A/N: fluffy little fic inspired by the song "What You Don't Do" by Llanne La havas.

"Do you ever wish that I did things like that, Emma?" Killian asked her as they sat cuddled together on the couch watching the final moments of the newest red-box rom com. On the screen the hero had stopped traffic in the middle of Manhattan and stood on the roof of his car to declare his love for the girl.

"Because I would. I feel on the verge of such displays more than I likely should, Swan."

"As fun as it would be to watch you a, try to drive a car through downtown New York, and b climb onto the roof without slipping, no I don't want that." She snuggled down closer into her staked out spot, right against his chest.

"Too embarrassing for you, love?" His smile turned up to one side as the two intertwined their fingers. His jesting tone brought a smile to her eyes too.

"More like too cheesy. This movie isn't us." She looked up at his eyes, which though still amused held that hint of question that made the depths of their blue shine just a little brighter. To head him off from responding she stole a quick kiss and as he made to fully engage she pulled back a bit breathless. Still close to his face she continued.

"What we have is real. I see your love for me in everything that you do and in who we are together. We've gone through hell and back and every time, at every step you are what I want and what I need. There's no need for grand gestures. You don't need to show it, I already know that you love me in every realm in any time."

The shine from his curiosity melted into the warmth of love before heating into desire. He pulled her closer, and showed her exactly how much he loved her. There was no audience and no predictable script, because their life was anything but predictable. But there were all the promises and all the meaning that every person who longs for romance dreams of. In his kiss there was professions of love and a needed reminder that he was here and he was hers, just as she was his.

When he pulled away this time, her clear want for more brought forth his cocky grin and the twinkle in his eyes once more.

"Still think I don't need to show you, love?"

"Nope. You proved me wrong. Show me again." She pulled his head back down to her and tried to move things faster. With a quick and fluid motion though, she found herself in his arms and carried off into their bedroom.


I know what I got and I know where we're going

You don't need to show it, I already know it all.

It's what you don't do, it's what you don't say

I know you love me I don't need proof.

It's what you don't do, the games you don't play

I know you love me, I don't need proof.