Uppertale is not dead.

I'm sorry. I haven't written anything since June or so, and let me tell you why. Uppertale was essentially crushed under its own weight. Let me explain.

When I asked for OC submissions, I expected to get a good handful of characters. Fifteen, maybe twenty at the most. Certainly not very many. I was dead wrong. I got somewhere around 175 different characters submitted, blowing up my email inbox and flooding my private messages. At first, I was thrilled. I was so glad to have started something that so many cared about. I began to select some of my favorites and write short introductory chapters for them. It was fantastic.

But it didn't last.

As more and more characters flooded in, I began losing track of them. Screenshots of their bios were scatttered throughout my phone's photos, and I began mixing up some of the characters. I started to worry about portraying some of the students in a different way than the creators intended. And everything fell apart.

I had bitten off more than I could chew.

So here's the deal. Uppertale is making its return. But it will need to change. The last four chapters should be regarded as non-canon. I will not delete them, as I feel it would be wrong to disregard this event entirely. But let's go back to Undyne taking off with Mad Dummy to find a job, and keep the three students we met in our memory.

Once again, I'm sorry.