to break or scratch out of. Your stomach, on the other hand…isn't."

The realization of what the man was doing hit Urith like a train. "No! Don't! They'll kill me then!"

"You have the power to stop this Detective. Just tell me what I want and I'll remove the heat source and the box."

Urith looked around. "Fine! You win! Take that heater off before they start digging!"

The man smirked. Turning the heater off, he looked at Urith. "So, start talking."

"The critical piece of evidence was forged. The police were desperate to get a conviction, but the evidence was all circumstantial. The man was guilty, we all knew it, but without that piece, it was impossible to get a conviction. It worked and he got a life sentence. That's the 'big secret' about the case."

"I see. Thank you, Detective."

"Now let me go!"

The man stood up and sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do that."

"What?! Why?!"

The man turned back around and faced Urith. "You'll blab your mouth to the police, have them cover their steps, and that's something I just can't do. It's a shame, really." The man walked over to the box and turned the heater back on. "I'm so sorry, but your eternal silence is needed."

"No! You told me you'd take the box off if I told you!"

"I lied. The Inquisition also told lies to their victims in hopes of getting confessions or conversions."

The man started packing his belongings up. "Don't worry, your body will be found…or what's left of it. There is a business who will be touring this building in hopes of setting up a new factory. They'll be in for a gory surprise though. Half eaten organs, paths the rats will dig through their body. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a pile or two of vomit from the sight."

Picking up his briefcase, the man started walking out. "Be a doll and not scream when the rats begin to dig. I'd rather have a peaceful walk to my car."

The man gave Urith a wicked grin. "Goodbye, Detective. I'll see you in hell."

The man walked out of the room and down the steps. Half way down the building, Urith's screams penetrated his body. "Ah, they must have started digging. Exquisite."

The blood curdling screams continued as the man walked away from the building and into his car. Turning on the engine, he could still hear his screams. Slightly tapping his horn, the man gave a slight nod to the building. "It was nice getting to know you Detective."

Phoenix yawned and stretched as he sat up from his chair, trying to get the blood circulating. Walking out of the office, he spotted Athena and Apollo staring at the table, a game of chess in progress. "You two are playing ch—"

Both Athena and Apollo shushed Phoenix. Apollo took the bishop and moved him a few spots diagonally. Athena smiled and moved the knight. "Checkmate Apollo."

"No no. That's not checkmate." Apollo stared at the board for a few seconds before sighing. "Checkmate…"

Athena extended her hand. "Good game Apollo."

Apollo shook her hand. "Yeah…it was."

Phoenix cleared his throat. "Am I allowed to speak now?"

Athena nodded. "Yep! We just didn't need your voice ruining our concentration."

Widget chimed in. "Concentration is key in chess!"

Apollo shook his head. "Athena seems to be a mind reader, already having strategies against moves I haven't even made yet."

Phoenix laughed. "Well, she is an expert at psychology…so it doesn't surprise me."

Phoenix heard his office phone ring. "I'll be right back."

Walking back into his office, he picked the phone up. "Wright Anything Agency, this is Phoenix Wright, who am I speaking to?"

"You're speaking to me, Pal."

"Ah, Detective Gumshoe, what a surprise. Why are you calling me?"

"It's bad here Pal…real bad. He couldn't have done it! He just couldn't have!"

"Woah! Calm down there Detective. What happened?"

"Well, this morning, a couple of business owners walked into an abandoned building, hoping to scout it out and see if it'll be useful in making a factory. However, when they got to the fourth floor…they found a grisly sight. To top it off, the Chief is claiming that one of my underlings committed this atrocious crime!"

"What crime was it?"

"A murder Pal. A murder of one of our own."

"A policeman was killed?"

"Yeah…he was. He was the Chief's right hand man too."

"How did he die?"

"That…you'll learn later. Anyways, I told him about you and he wants you to represent him in court."

"By 'him' I assume your underling?"

"Exactly! Anyways, just get over to the Detention Center now!" The line went dead.

Phoenix sighed and put on his usual blue suit. Walking out of the office, he pointed to Athena. "Athena, you're with me. We're going to the Detention Center."

Athena jumped up. "Alright! Finally some action!"

Apollo sighed. "Why her and not me?"

"You were with me last case. It's her turn this time."

Apollo nodded. "Alright…I guess I'll keep an eye on the office while you're gone."

"Thanks Apollo!"